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The developmentof mobility invocational educationis a fundamental part of aSchool Development Planand the EuropeanDevelopment Planof Agricultural School inGołotczyzna. Our schoolenrichesits experiencethrough projects implementation, increasesthe number ofmotilities andstrengthens school partnership withlabour market institutions. In the following mobility projectwe will useall the availableECVET ...
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Thanks to the Erasmus + project, in which educational mobility is a key action, there will be implemented the project “Prophylaxis, metaphylaxis and therapy for the protection of animal health- a chance for a good job on the European market for graduates of agricultural schools from Łowicz county." The organization that applies for it is Agricultural Training Centre School of Jadwiga Dziubińska na ...
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The Jadwiga Dziubinska Group of Schools Agricultural Education Centre in Stary Brzesc is a school of a long tradition. The school educates in the following specializations: agriculture, veterinary, agribusiness, mechanization of agriculture and the mechanic - operator of vehicles and agricultural machines. Innovative activities, as well as highly qualified personnel, constantly improving their ski ...
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Le programme opérationnel du Sud-Est de la Hongrie et son analyse SWOT constatent le nombre insuffisant des exploitations efficaces et la manque de la coopétration dans le secteur du tourisme. La fuite des professionnels, le niveau de vie dans les régions en retard qui est sous - moyen national, les fermes isolés, le niveau insuffisant de la santé de la population caractérisent cette région. La pr ...
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IES VICA Formación Agraria en Europa

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

...ORGANIZATIONS:AS SENDING:1.- IES Virgen de la Cabeza. It is a Spanish Vocational Training Institute (tertiary level), and acts in this project as sending organization of participants.AS RECEIVING:1. -Zespol Szkol Kształcenia Rolniczego im Centrum. Jadwigi Dziubinskiej. It is a Polish Agrarian VET school (secondary), which acts as receiving institution with a boarding school.2.- Berufsbildende Sch ...
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The center of education Edgard Pisani is an agricultural training establishment involved in international cooperation actions for many years. Thus, the team has got a strong experience in the management of Europeans projects. This establishment receives 350 pupils, interns and apprentices in different agricultural trainings from the four-year class to the technician certificate. It employs 50 teac ...
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Nowe doświadczenia zawodowe uczniów ZS CKR Nowosielce - praktyki w Unii Europejskiej

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018,

The present project petitioned by ZSCKR in Nowosielce is entitled “New job experiences for students at ZSCKR in Nowosielce – training practice in European Union”. The practice begins on 1st August 2016 and finishes on 31st December 2017. In the project we considered organizing training period abroad in Ireland for two groups of 20 students and their 2 teacher carers. The firs group will take part ...
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Metoda CLIL i nowoczesne technologie sposobem na wzmacnianie kompetencji językowych

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018,

The Jadwiga Dziubinska Group of Schools Agricultural Education Centre in Stary Brzesc is a school with a long tradition. It has been educating and preparing young people to work in the following specializations: agriculture, veterinary, agribusiness, mechanization of agriculture and the mechanic - operator of vehicles and agricultural machines. Innovative activities, as well as highly qualified pe ...
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Kompozycje z ziół elementem dekoracyjnym każdego ogrodu

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2018,

ZSCKR in Mokrzeszów is an agricultural school located in a rural area between the towns of Świebodzice and Świdnica. According to the 2012-2020 Social and Economic Strategy Programme, key problem of in the area is unemployment, especially among younger population (9.6%, 2015 study by Świdnica County Employment Office). So, the strategy’s objective in the agriculture area is to support modern farmi ...
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Europa w Nowym Targu - podnoszenie kwalifikacji zawodowych przez europejskie praktyki

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

The main goal of the project is to enhance professional abilities of the participants through:-improvement of the quality of vocational education, acquisition of new practical skills in veterinarian, landscape gardening, tourism and gastronomic branches-shaping pro marketing and pro enterprise attitudes-encouragement to openness and collaboration while being aware of psychological and cultural dif ...
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The project will include two four-week training trips, which will be attended by two groups of students from Polish - a total of 36 students and 4 accompanying persons - group leaders, held job shadowing, due to the theme of the project and the ability to compare vocational training in the two countries and to strengthen European cooperation in education and training. Duration of the internship in ...
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Usługi jako alternatywne źródło dochodu dla absolwentów szkół rolniczych.

Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2017,

The project "Services as an alternative source of income by the graduates of School of Agricultural Training Centre of Bydgoszcz” will involve four groups of 18 students= 72 students, mostly full time 2nd and 3rd class learners educated in the following professions: a gardening technician, a landscape technician, an agribusiness technician and a veterinary technician, as well as four groups of 2 ...
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Europejski Rolnik

Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2017,

The Jadwiga Dziubinska Group of Schools Agricultural Education Centre in Stary Brzesc is a school with a long tradition. The school educates in the following specializations: agriculture, agribusiness, mechanization of agriculture and the mechanic - operator of vehicles and agricultural machines. Innovative activities, as well as highly qualified personnel, constantly improving their skills are un ...
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Zagraniczna praktyka drogą do kariery zawodowej dla młodych profesjonalnych.

