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Culture of Dialogue

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2017,

The project, consisting of two Training Courses, is designed to empower youth workers and active leaders to act for social inclusion and building of social cohesion in their local communities by learning and providing trainings on soft skills related to cultural diversity as a basis of building safe and respectful surroundings for young individuals from different backgrounds.The first event of the...
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No Limits!

Date du début: 10 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 9 août 2017,

Project „No Limits!”, consisting of seminar and a training course, is aimed at comprehensive defining and understanding the phenomena of inclusion and diversity, as well as learning, exchanging and adapting tools and methods of youth work, to enable operation in line with the Erasmus+ Inclusion and Diversity Strategy – in the field of youth, and other key for the topic documents of the EU. The pro...
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Prevention of Violence against Women

Date du début: 4 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 3 août 2017,

The project Prevention of Violence against Women was motivated by the existence of violence against women and by the fact that the concept of violence has become normalised in people’s perception. In order to contribute to the prevention of violence against women, this project is planned by WRAP, an informal group gathered to deal with the problems of women. Based on the idea that the problem of v...
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MOST European

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

MOST European is project that aims to discuss and promote ‘most European’ values and democratic legacy as well to build ‘most’ (Slavic word for bridge) among young people across the continent. In the age when European Union and its neighbors are facing not only economic crisis, but also social issues, freedom of movement issues, refugee crisis and even armed conflict on the east, European values a...
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Live FEED From Europe

Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The Association CET Platform Italy - Having noticed at local level (both from the competent administrations and the youth sides) a lack of sensitivity on important topics like the development of a European Awareness among young people and the Intercultural Dialog; - Considering those topics as fundamentals in order to contribute all together to the establishment of a better Europe more sensitive...
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European Values and Youth

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 1 mai 2017,

Project includes 3 activities: training course that will be implemented 22/10/2016 – 29/10/2016 in Belgrade, Serbia; local capacity building activities that will be implemented in all partner countries particulary in EU candidate and potential candidate countries and seminar that will be implemented in Belgrade 20/02/2017 – 26/02/201. Project will be hosted by CET Platform in cooperation with par...
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Date du début: 4 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 3 avr. 2017,

The aim of our project is to raise the awareness among youngsters on youth policies, active and democratic participation and increase their knowledge about youth rights, to motivate and empower them to take active part in local decision making mechanisms by increasing their knowledge on this topic; so to contribute to rise their participation on social, civil and democratic life and to become ind...
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Linking cultures 2

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

This long term EVS project will involve one volunteer from The Netherlands. He will stay for 12 months in Georgia, hosted by the Student Youth Council of Ozurgeti. During his voluntary period in Georgia he will support the hosting organization in all its activities and projects. In particular, he will provide workshops and activities for the youth in the Day Care Center and for the participants of...
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SAfe spaces for Inclusion of Lgbt+ youth

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

The project “SAIL - SAfe spaces for Inclusion of Lgbt+ youth” starts from the desire to build a society that is inclusive towards every kind of diversity, particularly for minorities related to sexual identity. That is why the project’s main aim is to promote the inclusion of lgbt+ youth through the creation of safe and inclusive spaces in usually heteronormative contexts. This aim will be reached...
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Peace Praxis - Partnerships for non-violent conflict transformation

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

International tensions and conflicts form an ongoing concern for Europe and its neighboring regions. As developments in the last years have shown even military confrontations are not off the agenda and reached close to the borders of the European Union. The resulting mistrust and hatred between the conflicting parties are not possible to only be solved on a political level but need to be accompani...
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The Art of Facilitation II: Non-Formal Education and Conflict Transformation

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

Non-formal education in conflict transformation can exert a big influence at different levels: in general population conception of conflicts, in small confronted communities, in youth organizations and CSOs, or in societies facing both, low and high intensity violence. Different organizations and institutions have been working on this field at different levels for decades, and the work with youth ...
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Entrepreneurs for Social Change

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

The training course will gather 24 young leaders, youth workers or project coordinators from Netherlands, Macedonia, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, Spain and Romania to engage them in an open learning platform where social entrepreneurship reality in Macedonia will be discovered and learn from the positive experience of it.Firstly, we organize this project to promote value of using entrepreneu...
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Your voice matters

Date du début: 23 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 22 mars 2017,

Youth Exchange “Your voice matters” will take place from 19 till 30 November 2016 in Ukmergė, Lithuania. This event will bring together 45 participants from Lithuania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia and Italy. Participants will meet in order to raise their awareness of citizenship and law, to realize the need for active participation in the political life of their countries and Europe as...
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Involving Everyone: Learning through Erasmus+

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017,

It is widely recognised that social exclusion produces deep and long-term damage to the living conditions, socio-economic participation, emotional life, and well-being of young people. Different factors play important roles in producing social exclusion. Poor levels of education, experiencing discrimination, monetary poverty, unemployment, living in remote geographical areas, and experiences of ju...
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Entrepreneurship Challenge

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017,

"Entrepreneurship Challenge" proposes a creative approach to give 29 young people, youth workers, trainers etc from Programme countries in 1-9 December 2016 in Ankara, Turkey by affording them a good start in life and also set them on a positive trajectory to impact on others. During 7 full days team of 2 trainers and 1 facilitator will foster entrepreneurial dynamics among young people, leaders, ...
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The participation of women in the workforce is one of the most important factors for the economic and social development and decreasing poverty. However, when examining historical processes, almost all communities separate women and men within society. This includes gender roles, and gender specific work and jobs regarded as suitable. Especially in our country, gender perception is affects the par...
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EU-line – ICT in youth work

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

Training Course „EU-Line – ICT in youth work” will be implemented from 8th to 15th of October 2016 in Krzyzowa, Poland. The projectis the first of the series of activities under common name of “EU-Line”, promoting ICT in youth work. 10 project partners (fromCroatia, Romania, Italy, Lithuania, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Latvia, Greece, Czech Republic and Poland) will send 3 participants to the train...
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How we coach ?

