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Key Competences for Re-integration to the Labour Market

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

Long-term unemployment is at record levels in the European Union with nearly half of those out of work jobless for more than a year. These latest figures mean that long-term unemployment in the EU 28 Member States is the highest it has been for at least a decade. Long-term unemployment as a percentage of total unemployment has risen sharply from 33.5 percent in 2009, to 47.5 percent last year. It ...
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The main strategic references of the EU suggest and address the structuring of initiatives to foster entrepreneurial mindsets through education, learning and the development of synergies between education, vocational training and the labour market. In some contexts, such as that of the upper secondary education, we are witnessing a formal take-over of these guidelines. In fact, the curriculum of t ...
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In the European Union, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of the food sector are increasingly under pressure due to developing open markets, increasing demand of standardized and price competitive food products by the consumers, rising importance of large retailers and challenges in obeying governmental regulations. This raises the risk of losing many traditional foods as well as traditional proc ...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

...mployed people of Alcorcon and its surroundings by improving their chances of personal development and employability levels. "ALCORCON EN EUROPA" is promoted by a consortium, coordinated by the Instituto Municipal para el Empleo y la Promoción Económica de Alcorcón -IMEPE, (Local Institution for the Promotion of Employment and Economy) and formed by other entities related to Education, Training an ...
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Equality between women and men is one of the European Union's founding values. It goes back to 1957 when the principle of equal pay for equal work became part of the Treaty of Rome. The European Union's achievements in fostering equality between women and men have helped to change the lives of many European citizens for the better. However, looking closely to the EU statistics, we still see signif ...
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Green Apron reacts to the urgent demand for a Europe-wide food VET specialised in the area of plant-based cuisine. The meat-reduced cuisine is currently experiencing an unprecedented rising tendency. The Eurispes report 2013 shows that in Italy for instance plant-based eaters are 8% ( 6,9 vegetarians 1,1 vegan). In Spain plant-based eaters set the demographics in two millions (4% of the population ...
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The project was based on three assumptions:1. Working biographies are increasingly characterized by changing activities, which may also be seen as gaining a wide range of competencies. Certificates attained in the past do often not provide sufficient information, other competencies are documented insufficiently and somewhat unconsciously especially whenever informal knowledge is concerned.2. Conse ...
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Women Technology Entrepreneurs

Date du début: 1 janv. 2010,

The ICT sector is the major source of new innovations that fuel competitiveness. It is the bedrock of the modern economy and the single most important source of growth accounting for 40% of EU productivity. As career pathways that were 'born digital', technology careers are potentially free of any historic gendered division of labour and women in the technology sector have fared better than in tra ...
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Date du début: 1 janv. 2010,

In the 21st century, individuals should be able to cope with constant changes. Our rapidly changing world causes a large share of its population to be forced into new and challenging working environments, which call for new skills and attitudes. In many European countries, teaching has been geared towards preparing individuals to become lifelong learners by helping them develop learning skills as ...
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Project aim:The proposed project aims to make the linguistic and communicative competences of migrants in Europe visible, thus making their linguistic resources accessible for the migrants themselves, for further education and for the labour market.One major tool to achieve this aim will be materials to extend and adapted the existing versions of the European Language Portfolio (ELP). Rationale: I ...
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Keep employment by developping e-skills.

