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PORT-Cities: Integrating Sustainability (PORTIS)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2020,

Port Cities can be seen as multidimensional laboratories where challenges connected with urban mobility are more complex due to the dual system of gravity centre: the city, the port, not to mention their shared hinterland.These peculiarities are at once a challenge and an opportunity, as they provide scope for planning, researching and implementing integrated mobility solutions in distinctively co ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2019,

The purpose of the project LABOURGAMES is to scrutinize the dichotomy between work and play. The project’s overall objective is to generate new perspectives on the current labour system in Europe in a playful way by creating both, self-developed games and an in-depth investigation on game mechanics in the world of work.The project is comprised of five consecutive components: RESEARCH, GAME JAMS, G ...
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Intrercultural Skills and Learning Activities for New Development

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2019,

The project will ensure that teachers are trained as intercultural mediators, to better understand the cultural issues that foreigners bring with them and become able to effectively transmit the elements of the host culture, a fundamental step to ensure the effectiveness of intercultural communication, knowledge and skill. Intercultural learning is of great importance, due to the movement of migra ...
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EFD zur Verbesserung der Situation benachteiligter Kinder und Jugendlicher

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

For the NGO ijgd voluntary services are a tool to achieve a better understanding for responsibilities of the participants for the society and to broaden their scope of action.In this way the European Voluntary service can strengthen their sense of European citizenship and the democratic development in Europe. Additionally the commitment of the volunteers will increase the perspective of the disadv ...
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The 3Ccar project will provide highly integrated ECS Components for Complexity Control in thereby affordable electrified cars. The new semiconductors for Complexity management (Control, reduction) will offer the next level of energy efficiency in transportation systems.3Ccar’s impact is maximizing pragmatic strategy: Use semiconductor technology innovations to manage functionality & complexity inc ...
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Europäischer Freiwilligendienst in sozialen Einrichtungen Berlins

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2018,

"European Voluntary Service in social facilities in Berlin" is a project of the Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste (ijgd), which isthe coordinating and supporting voluntary organisation in the EVS.A group of all together 18 volunteers (this application includes 2 of them) from all over Europe are active in hosting NGOs whowork in the social field. The focus of the engagment is work with chi ...
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Concordia is a national community group / association that promotes mobility and volonteering. The regional delegation from Midi-Pyrénées started to develop projects in 2015 in the Higher Pyrenees and more precisely in Haute Bigorre with the organisation of an international work project of young volonteers during the summer.For several months, we have participated in building up a network of struc ...
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The project "How to read the urban and media spaces: understand the information and produce it consciously" is a cooperation between the Autodidaktische Initiative e.V. (ADI) from Leipzig (Germany) with the Alternative V from Kiev (Ukraine). In the framework of the project two volunteers from Kiev will organize a series of events in the format of workshops, tailored to needs of young people from L ...
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Promotion et communication des projets européens

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018,

We daily run various projects for the youth with, among all the objectives, to make them discover new culture. This happen mostly during summer with our international workcamps and also during ou european project involving people from various countries.We want to allow a volunteer from abroad to be a part of our organization, to get involved in our projects and share the culture. All this to get a ...
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Serve. Experience. Learn

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018,

People living in social exclusion, children living at risk or foster houses, social isolation of people and children with mental disabilities, limited possibilities of old people’s communities, intolerance among different national minorities, stray animals – these are some of the many severe and painful social problems in a nowadays Lithuanian society. Modern society of ours has created many forms ...
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Words Matter

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

We want to improve our work quality through words. We want to develop related tools and gain competences that can drive us into a higher level of youth work. A level that is attractive, persuasive, fair, accurate and noticeable for young people. Youth interaction is one of the toughest elements of our work. We all have been there; we all had coaches, mentors, role models, educators and peers that ...
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EVS - Assistant to Eid Frivilligsentral

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017,

...many, Ukraine and Hungary. European partners in the prosject are Armenian Progressive Youth, Armenia, Jugendwerk der AWO Wuerttemberg e.V., Germany, All-Ukrainian Association for Youth Co-operation Alternative-V, Ukraine og Fiatalok a Vidékért Egyesület, Hungary. The project lasts for 12 months from 25.08.2016 - 24.08.2017. The total duration of the project is 16 months in case the activity nee ...
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Jewish life for young and old

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017, sending organisation mu-zee-um, a young man from northern ireland, represented by the SO Bryson Charitable Group, as well as a young man from Ukraine, represented by the sending organisation AUAYC Alternative-V. The coordinating organisation of the overall project is Masorti e.V.The tasks of the two volunteers in the hosting organisation Masorti e.V. consist in the assistance with the child car ...
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Le Créneau 2016

