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35 projets européens trouvés

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GoGreen Dalmatia- Nature protection & sustainable development in Dalmatia

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Association Sunce is a non-profit organisation from Split, committed to the protection of nature and environment in Croatia. Our aim is conservation of nature and environment as fundamental values of society, and acceptable management of natural resources by application of sustainable development. Main areas of our work are protected areas and Natura 2000 management, sustainable tourism, sustainab...
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" Identity Human! "

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017,

"Identity: HUMAN" is a training course made by youth workers for youth workers. It is a result and the continuation of the continuous action of our organization at the field of Human Rights and Social Inclusion. Refugees crisis couldn't let us untouched. ""Identity: HUMAN" aims to train and educate youth workers in order to be able to fight inequality and discrimination against the refugees and ...
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Ace it! Organizational Management in a Nutshell

Date du début: 15 juin 2016, Date de fin: 14 févr. 2017,

“Ace it! Organizational Management in a Nutshell” is a training course that will take place in Zlín, Czech Republic from 8th to 15th October 2016. It will involve a total of 35 people (including 2 trainers and 3 support staff) from 10 European countries (CZ, IT, LT, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, TR, UK) for 8 days of activities on organizational management and the development of skills useful for managing y...
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Non formal education 2020 challenges and opportunities

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

Youth Business Network , an informal group based in Komotini Greece is organizing a training and networking course related to the challenges and the opportunities of Non Formal Education called ‘Non Formal Education 2020 ,challenges and opportunities ‘ that will be organized in Piraeus . The program lasts for seven full days will arrival day on 12th of December 2016 and departure day , 189th of D...
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Let's make the "right(s)" communication

Date du début: 1 févr. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

Training course ‘Let’s make the "right(s)" communication’ aims to provide the participants an opportunity to gain deeper understanding of human rights, particularly human rights of children and youth, who are one of the most vulnerable group. Moreover, through the training course aims to increase the competencies of youth organizations and youth workers to advocate for human rights and mainstream ...
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KUD Plac in Action

Date du début: 10 mai 2015, Date de fin: 9 sept. 2016,

The project aims to help a small town, located on the border with Croatia, to develop a good destination image for future tourists visiting the area and to promote and offer a variety of quality local products to the consumers. We are also striving to put forward our cultural uniqness as a community of historicaly mixed slavic population coming mostly from the ex-yugoslavia area, with strong Balka...
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Gender Talks

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Training course ‘Gender Talks’ applied by Danish organization Indvandrer TV (ITV) and host by Macedonian organization Volunteers Centre Skopje in Struga, Macedonia from 5 to 12 April 2016 aims to increase competencies of the participants to apply various media tools in their practices and tackle gender issue appealing for their countries and communities. Through the project activities 34 participa...
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YE Sending Hope 2

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

YE will include 25 participants and leaders from Slovenia , Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia and Romania that would be creating postcards on the theme of raising awareness for human rights and social inclusion of minority groups, and raising awareness for their inclusion in everyday life. The participants we expect to have would be comprised of mixed groups including Roma people and young people with...
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Soul Connection Estonia

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

The Youth Exchange Soul Connection Estonia would blend folklore dances from different parts of Europe, (Baltic and Balkan countries ). Participants would teach each other traditional dances, sharing culture, and learning new dancing steps as tools for intercultural learning. The youth exchange is designed to blend groups, so each participant to be able to learn traditional dances from all countrie...
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No tengas miedo de nada. Don´t be afraid of anything

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2016,

Nearly two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, publics of former Iron Curtain countries generally look back approvingly at the collapse of communism. Majorities of people in most former Soviet republics and Eastern European countries endorse the emergence of multiparty systems and a free market economy. However, the initial widespread enthusiasm about these changes has dimmed in most of the...
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Today’s special: Europe

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2016,

„Today’s special: Europe” was an educational – cultural project. The main purpose of the project was the integration of youth from all over the Europe, building their identity as a young Europeans – members of the community, which is diverse, but striving for common goals and creating their own social awareness. The main topic of the project was a culinary heritage of participating European countr...
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Equal Inclusion for a Gold Future

