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Culture Camp

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

Following the volcanic eruptions 20 years ago, Montserratians were forced to migrate, mainly to the UK. The population dropped from 12,000 to just 2,000 in 2001. Following the earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010, Haitians were forced to migrate and many have settled in Montserrat. In addition poverty has forced people from the Domincan Republic to migrate. As a result of the outward and inward m...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

Our project name is "European Youth Voice" (Avrupa Gençlik Sesi). Our project will include 7 volunteers from Italy,Romania, Spain, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Slovaki. Our project will be performed between the dates 01 September 2016 and 30 April 2018. Our participants will organize youth informations in universites,high schools and the places where many young people come together. Generally ou...
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Ambassadors for Europe

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2018,

We are doing this project to bring European volunteers as ambassadors in the projects of Jena. They are acting as representatives of their country and their culture. So they can then return to their home as ambassadors for Germany and Europe.The objectives of the project are to promote European values, intercultural and religious understanding, promoting European citizenship and peaceful coexisten...
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Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2018,

Moreover, among the concerns of our organization we mention that of developing methodological and innovative solutions useful in educational activities which involve youngsters from the NEET category. In the " VIPs IN ACTION" project we intend to test the methodological solution called "the exercise firm", adapted in the EVS context. Volunteers from Turkey, Spain, France and Italy will act in mixe...
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Steinbeis EVS 16.02

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2018,

The Innovation Centre „European Projects“ - a department of the Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH" - coordinates several EVS hosting projects in the border triangle between Germany, Switzerland and France. Whereas the host organisations provide places with learning opportunities and task related support for European Volunteers the coordinating organisation takes over the administrative preparation and im...
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Geo project

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

The project Geo is a pioneering project at an European level because it does not focus on a concrete sport, or an age or social group in particular. Adopts the territory and his communities as the centre of its action. Geo does not focus on traditional sports, it takes a differentiated approach that puts the individual at the centre of group decision-making process through the use of the new sport...
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Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

Our project is callled Evs New Start also Erasmus + Evs project In this project, Sof Dağı Youth and Sports Club Association from Turkey participates as a sending organization; Asociatia Clubul Sportiv Experienta Multisport,Romania- Geoclube - Associação Juvenil de Ciência Portugal, COJEP International,France-Espírito de Mudança - Associação Juvenil,Portuğal-Fundacja Mobilni Polacy Poland -SEMP...
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Be Leader: EVS in Berlin and Brandenburg

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

The KiEZ Hölzerner See is a recreation center for children and youth in Brandenburg. The Child and Youth Club MAXIM and Oktopus , the networking project M24, Forum Kreuzberg and the Youth Cultural Centre Königstadt are facilities of the district office of Berlin and thus in public ownership . They are open to children and young people without any ethnic , religious, social or political restriction...
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Wind of Peace

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

Canakkale Koza Youth Association, is situated in Canakkale Turkey. The 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli Campaign (1915 - 2015) was a significant commemorative event that was important for all human nation. Tourism to Turkey increased for this important anniversary. Because of this reason, Canakkale is holding the name "city of peace". We want this title and this wind of peace not to finish her...
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Raise Youth with EVS

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

Raise the Youth with the EVS project as including young people with fewer opportunities in the long term EVS project is to strengthen young people and to ensure the active participation of young people in society is a project prepared. In this context, Portugal if the young long-term 6-month periods, Bosnia, they will volunteer in institutions in Romania and in the field of basic youth work projec...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2018,

The AAAMI (Association for the Accompaniement of International Mobility Actions) works in the most difficult suburbs of Echirolles, Pont-de-Claix, Eybens Grenoble and Saint Martin d'hères (South of Grenoble) which are particularly economically disadvantaged, Youngsters are facing many difficulties such as social exclusion, discrimination, low professional insertion and lack of qualifications…Our n...
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EVS in Styria

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2018,

is an association for contemporary art based in Graz and was founded in 1999. Most of the association's activities take place in Graz but it participates in, organises or co-organises projects in Styria, Austria and many other European countries. There is also a particularly strong linkage to the Southeast European area. Contemporary visual art is always the starting point for their programmes, wi...
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Creative youth academy

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2018,

This project is aiming at 21 volunteers from the program countries to do volunteering service on the territory of Razlog Municipality, Bulgaria in the frame of 5 months each. The volunteers will arrive on groups through three different and consistent time periods. For realization of the provisional activities partners from the programme countries was united. Every partner organisation has to send ...
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Bridge of Volunteerism