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

Le Créneau is a youth association and community education founded in 1993 and headquartered in Montcombroux-les-Mines (Allier northeast) within the country Vichy-Auvergne.It has two major objectives:- To develop actions related to the anchorage area (Allier) and contribute to its revitalization: youth volunteer projects, educational workshops in schools, inter-associative cultural events, discover ...
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Bateleurs 2016

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

The Maison des Bateleurs is the regional branch of Solidarités Jeunesses in Poitou Charentes. The project aims to give opportunities to volunteers to discover social diversity, intercultural experience, collective work and life as implemented at the Maison des Bateleurs.The Maison des Bateleurs is an open house that gives opportunities to the hosted young people to discover others, collective life ...
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Volunteering for Inclusion

Date du début: 1 févr. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

Volunteering for Inclusion project is a long term EVS hosting project involving 6 volunteers from Belarus, Ukraine, Hungary, Greece, Spain and Slovenia which will take place in Rome, Italy. Main themes of the project are disability and inclusion as Sezione Laziale della UILDM ONLUS works with and for people with neuromuscular diseases and physical disabilities.The objectives of the project are to: ...
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Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

The project "work with children and youngsters" has three receiving organization, which will host 5 volunteers. The volunteers have to be - at least - 20 years old.Part of the organiszation are "Youth Leasure Work" and "Social work in schools" in Blaustein. That will be the place where the volunteer is working. These are places where we are working with kids in the age of 7 till 14 and where we al ...
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Digital skills and tools for Young Female Entrepreneurs

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

The PROJECT contributes to the efforts for reduction of youth unemployment specially among women and for recognition and certification of skills developed in environments of non -formal and informal training/education that can be adapted to different work needs and environments. Through the production of a structured product Digi Fem accompanied by MOOC courses, women will be enhanced to start up ...
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Štiavnica pre dobrovoľníkov, dobrovoľníci pre Štiavnicu

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Foundation Baden-Powell was created to support the Scout Movement in Slovakia. NBP has bought a historic building in the UNESCO town Banská Stiavnica, where it builds and operates scout house and hostel and campsite in the surrounding mountains. Members of the organization are based on the Scout values based on volunteering and activism, therefore, came to be involved in the rescue of the beautif ...
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Volunteering in Environmental Education and Conservation

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Kapraluv Mlyn Scout Environmental Education Centre is a modern eco-centre situated in the unique environment of the Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area. The natural world of caves and varied habitat enables exciting first-hand experience of nature for children and youth. The Centre itself serves as a model of eco-friendly operation and provides educational programmes for schools and NGOs. In i ...
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REELCOOP stands for REnewable ELectricity COOPeration, and will address 5 areas: photovoltaics (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP), solar thermal (ST), bioenergy and grid integration. REELCOOP will develop decentralised (distributed) building integrated PV systems and ST/biomass micro-cogeneration systems, as well as centralised generation of electricity in hybrid solar/biomass power plants. This ...
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PlaNET Social Entreprise

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2017,

CORE IDEAThis youth initiative was established in order to promote entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young people in one of the region with highest unemployment rate (34%) in south Slovakia, putting entrepreneurship ideas into practice with a view to tackling challenges and problems identified within their communities.OBJECTIVES1. To encourage active social entrepreneurs ...
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Acting through Games

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2017,

The project will consist of 2 parts - Advanced Planning visit for youth leaders to be held in September 2016 in Costesti, Moldova and youth exchange itself. The youth exchange will take place in between 11-16 of November 2016 in Costesti, Moldova. An international group of 45 young people including group leaders from 6 EU countries – Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Bulgaria and Estonia and fro ...
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Formare antreprenoriala pentru integrare sociala (FANIs)

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2017,

Based on the identified need to complement the entrepreneurship training curriculum existing now in Romania, quite unsatisfactory in developing entrepreneurial attitudes, but also in covering essential practical aspects such as providing mentoring and support for start-ups, the project aims to develop and implement a viable alternative by adapting and then delivering in Romania the course Promoti ...
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Creative living

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2017,

Creative living project promotes a number of values of the European Union, through the activities in the field of culture and arts. Volunteers in our center have an excellent opportunity to learn to work with young people. Within the work they will get experience in different fields of work, implementing activities in the field of youth work (assistance in the preparation of various workshops for ...
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The Light and Shadow Theatre Project

Date du début: 11 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 10 juil. 2017,

Imagine a dark theatre room full of enthusiasm and lights and shadows on the stage - a theatre performance of an international crew of volunteers learning to communicate in a meaningful way and giving their example to youth in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. This is a frame of the project's vision: to create a visual theatre as a cultural and educational context for a meaningful communication and a deeper w ...
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As an organization of civil society that responds to the challenges of society and its needs, A.I.D. because of the socioeconomical crisis prevailing in Greece, feels the debt to help to alleviate the problem with immigrants and refugees, by designing integration interventions especially for migrant women - refugees because they are a minority inside a minority that its needs are neglected.Adult ...
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Open Space for Migrations

