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30 projets européens trouvés

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19th century fashion show

Date du début: 25 juin 2013, Date de fin: 24 oct. 2014,

...he training in the genre of folk dancing. For the continuation and development of this activity, the team searched and found some financial support by the Public community center “Hristo Botev – 1940” in the town of Glavinitsa and “Vasil Levski” High School, also in the town of Glavinitsa. The lead choreographer and artistic director of the group is Rosen Atanasov – a choreographer by profession, ...
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...ntries, reporting, spreading results and evaluation of the impact of the project. The project will be implemented by a national consortium "Free element - Gabi Tour - Vasil Levski - Ivan Marangozov - Hristo Botev ERASMUS +" in which partners are the NGO "Club sports and adventure " Free element" (main applicant and coordinator of the project), Gabi Tour Ltd , responsible for tourism activities and ...
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...l help them to overcome the constraint connected with lack of funds for investing in infrastructure for cultural life of local citizens and guests of both municipalities. Needs: The Community Centre "Hristo Botev" is an old building with a very bad condition. It has construction problems and is dangerous, needs inner and outer repairs, change of windows and doors, etc. The cultural centre in Surdu ...
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...ssional skills during the three-week practice in companies with modern equipment and advanced technology. The mobility includes 30 students from Profesionalna gimnazia po tehnika i elektrotehnika “Hristo Botev” – Montana, studying “Software”, “Computer Technology”, “Computer Networks”. The three-week practice will be organized by our partner Tellus Ltd in Portsmouth, England for the period from 06 ...
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Europa - Ein Unternehmen wächst zusammen

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

...her) in Amsterdam (Netherlands), the representatives of the economically strong regions as well as the comprehensive school Narva Vanalinna Riigikool (Estland) and the grammar schools SOU “Hristo Botev” and Boskovice in the Czech Republic are all from countries which are flourishing economically. In this project students aged 16 to 20 will participate In the above mentioned “training companies” th ...
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...ivity - "Mobility of staff in the school.“ Title of the Project: “Knowledgeable teachers. Capable students. Successful school. " Beginning of the project: June 2015 Duration: 24 months At SOU " Hristo Botev " study more than half of all the pupils in the municipality of Kubrat . The school is attractive despite the unfavorable demographic processes. There are more than 600 students from 1st to 12 ...
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According to European requirements for quality education for youth realization at the labour market, was elaborated the European Strategic Development plan of General Secondary School “Hristo Botev” On the plan base are identified the following priority goals: - Increasing the teachers’ quality qualification in English - Acquirement of new methods, application of ICT in teaching English and entrep ...
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"Hristo Botev" Low Secondary School in the town of Rakovsky is a modern school with over 150 years of history. It educates 493 children from 5 to 14 years in 22 classes. The pedagogical staff consists of 37 teachers, most of whom are senior teachers, with much experience and care for children. Teachers are people who never stop learning. They face on a daily basis new challenges and must always be ...
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...guidance of qualified and experienced teachers and a three-weeks practice in real working environment . Beneficiaries of the project were 20 students from the Vocational high school of engineering "Hristo Botev" in the age range 16-20 years at a stage of initial vocational education, accompanied by two teachers. During the internship the students were divided into various companies in the field o ...
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Sending organization, PGTM "Hristo Botev", seeks the establishment of adequate economic thinking. In this sense, creates the need for the realization of modern transnational participation in training courses, contributing to the implementation of more effective practical training. The team working on the project consists of motivated teachers to participate in project activities, the innovative ex ...
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In the context of the new requirements and standards in the educational process, Vocational high-school "Hristo Botev" strives to enhance the quality of education by building on actual, compliant with the employers’ needs key competencies, to support opportunities for students’ expression and self-proving in an out-school environment, to foster the development of knowledge of European cultural va ...
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...ces with the necessary specific competencies who are most prepared for real business. In this context, the project aims to build professional competencies of users received in Vocational high-school "Hristo Botev" by building new and specific knowledge and skills that meet the market demand in the IT sector, namely: • Acquisition of practical skills and knowledge for development of web-based plat ...
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Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

...rad and Smolyan region of better quality tourism offering and in this context - the need to increase the practical skills and competencies of young professionals studying at the Vocational School “Hristo Botev” in tourism majors, getting them familiar with the European standards in service, improving their language skills, skills to communicate with the guests, their skills to explore the tastes ...
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Wirtschaftsunterricht international und handlungsorientiert gestalten

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

The aim of WIN² is to develop a school based curricula on secondary school level at partnered schools in Bulgaria, (Handelsgymnasium Varna and Hristo Botev Schule Nikoaleva), Poland (Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 3 in Biała Podlaska and Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 2 im. Adama Mickiewicza in Biała Podlaska) and Germany (Oberschule Osternburg in Oldenburg), focusing in particular on action-orientati ...
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...dents from vocational agricultural schools - Professional School of Agriculture, Nova Zagora, Agricultural vocational school "Kliment Ark. Timiriazev ", Sandanski, Professional School of Agriculture "Hristo Botev", Yambol, and members of the consortium to undergo practical training in a country with traditions in agriculture - Portugal.The mobility will take place in a real working environment for ...
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...rticipants to develop the professional skills during a three-week practice in companies with modern equipment and advanced technology. The mobility includes 30 students from Profesionalna gimnazia “Hristo Botev” – Montana, studying “Software”, “Computer Technology”, “Computer Networks”. The training three-week practice will be organized by our partner Sistema Turismo in the town of Rimini, Italy f ...
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WE ARE A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY. CREATING SCIENTIST GROUPS TO SHARE SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES is a cross-curricularproject to enhance sustainable actions in our schools, institutions and towns as educational communities in the European frame through experimental activities carried out in jigsaw cooperative learning groups. It involves the whole community: pupils, teachers, families and local people.On ...
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Following the footprints of the Emperors