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018,

Volunteerism and volunteers works are really important for personal development for youngsters. 10 fewer opportunities youngsters will go to Romania, Macedonia, Kosova, Cezch Republic. They will work there as a volunteer. They will work on technology, languages, kids abroad of Turkey. After our project our youngsters can find a job easily.
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EVS is your oyster

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018,

The aim of the project "EVS is your oyster" is to increase knowledge, develop social skills, acquire new skills and shaping and strengthening pro-social attitudes of European young people through the daily work at educational institutions engaged in formal and informal education.9-month work for the organization will help build open-minded attitutes among young people and partner actively involve...
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The project „ European integration – more than crossing borders“ within the European Voluntary Service gives young Europeans and people in Germany an understanding of other cultures and supports their acceptance, tolerance and respectful acquaintance. As the foreign participants will live in Germany for 10 months another aim is acquiring competences to manage daily life abroad, dealing with a fo...
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Young Europeans for Active Citizenship

Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018,

“Young Europeans for Active Citizenship” is a 10 days mobility of young people - Youth exchange, organized by United Societies of Balkans in Kastoria, Greece from 20th to 29th of June 2017 that brings together 56 young people and youth leaders from Greece, Italy, Romania, Turkey, FYROM, Slovakia, Poland, Slovenia and Estonia.The youth exchange explores the concepts of citizenship in general and Eu...
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EVS - Stiftelsen Grobunn, Norway

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

Stiftelsen Grobunn is an ideal establishment that is based on the principles and philosophy of Anthroposophy, the work of educator Dr. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). The volunteers join in the responsibility of being an example for, and an instructor for our mentally handicapped youngsters who range in age from 17 to 25 years old. We have up to 9 students, and up to 9 trainees who are finished with s...
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Care to Make a Difference II

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

In frame of the project Care to Make a Difference II 10 volunteers will volunteer in Estonia for one year and contribute to the local communities in Tallinn, Viljandimaa, Tartumaa, Tõrva, Imastu while working in family centres, substitute homes for children and homes for disabled people.This project is especially directed to supporting people with fewer opportunities as often this target group is ...
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Qualificar a Juventude na Europa

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

Debating on the current humanitarian challenge that Europe is facing when the traditional image of refugees living in refugee camps no longer tells the true story of refugee movements in the 21 century. We are testifying a massive movement of youngsters that are seeking in Europe a new life and in most cases running from war, hunger and destruction and see in Europe a new hope. However bigger chal...
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Auf den Spuren Friedrich Fröbels

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

Our target is to develop recommendations and conceptions with the help of two volunteers to welcome people from other countries in the region “Rudolstadt”. The European Volunteers will take place in the projects for 12 months. One project will be in the “Fröbelschule Cumbach” with a volunteer from Turkey The other project will be in a home for children and youth called "Heilpädagogisches Wohnheim...
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All in the Same Boat - Becoming an Activist Against Hate

Date du début: 31 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2017,

In response to the “refugee-crisis”, reaction of the host communities and the increasing online “hate speech”, this project aims to empower youth workers and youth leaders to identify and prevent hate speech and other possible problems in the communities regarding integration of minorities and youth. The aim of the project is to create a sustainable long-term project, with the duration of one year...
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Culture of Dialogue

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2017,

The project, consisting of two Training Courses, is designed to empower youth workers and active leaders to act for social inclusion and building of social cohesion in their local communities by learning and providing trainings on soft skills related to cultural diversity as a basis of building safe and respectful surroundings for young individuals from different backgrounds.The first event of the...
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International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Brno

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017,

Under the theme “Seeking the heart of Europe”, the International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Brno will bring together 280 young participants from 31 European countries, including local youth from Brno and the Czech Republic. For the majority of participants, this will be the first time experiencing such an international environment and getting directly in touch with decision-makers...
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We (heart) Europe: Educate, Empower, Reconnect!

Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017,

The project planning congresses and the work camp leader trainings 2017 are the last two training activities during the actual ewoca³ phase (2015-2017). 15 trilateral partnerships, including organizations from 17 different countries, will participate. The objectives are qualification and networking of youth workers in an intercultural context. As a long term aim, they shall help to spread and prof...
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Mission Vision

Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017,

This project is a follow up project build by the partnership as a direct result of the successful completion of other youth exchanges. The problems identified in these projects allowed us to build this project with the hope to help more young people learn more about the European System, the European democratic system and the importance of active citizenship and active participation of youth in po...
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CSC Europa

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

The project will take place in Santiago de Compostela during 10 months, from 1st of October 2016 to 31st of July 2017, across the cooperation of Germany, Austria, Croatia, Denmark, Turkey and Spain.Host organizations are cultural centers that the city of Santiago offers to citizens in different neighborhoods of Santiago de Compostela. All of them intended to provide different artistic, cultural an...
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Brīvprātīgais darbs Tukuma novadam II

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

European voluntary service Project „Volunteering for Tukums Region II” will be implemented in Tukums Region, Latvia by 8 partner organizations and 4 volunteers from the Great Britain, Turkey, Georgia and Germany. Duration of the project will be 15 months starting from 1 August 2016 till 31 October 2017. The aim of the project is to promote voluntary work as value of civic society promoting partici...
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We have rights, now let's be human!