Date du début: 1 déc. 2007,

Age discrimination underlies many of the difficulties faced by senior workers in thelabour market. The demand for new skills and knowledge places many of them at adisadvantage, as their training earlier in life is likely to be obsolete. Senior workers witha lack of competences face additional barriers in accessing employment and trainingopportunities. To face this disadvantage it is necessary to e ...
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In recent years, countries in the European Union have attached greater importance toacquiring a foreign language at primary school level. Children should come into contactwith the variety of European languages and cultures as early as possible. With anexpanding Europe, this is relevant to their everyday life and will subsequently berelevant to their later professional life. The Primalingua (PL) pr ...
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Roma people in Europe constitute an ethnic/cultural/linguistic group thatsuffers severe discrimination and social exclusion. Studies indicate thatthe Roma population in all EU member states and accession countries isparticularly affected by high unemployment, law quality of life and thedevelopment of delinquent tendencies. Several reasons are quoted ascausing this situation, but the lack of labour ...
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The main objective of the proposal was the construction of a transnational partnership able to adapt and transfer the project «NETWORKING FOR EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SUCCESS. ORGANIZATIONAL MODELS, TOOLS AND METHODOLOGIES» through the comparison-exchange with the initiatives put in action in the different territorial contexts with the aim to improve and develop models and planning meth ...
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As all kinds of vocational trainings simply aim to give opportunity to trainee to "work and earn money", the aim of this project is also to help the target group to work and earn money for their life sustainability. There exist a large number of inactive people with physical disabilities who are potentially "home based workers" or "e-workers", but they need proper and efficient training for this. ...
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The cultural diversity is inevitable in the XXI century society, the migrant movements make Europe more heterogeneous and open, and it demands that the labour market and the enterprises search for the specific value that the diversity gives. The presence of people from other cultures in the labour market has been increased, but no progress has been made in the design and implementation of specific ...
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The impact of the economic crisis on the labour market is a common concern to all European countries. The recession has beaten harder the young people.VOSES project has promoted the entrepreneurial spirit of young people, with the assistance and expertise of retired or near to be volunteering mentors over 50, trough training and mentoring programme, based on:• An Online training course, of 8-9 m ...
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Discrepancies between education, training programs and labour market´s requirements increase the risk of school failure in the vocational technical school from milling and bakery sector because the iVET students have restricted opportunities. While the EU objective for reducing the early school leave rate is 10%, all the partners from this project are dealing with higher rates, Spain 26,5%, Turkey ...
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For women and men to become a parent is an exciting time when they dream of their future having a family and set goals. People with disabilities have also a dream of having their own family. However, the experience of people with intellectual disabilities preparing for adult- and parenthood is often a struggle with service systems and leads them to dependence and a few choices.Objectives:The overa ...
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Roma are the largest ethnic minority group in the EU, and their integration is already a pending issue, as Roma communities continue facing discrimination in accessing education, employment, healthcare and other services. Implementing concrete action to integrate Roma has proven difficult for many countries, as cultural and social differences seem to be a gap difficult to solve, and one of the mai ...
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The aims of the project are: to transfer innovative training and train-the trainer courses in employment-support skills for personal employment advisors, to produce face-to-face, distance learning, and ICT based materials, to incorporate skills for disability employment guidance & case-management, to introduce Practice Standards for disability employment activities.
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In all EU countries disabled people are underrepresented in the working population. Many services offer training and advice to disabled people, some from LdV projects which will be included, but none that create working links between employers and public sector workers to support the employment of disabled people. The project aims• to increase the number of disabled people able to work in suitable ...
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The European Qualifications Framework (EQF)has foreseen that Member States relate their national qualifications systems to the EQF by 2010 and that their qualifications contain a reference to the EQF by 2012. Enabling therefore individuals and employers to use the EQF as a reference tool to compare the qualifications levels of different countries and different vocational training systems.This proj ...
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The project intends to transfer and adapt the results of two projects, which cover the issue of governance of education and training and networking models of mixed-education training. These projects have addressed the issues in question for the reality Lombard. This is update / transfer / adapt research findings to the reality of Sicily and Piedmont. The overall goal of the project is to facilitat ...
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The project "identify strengths" has dealt with the subject of evaluation and visualization of informally acquired skills for the benefit of workers aged 45 and over.The project involved the transfer of innovation of an online tool developed in the project "searched and found" (see The project was based on a special online diagnostics. Its aim was to target not on ...
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Quality assurance is a vital factor for all businesses ensuring sustainability and quality of delivered results. European policies for LLL focus in quality assurance in education and training. In schools and universities, exist common acceptable European quality criteria, indicators and evaluation methodologies. In vocational training, there are developments around European Quality Assurance Refe ...
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Nowadays the migratory flows are rising exponentially. Many scientific studies stress the discomforts coming from the arrival in a new country, with all those problems related to the reception and to the integration process: people feel the sensation of disharmony, the difficulties related to the loss of their professional skills, the fear of not being able to support their families, the sense o ...
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The project “Work Harmony” has been finalized to transfer the results, in terms of innovation of product and process, from theIMPLANTA project, in the field of the community initiative EQUAL. The general aim of the project consisted in promotingthe implementation of new models of organization of labour and social facilities, encouraging the conciliation of work andfamily life. This topic is parti ...
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Continuous changes in information technology have an effect in all industries and this is even more evident in the media industry, as fierce competition has created the need to constantly differentiate from competitors. Nevertheless many media companies across Europe are fighting to become more technologically advanced in order to be able to compete against others which are ahead in this field. Th ...
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B-Entrepreneur general aim is to support the access to the most innovative and validated best practices in training and education in the field of entrepreneurship developed in the framework of the LLP, especially focused on the target groups and valorisation best practices. The project will contribute to reach the EU2020 and the Entrepreneurship Action Plan regarding the need of education in this ...
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The SKIP project addresses the individual and social needs of people affected by severe disabilities, promoting training and improving learning opportunities to avoid their marginalisation and loss of human capital. To ensure that adult people with severe disabilities reach their full potential and receive the support they deserve, qualified operators and trainers are needed to provide these indiv ...
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The issue of gender diversity in decision making positions has been gaining in proeminence at EU level since 2010, when the EC adopted its new Strategy for Equality between Women and Men anouncing targeted initiatives to get more women in top jobs in decision making.Following a comparative analysis of their national policies and practice, partners of the project identified a common challenge which ...
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Tackling early school-leaving has been a priority focus for educational policy makers and core providers have supported a wide range of actions to try and stem the outflow from formal education. Second-chance education is a relatively new addition to the educational landscape. At all educational levels, in formal and informal environments, many years of development work in local, national and inte ...
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Teach Parents Emotional Intelligence

