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Let the journey begin!
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Let the journey begin" is a long-term EVS project that will be realized in Valmiera, Latvia with activities from September 1, 2015 till June 30, 2016. Project will be realized by NGO "Universum". There will be to volunteers that already have been selected - from Germany and France. Both girls will graduate secondary school this year and are looking for their professional future. With this project we hope to contribute in 2 areas - to improve the quality of education in our schools and Valmiera city in general and youth employment in Europe, as many young people today, after graduating from high school still do not know what they would like to do in their professional life. With these type of projects young people can get life experience and a clearer perspective on their skills and interests. The project aim is by involving volunteers from other countries and promoting cultural interaction to develop both the young people skills and competitiveness and the quality of education process in institutions established by NGO "Universum". NGO "Universum" works in 3 directions - education, free time activities and social assistance (social entrepreneurship). In this project volunteers will be involved in the field of education, because the NGO has established an educational institution "Universum", which includes pre-school and primary education. Institution realizes an official Latvian Republic education program and uses Montessori pedagogy method. Volunteers will be included in education process with the ability to develop their initiatives. The method used is fundamentally non-formal, including group work, research, individual work with each child, with minimal frontal presentations. Project will give a positive impact on both the association and volunteers. NGO will gain experience in a new kind of project administration and the daily work in the planning and organization. Children will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from other cultures, to develop tolerance, learn to accept different. Volunteers will gain new professional experience in pedagogy, in another culture and in organizing everyday life.



2 Participants partenaires