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EVS for building bridges 042016

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2018,

Context and background of the project: This project is involving two areas: the Rotterdam area, focussing on the south side of city and Vierakker and Vorden, two villages close to Zutphen. Rotterdam is the second biggest city in the Netherlands. The volunteering focusses on activities that are related to people who need extra support. The volunteers in Rotterdam work for a great diversity of organ ...
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Create your Future

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2018,

The project "Create your Future" is implemented by the need to continue the development of competence and to increase the skills of young people in the labor market. Professional preparation of the established content and implementation of international methods of non-formal education is an attempt to engage young people (this also with fewer opportunities) in social activity and promotes the idea ...
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Sparkles of change

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

Sparkles of change is an EVS project of 12 months (from September 2016to August 2017), in Frattamaggiore (Naples), in southern Italy.The two volunteers will be engaged in:1) Support the staff in the planning, starting and promotion of a program of performances at the "TAV - Theatre Animation Visions" at the Youth Center "Il Cantiere" of Frattamaggiore (NA).The Youth Centre is located in Vico VI ...
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Oberschwaben ist bunt

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017,

Five European volunteers from four countries work in three host organizations in Germany: Ninia from Georgia works in the youth information centre in Ravensburg, András from Hungary and one volunteer from Italy in the gymnasium Salvatorkolleg in Bad Wurzach and Karen from France and an Italian volunteer in the St. Gallus - Hilfe für behinderte Menschen in Meckenbeuren. During their EVS they get an ...
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Ready for diversity

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017,

The "Ready for diversity" project will be implemented by the Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre, in partnership with five sending organizations from Germany, Spain, Austria and Portugal, through the Erasmus + Programme. The main activity of theproject will include an EVS volunteering stage for 6 youth from the countries mentioned, with a duration of 12 months (September 2016 - August 2017).The project a ...
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Europäischer Freiwilligendienst im ZFP

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

The centre for adapted padagogy (ZFP) ist a school centre with two primary schools and one primary and secondary school. All together 250 pupils with a handicap or a special need in education. Besides those schools, we head a centre for homework assistence for 130 children from all differents schools of Eupen. 40 volunteers support these chidren in doing their daily homework. The aim of the ZFD ...
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Be free in Ikšķile 4

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

Project derives from the principles that are important for all partners involved - the interconnection between development of lifelong-learning competences and development of local community.The aim of the project is to improve competences of young people and promote their participation in democratic life in Europe by strengthening Ikšķile local community, in particular regarding inter-cultural un ...
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Imagina Youth Centre II

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

IMAGINA- Alcobendas Youth, Childhood and Adolescence Service promotes and organizes training and information activities for young people aged from 14 to 35 years old and for children and teenagers aged from 4 to 15 years old all over the municipality.As part of our policy of opportunities for all and access to international programs in Europe, we are hosting European volunteers since more than 15 ...
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EVS - Herøya Misjonskirke - EVS 2016-2017

Date du début: 15 août 2016, Date de fin: 14 août 2017,

The voluntary activities will take place in Porsgrunn, in the southern part of Telemark. The base for our work is in Herøya, part of Porsgrunn. The town has about 35 000 inhabitants and is, with Skien, the centre of Telemark region. Telemark is situated in the south-east part of Norway and is characterised mostly by an anland climate. During the winter there is often snow from December to March. T ...
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EVS in children and youth centers in Berlin and Brandenburg

Date du début: 1 juil. 2015, Date de fin: 1 juil. 2017,

The KiEZ Hölzerner See is a recreation center for children and youth in Brandenburg. The Child and Youth Club MAXIM and Oktopus , the networking project M24, Forum Kreuzberg and the Youth Cultural Centre Königstadt are facilities of the district office of Berlin and thus in public ownership . They are open to children and young people without any ethnic , religious, social or political restriction ...
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Be the change

Date du début: 1 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

Be the change is an EVS project of 12 months (from October 2015 to September 2016), in Frattamaggiore (Naples), in southern Italy. The two volunteers will be engaged in: 1) Support the staff in the planning, starting and promotion of a program of performances at the "TAV - Theatre Animation Visions" at the Youth Center "Il Cantiere" of Frattamaggiore (NA). The Youth Centre is located in Vico VI D ...
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Step Forward

Date du début: 15 août 2015, Date de fin: 14 mars 2017,

European Voluntary Servise project - Step Forward is directed to people, who want to gain new competences and preare themselved to be active on the labour market in the future. Activities in this project are mainly concentrated around working with children, learining pedagogy methods i creating a plan of work with children, which will influence on their develpment. The activities undertaken within ...
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Daniel Challenge 2015-2016

Date du début: 7 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 6 mars 2017,

Daniel Challenge is a youth year out programme which involves social action and community development. It draws young people from across the UK and abroad between the ages of 18 - 30 years, in groups of between 8 and 16 in number. They are from wide range social and academic backgrounds. The programme is designed to develop and enhance the life skills of participants and prepare them for the worl ...
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Date du début: 2 mai 2016, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2016,