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017,

The project "Foreign practice to the professional career for the young professional" , which is realized together with Associacao de Mobilidade Intercultural Euromob, will be held from 01-08-2016 to 30-11-2017. Thirty two students of Wincenty Witos’ Schools Complex of Center of Agricultural Studies in Bonin, willing to become: cooks, mechanic-operators of transport vehicles and agr ...
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Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

The FOREST4LIFE project is promoted by the Vocational Secondary School ‘Services sector for agriculture, rural development and forestry’, of Ormea (Cuneo), on behalf of the other three partner Schools that form the Italian Schools of Forestry Board, situated in as many Alps and Appennine Mountains areas. These four Secondary Schools train technicians with a professional competence in the forest se ...
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Date du début: 2 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 1 oct. 2017,

The project will be carried out in school year 2016 / 2017 by the Maciej Rataj Schools Complex of Agricultural Education Centre in Mieczyslawow. Our German partner will be a training centre- DEULA Nienburg. In the internship ther will be group of 18 pupils of the technical vocational school- studying as agricultural technician and mechanization of agricultural technician. All participants in ...
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Zostań ekspertem w swoim zawodzie na europejskim rynku pracy

Date du début: 16 août 2016, Date de fin: 15 sept. 2017,

Sixty students are going to participate in the programme. They learn three professions: agricultural, nutritional and of renewable energy sources (RES) in Agricultural Technical College in Jabłoń. Our students come from agricultural backgrounds, they live in agricultural villages. Most of them plan to finish school and take over their parents’ farms with the intention of expanding and innovating ...
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School-Company-Union: Students get in touch with local food production companies

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Background and results/impact expected: The German school was contacted by regional food production companies because they were looking for future employees in the field of food production. The companies suffer from labour shortage and are therefore also interested in cooperations with schools from other European countries. The schools in Germany, Italy and Poland on the other hand have to deal wi ...
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Wyższe kompetencje- lepszy start w przyszłość.

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The project is about students' traineeship abroad. It deals with preparing and sending 12 students for a two-week professional training within different eating places located in Leipzig in Germany. The participants are students of the age 16-19. They are learners of nutrition and food services classes in the School of Agricultural Training Centre in Janów. The School is also the Sending Organisati ...
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Bliżej rynku pracy BIS

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The main objective of the project is to: improve professional qualifications ZSCKR students through participation in internationalwork placements.The specific objectives of the project are:a) to improve the linguistic and cultural competences,b) to gain new skills correlated with qualificationsc) to improve the knowledge of the culture of another country in Europe,d) to learn to cooperate in a gro ...
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Water, a European Task in a Global Context

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Schools from 7 different countries (Germany, Iceland, Poland, Spain, Turkey) initiate a multilateral partnership and carry out their project idea "Water - a European task in a global context". Due to geographical, Social and cultural aspects, each country contributes individually and particularly to the project. Inda-Gymnasium Aachen is the coordinating partner. Water is the origin of life and af ...
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The project will be implemented by the School of Agricultural Training Centre named after Maciej Rataj in Mieczyslawow. It will be conducted in partnership with German training centre: DEULA Nienburg. The internship will involve a group of eighteen students of technical education learning the profession of landscape architecture. All participants of the project are familiar with the theoretical ar ...
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The development of mobility in vocational education is a fundamental part of a School Development Plan and the European Development Plan of Agricultural School in Gołotczyzna. Our school enriches its experience through projects implementation and in this way increases the number of motilities and strengthens school partnership with labour market institutions. In the following project we will use ...
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Our project "Good patterns of European agriculture on the example of professional practice in Austria" within the Erasmus program is aimed plus for the Group of Schools Agricultural Training Centre in Hańczowa, schools located in the district of Gorlice. To participate in the project, according to the previously prepared criteria will be selected a group of 15 students - the farmer techniques - fo ...
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Thanks to the Erasmus + project, in which educational mobility is a key action, there will be implemented the project “Forming and tending of green areas - a chance for a good job on the European market." The organization that applies for it is Agricultural Training Centre School of Jadwiga Dziubińska name in Zduńska Dąbrowa. The school’s governing authority is the Ministry of Agriculture and Rur ...
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VET mobility IESVICA

