Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 janv. 2014,

B-Entrepreneur general aim is to support the access to the most innovative and validated best practices in training and education in the field of entrepreneurship developed in the framework of the LLP, especially focused on the target groups and valorisation best practices. The project will contribute to reach the EU2020 and the Entrepreneurship Action Plan regarding the need of education in this field to promote a more competitive EU. These will be achieved through a sound methodology with important milestones such a research and an articulated assessment of training tools in the field of entrepreneurship, which will also explore the methods and achievements in influencing decision makers.The final product the B-Entrepreneurship consortium will deliver will be an Interactive Online Library with updated and reviewed training tools developed under the LLP in the field of entrepreneurship and other relevant information such as best practices in mainstreaming. This 2.0 tool objective is to become a node for the organisations involved in the promotion of the education and training in entrepreneurship especially the chambers of commerce, the enterprises associations and alike. Also it is targeted to the education and training authorities at various levels and sectors.This project partnership, constituted by the target group itself, has a wide impact potential within their own organisations and networks (enterprises associations, chambers of commerce, Universities in the field etc.) but also on the stakeholders such as education authorities, VET providers, NGOs etc. This transnational project has devised some mechanisms to explore the EU 27 Member States and also to disseminate and exploit its outcomes to the EU27 region.



  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS, AND EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICE (KEY ACTIVITY 4)\Multilateral projects
  • Projet sur ERASMUS platform

7 Participants partenaires