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2016,

The TC was held 21-28 October 2015 in Porto, Portugal. TC gather 30 participants + 2 trainers, 1 facilitator and 2 support staff from 10 countries: Portugal, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Latvia, Spain, Bulgaria, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Greece. Social exclusion is a major social problem of our time, which has replaced the "old notions of" poverty and marginalization. Social exclusion is of...
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The Voice of Generation Y

Date du début: 18 mai 2015, Date de fin: 17 févr. 2016,

"The Voice of Generation Y"is a mobility project which intends to bring together youth workers and facilitators in order to combine new aspects in peace building and conflict management by using coaching techniques and Non-Violent Communication as a methodology. The title of the project metaphorically describes the generation which is always "loud" and open for the changes, which is freedom-seek...
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Youth for Europe

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

We are convinced that ideas, experience and knowledge of young people are crucial part of development of each society. Only permanent education and sharing information, along with positive personal attitudes and active approach can result in creating stable synergy of all relevant factors within society and lead to social change. In order to build modern european society it is important to encoura...
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Youth Magazine VOICES

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

The main aim of this EVS project was to bring together and give positive cooperation experience to young people coming from different cultural and social backgrounds. Volunteer from Slovenia worked 12 months in Skopje, Macedonia, and cooperated with local volunteers and more experienced international volunteers in the creation of magazine for young people from Skopje in Macedonian, Albanian and En...
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Support Opportunities For Training Skills

Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2015,

Support Opportunities For Training Skills - is an activity which will bring together 27 participants from 9 European countries. The training will be held in Pistoia, Italy for 8 working days. Participants background is: Youth workers, project managers, activists, volunteers who are engaged and active in each partner organization. We have agreed with our partners that participants should be activis...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

Contact making event called ProManagment brought together to Pi?czów in between 26.08-1.09 2015, 24 experienced leaders, trainers, youth workers, project managers from Albania, Bosnia& Herzcegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Croatia, Portugal, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia. The main aim was to develop the quality projects for youth activities and the capability of NGOs in the field...
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How to Make the World a Better Place

Date du début: 30 avr. 2015, Date de fin: 29 oct. 2015,

At a time when some of the major concerns are the sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy habits in young people, it becomes essential to work these issues through non-formal methods. So, came the idea of promoting the youth to engage in sports and a healthier diet through fun activities and using other youth as a means of promotion. Our participants will be trained through workshops and experience sha...
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Enter to Exit mode in Employability

Date du début: 28 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

“Enter to Exit mode in Employability” was a training course addressed to youth workers and youth activists that was implemented in Larnaca, Cyprus between 21th to 28th of June and involved 31 participants and 4 staff consisting of trainers and support from 9 EU countries for 7 days of activities. Soft skills as personal attributes that enhance a young people’s various qualities in terms of effe...
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Put It On the Map - Začrtaj V Zemljevid

Date du début: 1 mars 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2015,

"Put It On the Map" is a multilateral, international youth exchange held between 17-25 of April 2015 in Metlika, Slovenia. 36 youngsters with fever opportunities, unemployed, creative artists, designers, painters, youth workers from Portugal, Poland, Romania, Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia will have a great chance to create a unique artistic city map, and on it point out local companie...
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Be Sustainable, Be Cool

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2014,

The project „Be Sustainable, Be Cool“ will last for three months (123 days), from August till December 2014 while the six-day activities will be held at the end of September (September 23rd till 28th, 2014) in the village Rukavac on the Vis Island. The project includes Croatia as the host country and 4 partner countries : Italy, Slovenia, Macedonia and Latvia. Four young participants (18-25 years...
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Healthy Spirit - Harmonised World ali Zdrav duh v zdravem svetu

Date du début: 4 août 2014, Date de fin: 4 nov. 2014,

The main objective of the project is to work between generation difficulties and to learn how to be “naturised”, living in the harmony with nature. Getting to know which wild plants are edible, prepare meals from it, making natural soap and create a playground. The final outcome will be creating a minibook with herbarium and recipes for meals made from wild plants which will indicate what kind of ...
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Date du début: 1 août 2013,

EEG will host the "EMPLOYED IS COOL - EPIC", and within eight days of this youth exchange, which will take place on eco-touristic mountain Rudnik near town of Gornji Milanovac, the participants will be encouraged to take part in different non-formal activities, and through them they will learn more about main theme of this exchange which is: youth unemployment and job opportunities on regarding on...
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Date du début: 1 août 2012,