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

Nowadays the refugee an integration problem is very sensitive all around Europe. In 2015 around 1 million refugees arrived in Europe by sea (source: UNHCR) and the number is increasing month by month. This crisis had effect not just economically and politically speaking, but also it created negative attitudes against refugees from different countries. The main reasons for negative attitude are lac...
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While the European Union tends to focus nowadays on the aims of active citizenship, citizens’ debates and the acceptance of diversity, equality and unity values to face those societal challenges, we consider that educating and raising awareness amongst all young people is a fundamental step to accompany them to become fully aware active citizens. The EYP-France has created a non-formal education p...
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Young Shapers of Tomorrow

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

“Young Shapers of Tomorrow” is a two-stage international youth exchange project which aims to gather 32 young people from 4 countries (Italy, Armenia, Georgia and Turkey) and empower them with entrepreneurial attitudes and mindset.Unemployment has been identified as a big concern in Europe and beyond. Today’s world is marked by widespread focus on economic development, technological advancement an...
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Social Entrepreneurship Lab

Date du début: 30 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2017,

“Social Entrepreneurship Lab” is a two-stage international youth exchange project which aims to gather 32 young people from 4 countries (Italy, Armenia, Georgia and Turkey) and empower them with social entrepreneurial attitudes and mindset.Over the past two decades, the citizen sector has discovered what the business sector learned long ago: There is nothing as powerful as a new idea in the hands ...
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Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

The project "work with children and youngsters" has three receiving organization, which will host 5 volunteers. The volunteers have to be - at least - 20 years old.Part of the organiszation are "Youth Leasure Work" and "Social work in schools" in Blaustein. That will be the place where the volunteer is working. These are places where we are working with kids in the age of 7 till 14 and where we al...
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Respecting Diversities Building Societies

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

1. BACKGROUND-The need for this project came out from the recent migration crisis and influx of refugees and migrants which grew extremely within the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Balkan route. Negative trends (hate speech, racism, violent attacks) imposed from completely wrong perception of migrations started to produce unrealistic picture of people fleeing from war torn countries on the cont...
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Keep Calm and Love Culture

Date du début: 15 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 14 sept. 2017,

Keep Calm and Love Culture is a youth Project within Erasmus+ Program/ Key Action 1 that implies the implementation of 2 transfrontalier volunteering mobilities covering 7 months each. They will be hosted in the city of Arad/ Romania. The participants are 16 youngsters from Bulgaria, Italy, Spain and Turkey. Among them we have selected a number of 8 EVS volunteers with fewer opportunities (‘Econom...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 1 sept. 2017,

The Future is in My Hands Project was prepared with the intention to include the disadvantaged young individuals into society. Project uses different activities such as sports, hand crafts, social events and dance to achieve its goal. With the assistance of those activities the Project, which is already turning 5 years old, offers opportunities of education, shelter, health care, food and employ...
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"EUrope with(out) borders?"

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

"EUrope with(out) borders?" is a project about discrimination, prejudice and intolerance. Its aims are to support youth organizations and professionals working in areas in which the phenomena of intolerance and discrimination are on the rise or just with young people who are the first victims of these phenomena to improve their skills in a general framework for the promotion of fundamental Europ...
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International Session in Trondheim

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Trondheim will bring together 280 young participants from 27 European countries, including local youth from Trondheim and Norway. The theme highlights the impact events like this can have on participants, as well as on their direct and indirect environment. During eight working days, the event will create a unique parliamentary simulati...
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Follow Your Dream

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

"Follow Your Dream” is a European Volunteer Service program, which is part of the Mobilizing Young Generations in Action program, and will be carried out by IASIS NGO in Athens having duration of six months. Ten volunteers will participate between the ages of 18 up 30, coming from Spain, Turkey, Germany, Italy and France.The main goal of the program is to give the opportunity to young people, whic...
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We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. -T. S. EliotWhy this particular project?The project “Redefining European Values” was initiated based on our concerns regarding the future of Europe. It is a conversation that, in our days, keeps coming back into view, a whisper that’s spreading in the crow...
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