“EUROJAZZ” music as a tool to battle for better future. Elisson gUG organises a training seminar with the theme EU - youth and art. The training will bring together youth workers (professional or voluntary) who work with young people and have different artistic skills, as well as are interested to develop their skills in working with young people in different types of art projects.This Training se ...
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EVS-Tønsberg Youth work

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

There have been 3-4 EVS-volunteers working this year in Café Quasimodo.They have run the café. The cafe is for 13-20 year old teenagers. We have the cafe open 4-6 days a week. The youths who come are searching for friends and acceptance. And many of the youngsters who come to the café have a tough history and background. The volunteers have focused on including, connecting and creating different ...
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Oberschwaben ist bunt

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

Five European volunteers from four countries work in three host organizations in Germany: Greta from Italy works in the youth information centre in Ravensburg, Anna from France and Liene from Latvia in the gymnasium Salvatorkolleg in Bad Wurzach and Arnis from Latvia and Ekaterina from Bulgaria in the St. Gallus - Hilfe für behinderte Menschen in Meckenbeuren. During their EVS they get an insight ...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 1 oct. 2016,

IMAGINA – Alcobendas youth, childhood and adolescence Institution promotes and organizes training and information activities for young people aged from 14 to 30 years and for children and teenagers aged from 4 to 15 years all over the municipality. As a part of our policy of opportunities and access to international programs in Europe, we are hosting European volunteers since more than 10 years ag ...
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EVS-Growth through friendship and knowledge

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

“Growth through friendship and knowledge”-project is an EVS project between the Programme Countries Czech Republic , Germany, and Norway. Volda kyrkjelege fellesråd, the joint parish council for the four parishes belonging to the Norwegian Church in Volda municipal is the Host and Coordinating Organisasjon for project. The two main objectives for the project is: • to develop the contact between yo ...
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Ten incredible months in Vilaka municipality

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

European Volunteer service Project „Ten incredible year in Vilaka municipality” will held 14 months from 1st August, 2015, till 1 October, 2016. European volunteer will work 314 days (from 01.09.2015. till 10.07.2016.) in Vilaka municipality. Applicant is nongovernmental (NGO) organization „Dardedze”. The cooperation partners of the Project in Latvia are Šķilbēni initiative centre „Zvaniņi”, Viļ ...
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Be free in Ikšķile 3

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

Project derives from the principles that are important for all parties involved - the interconnection between development of lifelong-learning competences and development of local community. The aim of the project is to improve competences of young people and promote their participation in democratic life in Europe by strengthening Ikšķile local community, in particular regarding inter-cultural un ...
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Let the journey begin!

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

"Let the journey begin" is a long-term EVS project that will be realized in Valmiera, Latvia with activities from September 1, 2015 till June 30, 2016. Project will be realized by NGO "Universum". There will be to volunteers that already have been selected - from Germany and France. Both girls will graduate secondary school this year and are looking for their professional future. With this projec ...
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Meeting point

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

Patronato Sociocultural through IMAGINA- Service of Youth, childhood and adolescence in Alcobendas promotes and organizes training and information activities for youth 14-30 years old and for children and adolescents 4-15 years old throughout the municipality. As part of our policy of opportunity and access to international programs in Europe, hosting European volunteers over 10 years ago, which s ...
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An EVS adventure: into the south( Bir EVS Macerası: Güneye doğru)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

''An EVS adventure: into the south '' is basically an art and culture project with the activities such as volunteers' implementing the gained skills in the area and taking handcraft , local events with target groups ,Turkish lesson and some other art courses. Furthermore, in the project volunteers had chance to come together with Turkish and Syrian youngsters having fewer oportunities. We aimed th ...
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International Youth Conference: Europe is alive with colours

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2016,

Against the background of rising voices calling for the fortress Europe, a return to former national borders and a rising distrust of everything unknown, 47 youngsters and their teamers come from 11 twin towns of Ravensburg to work on the topics of culture, openness, diversity and tolerance. The participants look into the topic "International Youth Conference: Europe is alive with colours" through ...
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Buoni come il Pane

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2016,

Every year there are more and more people that ask help to the Misericordia di Firenze because of the italian socio-political situation. These persons need the food aid to feed themselves and their families; so, our association and its volunteers work every day in this complex activity. The EVS volunteers will be involved in all the food aid services and we think that this kind of project will giv ...
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New Projects-New Experiences

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2016,

The project „New Projects-New Experiences“ purpose is to organize educational and free time activities for the chosen target group. During the EVS the volunteers will organize the activities at their hosting organizations (Vilnius Antakalnis Open Youth Center, Lentvaris Open Youth Center, Valakupiai Rehabilitation Center, Toys Museum, All Saints‘ parish temporal children care house). During the E ...
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New opportunity for volunteering

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2016,

With this project we built on the already successful implementation of the projects that we have realized in the past . We created another new partnership with a positive impact on volunteers and the local community. Our main motivation was to bring groups involved in the project (volunteers, partner organizations, clients and the public SVČ Ivančice ) additional new insights, experience and knowl ...
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Local Actions. Global View.