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

When you look at the world from space, you will see a wonderful elliptical puzzle that is formed by countries. Each part, which has a local and separate beauty, form the most beautiful object of the universe when they come together. But, even if you ignore only one part, the whole magic will disappear. Although these countries are separated from each other by barbed wires, they stick to each othe ...
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Effective Communication - A Successful Future Life

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

The main objective of the project 'Effective Communication - A Successful Future Life' is the improvement of the quality of communication between all the school agents - teachers, students and parents. The necessity has derived from the immense change in the way people communicate nowadays referred to the fast rise in the present day communication technologies. As the efficiency of the ways people ...
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Die Kinder von EUROPIA - Schule-Arbeit-Leben in 100 Jahren

Date du début: 14 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 13 sept. 2017,

„The Children of Europia – School, Work, Life in 100 Years“Thomas Morus wrote his UTOPIA with the idea and meaning of „No-Place“.We want to create a real place, EU-ROPIA ( as in ancient Greek - eu= good + topia= nice place + Europa = EUROPIA), foreseeing a better, a good Europe.The Children of Europe create a land worth living in for the future kids of EUROPIA.In order to be able to handle it we a ...
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Nach den Spuren unserer Persönlichkeiten

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

With the development and availability of the Internet information of all kinds is easily available. Pupils are able to look up a piece of information but do not try to work with it any further, examine it or put it into context. However, working with information, its processing and interpretation are essential skills nowadays, demanded by future employers. The aim of the project is to arouse the ...
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Learning Foreign Language through ICT

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The Erasmus + project "Learning Foreign Language through ICT" involves 8 schools from Romania, Turkey, Poland, Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Bulgaria and Italy. The problem we intend to address refers to the big number of students from our schools who have not English key competencies : reading, conversation, writing, grammar, vocabulary. Therefore our general objective in this partnership is to improve ...
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Recycling for the Community

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

Our project Recycling for the Community is a Youth Exchange implemented by partner organisations from Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey. The idea of the project appeared after the participantion of the representatives of the partner organisations in the training course ATOQ organized in May 2015 in Czech Republic. Then, Cristina, Snezhana and Serpil identified the needs to train the young people from t ...
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Date du début: 1 mars 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

Intercultur(E)ality is a multi action project with the aim of fight against all kind of racisms, intolerance, extremism movements, through non formal education and media education. This project promotes also active tolerance and intercultural learning. This project has one TC which involves 9 association from LV,PT,EE,SK,MK,FR,ES,IT and one school from Bulgaria, and also one YE which involves 5 a ...
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Demokratik Okuldan Demokratik Topluma

Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016,

It is aimed to create a democratic school culture based on democracy , human rights and consensus by starting from kindergarten and in all parts of the formal education. Democracy can be developed and carried on by people who understand and adopted it. And the task of growing up such people is done primarily by family, education institution and environment. Schools have great importance to get ...
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The Realities That We Are Blinded to But Can Save Our Lives

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Cancer is a hot issue not only a disease that concerns the partner schools but the whole world. Throughout the world many people ignore the things that threaten their health. The aim of this project is among students aged 14-19 years old at the partner schools(more than 1500 pupils, aged 14-19 years old) , among many teachers and parents to raise the level of awareness against cancer and its envir ...
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 TERMINÉ : Youth of Europe connect to a " Right" net

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Our program was created by the need for a humanitarian and creative approach and Internet use which responds to new data that are formed in the the European Union with the spread of the Internet in all areas of life of its citizens: education, work, entertainment. So the key issues of our program expand in four axes: a) on the learning of children's rights, the pursuit and the recording of tho ...
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Volunteering is our job

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

We have set off an international project journey with six partner schools from Turkey,Bulgaria,Hungary,Poland,Italy,Spain.120 students and 110 teachers will have opportunities to work in an international voluntary platform actively during the mobilities of the project and the transnational project meetings. Firstly, we aim to involve Low-skilled pupils taking voluntary service and taking par ...
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Only one world, don't waste it.

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

This saving consciousness and wasting management oriented partnership, while providing interaction of communities and individuals, it not only will keep forefront the identficiation of basic consumption materials(gas, electricity, water, paper,plastic and glass etc.) which are being most consumed by personals, students and parents of our school; but also will provide management and prevention of w ...
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Ново начало за моето бъдеще

Date du début: 5 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 5 janv. 2016,

The importance of the diversity of education and training has long been recognised in the Lisbon strategy for growth and employment, and the European Council has repeatedly stresses the role of education and training for the long-term competitiveness of human resources. This is one of the main reasons to be recognized an increasing sense of lifelong learning, aspiration for better education and sk ...
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