Rechercher des projets européens

Mission Vision
Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This project is a follow up project build by the partnership as a direct result of the successful completion of other youth exchanges. The problems identified in these projects allowed us to build this project with the hope to help more young people learn more about the European System, the European democratic system and the importance of active citizenship and active participation of youth in policy and society.We discovered that young people don’t really understand how the EU works, what their place and role in the EU is or should be and what their obligations are or how they can facilitate change in their communities and in the EU. We want to help young people understand the concept of the EU, how it works and how important their role is in the EU. We have chosen sports as a medium to help them understand this concept better. The EU is currently made up of 28 countries, some are major players, but the majority are minorities within the EU and sometimes feel insignificant, with a feeling that they are too weak as countries, either economically or in numbers to have any impact or effect on EU policy. We need to show that every country regardless of how big or small, is a contributor to the EU and plays a vital role in the EU. The objective is to allow the youth to better understand that by being active members of a society and by working together and also contributing to the growth of the EU they can be key players in the EU. The idea is to allow all youth to feel equally important in the EU and in their countries. The project will adopt sports as the medium to simulate the workings of the EU allowing participants to work together in international groups to utilise individual strength to make the groups stronger and also to understand weaknesses so that we can help each other be stronger as a whole.By taking this approach we will understand how the EU works and how we as youth can make a difference by working together for a greater unified EU. Many aspects need to be analysed during the project including cultural differences, local resources and strengths of each country and also the knowledge available in each community. We believe this project is a great way to show young people how to work together and take advantage of the different strengths of each country and person to help them work together just like the EU does.In order to achieve these goals, the activities foreseen for the project are important. As the topic is significant to all the participants we anticipate that all the participants will be extremely active in the project offering as much as they can but also taking back as much as possible. Workshops will be designed to maintain a European dimension as all groups will be made up of at least one person from each country allowing for cultural learning during the workshops. Workshops are designed around the various subjects allowing the participants to discuss the issues and work together to solve problems and share experiences.Role playing will also be used to allow the participants to get another perspective of different problems. This has proven to be very successful as it allows for the participants to see common problems from the viewer’s point of view rather than the actor. This also allows for innovative ways showing problems.Simulations are also done during the project, allowing people to take on roles which are opposite to their real roles. During the simulations the participants will take on roles to re-enact a real situation based on events and problems in the real world. The participants will work together in their different roles to solve problems and to find solutions to these problems. Important here is that the participants take on random roles which add additional learning tools as they need to think and act as the person they are simulating. Using all the above tools and methodologies the participants learn through informal and non-formal methodologies which are real and based on past experiences. As a result we hope to give our participants and our youth a better understanding of the EU system and their importance as citizens of the EU and the importance of their countries in EU family as member states.In addition to learning about the problems the youth will also exchange cultures and traditions and learn about the different cultures from the different countries allowing for better understanding of each other and therefore creating a more unified EU, fighting xenophobia and also discrimination.



11 Participants partenaires