Rechercher des projets européens

Bilancio di Integrazione Sociale per immigrati e apprendimento e sviluppo della dimensione interculturale nelle organizzazioni educative
Date du début: 1 oct. 2011,

Nowadays the migratory flows are rising exponentially. Many scientific studies stress the discomforts coming from the arrival in a new country, with all those problems related to the reception and to the integration process: people feel the sensation of disharmony, the difficulties related to the loss of their professional skills, the fear of not being able to support their families, the sense of isolation; families, in the new country, feel not being able to guide their children in the process of acculturation (l. Ederling, E.J.Knorth-Leiden University, NE; V. Pavlopoulos, GR). The partnership agrees with this analysis, stressing how the problems are the same in each country. The project deals with the issue on two levels: 1) the improvement of the knowledge and the skills both of the organizations and of the social workers involved in the integration process of the immigrants, through training and guided self-learning processes and through the elaboration of methodological tools (methodology of the Research Action); 2) the support of the immigrants in their social integration paths (improvement/enhancement of the skills, research of an appropriate professional context, elaboration of a personal project also involving the family, awareness of the parenting competences) through the testing of the methodological tool (Balance of Social Integration). The project target groups are: 50 operators of the partner organizations, 200 adult immigrants. The project provides the achievement of 5 transnational events, 10 round tables (2 in each country), that will allow the dissemination and the multiplication of the results, with a very broad impact even after the end of the project: public seminars, website (15.000 contacts/year) with newsletter (20.000 persons), promotional kits, studies and promotional reports, educational materials, tools and guidelines, the handbook for the creation of the tool for the integration process.



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