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

Project "Local Actions. Global View" is a European Servise project, which will begin from 5th of September 2014 and will last till 5th of September 2015. During this one year period people from Latvia, Spain, Germany, Turkey and Czech Republic, will be participating in 4 actions within 3 hosting organizations: Sempre a Frente Foundation, Initiative Fund Foundation and "Among Us" Foundation. By re ...
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Volunteeers For A Better Generation 2

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

By this project we aim to provide non-formal learning opportunities- social integration, sense of anti discrimination for youngster with fewer opportunitiest and then we will let them learn about the opportunities after short term EVS such as Long term EVS, Erasmus+. The project also aims to spread the phylosophy of volunteerism in local and international level. Our EVS action took start in 200 ...
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Working with Depaul UK'S Homeless Youth

Date du début: 3 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 2 déc. 2015,

The European volunteers we are reporting about here volunteered at the supported accomodation projects and affiliated drop-in centres (hubs) helping offer the young people Depaul works with social, and in some cases, educational support. The European Volunteers were directly involved with helping these young people to develop the life skills to be more independent and the communication skills to f ...
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Exp(o)erience - a youth exchange on competence and food

Date du début: 1 juil. 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

The project " Exp ( o) erience " is a youth exchange that will be held in Stresa ( VB ) 10 to 19 July 2015. The project aims to tackle questions related to the development of skills from non- formal linking at least in part by the macro event " EXPO2015 " that there will be at that time in Rho Fiera . The objectives of the youth exchange are : a) acquire new resources (knowledge, skills , attitude ...
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Gymnasium Salvatorkolleg

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

The Salvatorkolleg is a secondary school that puts its focus on extracurricular education and offers activities such as study groups, support for the highly talented, days of contemplation and study trips. The school encourages its students to develop their skills and interests and offers support to do so. Part of this concept is also to teach them curiosity about new cultures and new countries an ...
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Eurovisionen - Freizeit kreativ gestalten 2015

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 1 nov. 2015,

The European Association for Eifel and Ardennes (EVEA) promotes cross-border cooperation in the quadrangle Eifel-Ardennes in the areas of economy and tourism, culture, nature and landscape conservation as well as sports and youth exchanges. The International Youth Commission of EVEA organizes annually about 15 - 20 European youth encounters, especially in the region Eifel-Ardennes. During these en ...
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Europe Corner

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 1 nov. 2015,

Bogdan from Romania will take part in a ten months EVS in the aha - Tipps & Infos für junge Leute. During his voluntary service he will work in the youth information centre, he will organize free time activities for youngsters from abroad and from Germany as part of the project "Happy Hour" and he will aid us in the programming of an international youth conference. He should learn to work independ ...
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All Together

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

The aim of the project is to attract EVS volunteers with their own approach and fresh ideas to find out more effective ways to develop three youth centers- Liepajas Young falcon center in Karosta and DR region, as well as youth center in neighbouring village Nica. Volunteer tasks of the project will be: Participate in the daily work of the centers , including meetings with different age childrens ...
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EVS-Tønsberg Youth work

Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 16 oct. 2015,

There have been 4 EVS-volunteers working this year in Tønsberg Kirkelige Fellesråd.They have run Quasimodo International Youth Cafe. The cafe is for 13-20 year old teenagers. We have the cafe open 4-6 days a week. The youths who come are searching for friends and acceptance. And many of the youngsters who come to the cafe has had a tough history and backgroundarry. The volunteers have focused on i ...
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Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

Project title – “DARE TO DREAM” (acronym D to D) Location: Jaunuoliu dienos centras (JDC) Panevezys, Lithuania. Duration -10 month (September 2014 – Jun 30, 2015) Target group- mentally disabled youth form Jaunuoliu dienos centras and non disabled youth (volunteers) Number of volunteers- 4 from 4 different countries (2 female+2 mail) Participated countries: Austria, France, Germany, Spain. Main ...
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Spaces for youth participation

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

The "Spaces for youth participation" project aims at giving one volunteer the opportunity to work on several different projects encouraging participation of young people in society, by empowering them and by offering them spaces and the necessary support (information, contact with experts etc.). It offers the young volunteer not only an insight into the organisational, logistical, educational issu ...
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Changing lives, opening minds in Cg2000

Date du début: 22 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 22 sept. 2015,

“Changing lives, opening minds in Cg2000” is an EVS project addressed to two girls, Caroli Sophie from Germany and Adela from Romania. We intended to provide a strong learning experience through an operative full-time role in the organization (they never replaced educators and operators but will support them ); Sophie & Adela had the opportunity to integrate into activities with ideas, creativity ...
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Be radio-active 3

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 1 sept. 2015,

„Be Radio-Active 3“ is an EVS project based in Lithuania, Siauliai Didzdvaris Gymnasium, which is a high school for 9-12 grades. Main school activities include formal education programs and informal education activities, as well as implementation of various national and international projects. Radio station “Radijo Klubas” is based in gymnasium. It can be heard in Siauliai city 24/7 and through o ...
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