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

...CIPATING INSTITUTIONS/ORGANIZATIONS: 1.- IES Virgen de la Cabeza. It is a Spanish Vocational Training Institute (tertiary level), and acts in this project as sending organization of participants. 2. -Zespol Szkol Kształcenia Rolniczego im Centrum. Jadwigi Dziubinskiej. It is a Polish Agrarian VET school (secondary), which acts as receiving institution with a boarding school. 3.- Berufsbildende Sc ...
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The project is aimed at the students of technical school in The Kazimierz Wielki Complex of Schools Agricultural Education Centre who are educated to be specialists of ‘food processing and catering services’ and ‘agricultural mechanization’. The school partner is Vitalis Betreuungsgesellschaft fur ModeLLprojekte mbH in Schkeuditz. A group of 18 students of Food Processing and Catering Services Tec ...
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The main goal of the project is to enhance professional abilities of the participants through: -improvement of the quality of vocational education, acquisition of new practical skills in veterinarian, landscape gardening and gastronomic branches -shaping pro marketing and pro enterprise attitudes -encouragement to open for the use of a foreign language especially with specialized vocabulary -enco ...
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Le programme opérationnel du Sud-Est de la Hongrie et son analyse SWOT constatent le nombre insuffisant des exploitations efficaces et la manque de la coopétration dans le secteur du tourisme. La fuite des professionnels, le niveau de vie dans les régions en retard qui est sous - moyen national, les fermes isolés, le niveau insuffisant de la santé de la population caractérisent cette région. La pr ...
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The participants of the project are the students of the Wincenty Witos School of Agricultural Education Centre in Leśna Podlaska educating in professions such as a technician of agriculture and a technician of agricultural technology. Young people will take part in a 2-week vocational practice organized on Hungarian farms specializing in a large-scale crop and livestock production. In accordance w ...
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Europejska Praktyka Zawodowa z systemem ECVET Gwarancją Lepszej Pracy dla Rolników

Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016,

Our project named "European Professional Practice ECVET- Guarantee Work Better for the Farmers' Erasmus plus targets for Group of Schools Agricultural Training Centre in Hańczowa, schools located in the district of Gorlice. To participate in the project, according to the previously prepared criteria you select a group of 15 students - farmer- techniques for which is planned 30-day foreign mobility ...
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Zagraniczny staż - szansą na rozwój

Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016,

The project involves 30 students from the second and third classes of the School of Agricultural Training Center in Dobrocin who are trained in the competition: technician of gardener and landscape techniques (10 students), technician of nutrition and food service organization (10 students), technician of agribusiness (5 students ) and mechanic and operator of agricultural machinery (5 students ) ...
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The project involves 17 students in each group and 2 tutors. Students will be recruited from the Technical School of Agricultural Engineering. These students will be selected from different classes, so that information about the project reaches a larger group of students. Moreover, it encourages them to receive better results at school in connection with the possibility to go on an internship abro ...
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Moje wykształcenie - moja szansa!

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

THE PROJECT SUMMARY A Project called ‘Your Education – Your Chance’ was the idea of ZSCKR in Nowosielce. It began on the 1st September 2014 and finished on the 30th August 2016. The main part of the Project was vocational practice in Germany (Drezno , Dahlen) for twenty students and one teacher. The students were divided into two groups. Each group had ten students at the age between 17- 19 who co ...
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ICT w nauczaniu języków obcych

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

The Jadwiga Dziubinska Group of Schools Agricultural Education Centre in Stary Brzesc is a school with a long tradition. For more than 90 years it has been educating and preparing young people to work in the agricultural sector. Along with vocational training general education takes place. With concern for the comprehensive education of our students the idea of the " ICT in teaching foreign langua ...
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Bliżej rynku pracy

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

The main objective of the project was to: improve professional qualifications ZSCKR students through participation in international work placements. The specific objectives of the project were: a) to improve the linguistic and cultural competences, b) to gain new skills correlated with qualifications c) to improve the knowledge of the culture of another country in Europe, d) to learn to coop ...
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Education work experience abroad

Date du début: 31 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2015,

The project "Education work experience abroad" gathered a group of 26 students of agricultural schools from the małopolska and podkarpackie voivodeship. The stage was held in Nederland during 3 months between July and September 2015.Participants worked on plantation of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and raspberries. Youth gained the knowledge about the workplace, used technologies, methods of establ ...
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The aim of the project was to disseminate e-learning as an alternative form of teaching and learning. An example of this was to teach maths using GeoGebra, where applications have been posted on the e-learning platform.Dissemination and presentation of these courses encouraged mathematics teachers from neighboring schools to become interested in GeoGebra and educational games. For this purpose, a ...
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Young dr Dolittle

Date du début: 31 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2015,

The main goal of project No 2014-1-PL01-KA102-000692 „Young Dr. Dolittle” was to gain by its direct beneficiaries new skills and competences connected to the veterinary field. Through implementation of the 3-week-long placements in Tuscany (IT) participants of the project strengthened possessed skills and abilities, developed their linguistic and intercultural skills, communication skills and tran ...
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The project was implemented by the Team of Schools of the Centre of the Agricultural Education for them. of Maciej Rataja in Mieczysławow. The German partners were the training centers : Deule Nienburg and ILLUT Bonn - Berlin. The internship was attended by two groups of eighteen students of technical school studying the following professions : Group I - farmer technician , agribusiness technicia ...
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