"Recycled theatre" is a project to be realized in Kragujevac (SRB) which, asking for youth participation, would like to underline and help improving the conditions of groups of elders long-term unemployed and refugees/displaced persons living in Kragujevac, realizing activities which are in line with the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. The participants' groups (...
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More Greenery More Health

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013,

The Youth Exchange "More greenery - More health" will connect 36 young people coming from Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Slovenia and Lithuania. For all of the participants coming from different European cultures the YE will be great opportunity to encourage the development of “green skills” and healthy behaviors among young people. The exchange will begin on 15th of April in m...
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Say YES to Rural Development

Date du début: 1 mars 2012,

Say YES to Rural Development is youth exchange with main aim to increase ecological awareness of the participants as their knowledge about rural development and eco-tourism. Within nine days youth exchange the participants will be encourage to take part in different non-formal activities and through them to get to know more about different ecological issues as protection of nature, using alterna...
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I don't know - I will ask

Date du début: 1 août 2012,

Project is based on development of communication skills, cooperation, dealing with prejudices, differences, with own power and responsibilities. Main goal of the exchange is: introduction in basic concepts of non-violent communication, its application in everyday events and new approach. Participants will learn how to take responsibility, and how to use their own power. Necessary element for devel...
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MINORITY - Wake Up - Let`s Be Active

Date du début: 1 août 2012,

People coming from minority backgrounds are facing many prejudices, stereotypes. The source of this behavior we can find in fact that the society is not aware of minority issues and has no information about the lives of people coming from minority backgrounds. Lack of information can very easily lead to misunderstandings and potential conflicts.To change the perception of majority as life conditio...
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TC - La Ignorancia Tiene Cura, Inclúyete

Date du début: 1 juin 2013,

En estos tiempos complejos para Europa, la empleabilidad de los jóvenes es una preocupación vital ya que muchos países se enfrentan a altas tasas de desempleo juvenil. Con este proyecto queremos responder a las presiones y desafíos actuales de desempleo juvenil, a través del refuerzo del sector civil, mejorando las habilidades de los jóvenes y sus expectativas y ofreciendo nuevas posibilidades de ...
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The steps for a chance

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

YE ''The steps for a chance'' is designed for youth workers in order to introduce them with personal branding tools that can be helpful as one of the approaches in work with young job-seekers. This branding tools will be presented to wider audience via theatre. Personal branding is the process of clear and consistent communication of one's unique skills and passions and how they are used to solve ...
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My life - My Story

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

The Youth Exchange My life-My story is designed for multicultural learning through team-work. During the 10 days of the exchange, participants would have few practical lessons of creating and coining a short movie script, planning the scenes on paper, filming the designed scenes and the final editing of filmed material. However, that would only be the technical part of the youth exchange. The proj...
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YE The taste of sound

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

Poverty and marginalization are the Europe top priorities in YiA and also in the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The YE “The taste of sound” is a project dealing with dance choreography as a tool for expression of one’s opinion on a given matter.The aim of this youth exchange would be to draw a choreography picture about how young people see poverty and marginaliz...
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The youth exchange “BEST- Be Entertaining For Social Transformation” will be in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in May 2014, and will include 45 youngsters from 9 countries from EU and SEE: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia,Poland, Italy, Romania, Albania, Slovenia and Turkey.For 9 days (including the travel days) the participants will have the chance to meet with other pee...
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Write Now!

Date du début: 1 mars 2014,

Main aim of the youth exchange "Write Now!" is to encourage social innovations through developing social capital and giving young people tools and knowledge that would help to make their voices louder. Through series of creative writing and mixed art exercises participants will increase their self-awareness, expand abilities, explore their own living environments, build connections with people and...
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TC no lo sé, no me importa

Date du début: 1 juin 2013,

El curso de capacitación TC "Yo no lo sé, y no me importa", tendrá lugar en Madrid España, del 8 al 15 de Julio de 2013. La participación en este proyecto se llevará a 34 jóvenes trabajadores de 14 países. La organización anfitriona de este curso de formación es ADEFIS JUVENTUD INTERNACIONAL. Se va a realizar en Las Rozas de Madrid (España)El objetivo principal del curso de formación es proporci...
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