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013,

The issue of parenting support has been gaining in proeminence at EU level since 2007, when the German EU Presidency suggested forming a European Federation of Parents. There are many key elements to the policy and institutional framework at EU level. One is the focus on early years’ provision which was a strong theme under the Lisbon Strategy. Under the Belgian Presidency in 2010, a Ministerial D ...
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REASON:The mobility of postgraduate students to undergo a Job placement while achieving a postgraduate degree is limited by national boundaries. The principle of Total Mobility (Any Student in any country in any enterprise) does not work because of legal and fiscal barriers, among others:Despite some national initiatives have worked out partial solutions, such as going abroad working in a branch o ...
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The T-GuIDE project replies to 2 needs addressing Europe today: 1. To increase new market/job opportunities; 2. To increase social inclusion.The EU is fighting the increasing unemployment and the related strain on social inclusion as consequence of global crisis, whose tourism is one of the “at risk” sectors. Tour operators/actors are asking for new policies for tourism implementation. On the othe ...
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Entrepreneurship drives innovation, competitiveness, job creation and growth. It allows new innovative ideas turn into successful ventures and can unlock the personal potential of individuals. Research shows that Europe does not exploit its entrepreneurial potential when compared to America. About four million more young people were out of work in 2010 than at the end of 2007, and the youth unem ...
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L'essenziale è invisibile agli occhi

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012,

The new European disability strategy aims at improving social inclusion, well-being and full exercise of rights of people with disabilities through national and European complementary actions. Nevertheless, outdated cultural models and behaviours toward people with severe disabilities still exist. It is, therefore, urgent to design new pedagogical patterns in order to adequately reply to the expec ...
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Digital and diverse are two key words that describe the Europe of the 21st Century. The future of Europe will be multi-ethnic and digital and supporting the integration of migrants and the development of digital competences of early-school leavers and low skilled workers are key priority objectives for nations and regions throughout Europe. Digital competence needs to be a priority in lifelong lea ...
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KEYROMA seeks to face the challenge of the socio-economic integration of Roma women by addressing imbalances in their participation in adult education and by motivating, encouraging and enabling Roma women to participate in learning. Partners will realize five innovative training modules in each country, working at local level with a Local Learning Group composed by Roma women, which will directly ...
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