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

Open Space for Migrations is project that is dealing with current Europe, its changes and challenges, consequences of radical politics in the regions of Middle East and Eastern Africa, war and its consequences and the role of International Voluntary Service today. As a movement that was initiated after the First World War in order to repair the broken Europe, to fight prejudices and stereotypes an ...
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SEE - Sample EU Entrepreneurs

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The training course SEE will gather 33 participants from 11 different countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy, Portugal, Spain,UK, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraina, Israel) in October 2016 in the Czech Republic around the themes: youth (un)employment, empowerment of young people, youth entrepreneurship and mobility. The training will allow focusing on the emergency of providing necessary entr ...
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Alternative educaționale prin utilizarea TIC

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

A. THE CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT Educational Alternatives Association Vrancea has the strategic advantage of the trainers with great experience and expertise in teachers training, including competencies developed by graduating courses in the former LLP, but our staff and collaborators have limited competencies and expertise in using ICT tools (Social Media, Curation, web 2.0.) in teachers’ training a ...
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Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

Objectives of project: The projects name is “Developing thinking skills through cultural traditions” As its name implies the main objective of the project is to enter into the curriculum the use of thinking skills strategies. During the course the participants will be learning about these strategies while putting them in practice when learning about cultural traditions. The teachers will adopt the ...
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Assis au bord du monde

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017,

This project prepares a meeting between 25 young people coming from four different countries. The aim of the project is to exchange their daily practices regarding to eco-solidarity behaviour. From the 27th of July to the 14th of August the participants will take a step back from their ordinary behaviour and from their eco-solidarity facing the world problems. In order to achieve this, we will cr ...
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Overcome Obstacles by Volunteering

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

... be volunteer, who want to transfer local volunteering experience to an international area and multicultural learning field.Please see below the project partners and activity dates of the project:A1) Alternative-V - Kiev, Ukrain will host (2+2) totaly 4 volunteers in activities which will start in September and November. A2) FOCUS - Pazardzhik, Bulgaria will host (2+2) totaly 4 volunteers in activ ...
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Europäischer Freiwilligendienst in sozialen Einrichtungen Berlins

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

European Voluntary Service in social facilities in Berlin is a project of the Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste (ijgd), which is the coordinating and supporting voluntary organisation in the EVS. A group of all together 15-20 volunteers (this application includes 3 of them) from all over Europe are active in hosting NGOs who work in the social field. The focus of the engagment is work wit ...
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Better Together: Volunteering as a Tool for Social Inclusion

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

"Better Together: Volunteering as a Tool for Social Inclusion" is a multi-activity project organised by ijgd. The main aim of the project is to train youth leaders to go deeper in European Citizenship education with focus on inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities and particularly migrants and refugees who are facing great social, economical and cultural obstacles. Firt of the activities, the ...
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Living & sharing

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017,

The project “Caring & sharing” is a an individual EVS and involves for 12 months two volunteers, one from Hungary and one from Ukraine, in activities with children and teenagers in Naples, south of Italy, as Rinascita Sociale Salam House is a local organisation committed in projects for children and teenagers in the domain of social inclusion. The project addresses the theme of access for disadvan ...
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Drive your life

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017,

"Drive Your Life" is innovative youth exchange project, where 30 young people from Greece, Georgia, Hungary and Ukraine will meet to discuss the importance of knowing The Highway Codes and safe driving. Participants will be youth aged 16-25.Main objectives of the project are to increase knowledge and understanding of danger of ignoring traffic signs. road marking an signals of traffic light and ...
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NGO Skills Lab

Date du début: 1 févr. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017,

Through longterm EVS "NGO skill LAB" that will take place over a course of 12 months, we will support 2 volunteers from Portugal and Poland in their persuit of future careers in a NGO sector. The NGO skill learning is planed as an experiential process, and volunteers will have an opportunity to work on cross-section of regular activities in our organisation.The main objective of the project is to ...
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Get up! Support civil courage campaigns

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017,

Get up! A training course on Civil courage campaigns– Vienna, Austria, 5.-11.6.2016 (incl. Travel days)Countries involved: Austria, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, France, Italy, Finland, Poland, Turkey, UK, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic and EstoniaIn 2015 Grenzenlos was running 2 civil courage trainings targeting EVS mentors and people involved in youth projects. (I can do it! ...
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Stop ignore - better explore

Date du début: 3 août 2016, Date de fin: 2 févr. 2017,

The idea is to explore the traditions of other cultures, that have preserved in each country, through trying them practically – learning dances, songs/music, cooking. To recognize differences and celebrate them as an indicator of national identity of certain culture.Project will gather youth from Latvia, Georgia and Slovakia.Project aim – In international group raise awareness about losing nationa ...
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