Date du début: 2 août 2016, Date de fin: 1 janv. 2017,

This initiative is an 8 days youth worker training focused on improving hosting and coordinating of the long term EVS project by introducing coaching methodology, researching, proposing and finding ways it could be adapted in EVS project.Project creates a space where organizations experienced in EVS are meeting in order to explore ways they could improve and widen their horizons. This training is ...
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"Младежката работа чрез социалните медии"

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

The project “Youth Work Through Social Media” is a youth exchange, created for young people from European countries, who are interested in the implementation of social networks and media as a tool in their organizations. The project stimulates and encourages the cooperation, exchange of experience, skills and good practices between the participants and their youth organizations. The project will t...
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Think Globally, Act Locally

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

Why to promote active citizenship?TC “Think Globally, Act Locally” is concerned with low active participation of youth in democratic life. A democracy cannot function properly without participation of its citizens and unfortunately youth participation in political process is recently decreasing. Young voter turnout becomes worse each year. However active citizenship for democratic life is more tha...
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Your Body Is Your Statement

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

“Your Body is Your Statement” is an 8 days training course gathering 30 youth workers, facilitators, trainers and educators from various European countries in Poland with the aim to explore new learning methodologies based on work with body and movement, while experiencing how embodied learning approaches and methods can be used in different realities within youth work and non-formal education. ...
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Project Development for Social Transformation

Date du début: 15 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 14 nov. 2016,

In a context of instability at social, economic and political level, it becomes of special relevance for youth organizations to arise as a relevant actors and be competent to develop initiatives and projects that address the needs of youngsters and reach the highest quality standards. Lacking competences when planning projects addressing the complex chaning realities youngsters are facing can lead...
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Guidelines for Recognition - European Advanced Tool

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 1 nov. 2016,

"GR-EAT: Guidelines for Recognition: European Advanced Tool" is a youth project aiming at enhancing the recognition of Non Formal and Informal Learning and at providing youth-led organisations with support and guidance to implement internal systems of recognition of the competences of their volunteers. Indeed, in the current youth unemployment crisis in Europe, there is a clear need to help young...
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I see the sky

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

Our project was designed during local studies with young immigrants and refugees. It has been prepared with the cooperation of youth organizations which are active in the countries and regions where immigrants are in intensity. It’s aimed to contribute to the social cohesion and social inclusion of young immigrants who are the common target groups of the Project partners. To increase local active ...
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Raising awareness on Social Rights and Inclusion by using Social Media

Date du début: 8 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 7 août 2016,

Fast development of technology and information systems plays important role in lives of young people. This accelerated change on internet and new media also obligate the youth organizations to be actively involved in new media in order to reach their target groups. Unfortunately, while being active on internet and social networks, young people are facing Hate speech and other negative consequences...
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This project "Impact of Social Youth Workers on inclusion - Training for trainers for African Diaspora Youth Workers" focuses above all in 24 african youth workers with few opportunities, coming from the families that are facing social and economical probelms al local levels from the partners countries in Europe and at same time giving crucial contributions to the african diaspora organizations a...
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European IntercultuRal Education towards a New Era of Understanding

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2016,

The EIRENE project is a mobility project which foresees a Training Course for youth workers, youth leaders, youth advisors and project managers working in the field of youth. After 70 years of relatively peaceful coexistence, the European societies has been tested by the recent economic crisis and have been pushed back bringing to the fore issues as political fragmentation, social conflict, discr...
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Soft Skills as a Key to Employability

Date du début: 15 juin 2015, Date de fin: 14 janv. 2016,

“Soft Skills as a Key to Employability” was a training course that involved 30 participants, 2 trainers and 3 support staff from 10 EU countries for 7 days of activities focused on the improvement and acquisition of new soft skills and transversal competences. The advancements in national education reforms and various EU policies have caused a steady increase in the number of people finishing seco...
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Leadership in youth work for inclusion, intercultural dialogue and acceptance

Date du début: 15 mai 2015, Date de fin: 14 janv. 2016,

During our youth work and cooperation as partners, we have noticed lack of qualified and willing youth leaders for better inclusion and intercultural acceptance in our multiethnic communities. Project targets youth workers willing to take the lead of promoting and leading quality inclusion and intercultural dialogue in our projects and communities and willing to improve intercultural learning/dial...
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Gamification – Innovative Solutions for Social Issues

Date du début: 14 juil. 2015, Date de fin: 13 janv. 2016,

„Gamification – Innovative Solutions for Social Issues” was a 7-days Training Course for 32 youth workers and youth leaders from programme countries (Poland, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Malta, Lithuania, United Kingdom and Czech Republic), designed to develop operational capacities of engaged organisations by learning innovative methods of youth social activation. The project explored gam...
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Lost Generation

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

Your project summary should be concise.
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Eco-Active in the City

Date du début: 2 mars 2015, Date de fin: 1 sept. 2015,

The main activity of the project will be Training Course „Eco – Active in the City”, which will be held in Wrocław, Poland, from 8th to 15th of May 2015. The project will gather 27 youth workers from 9 European countries. The main objective of the project is to promote youth entrepreneurship as a way to fight social exclusion. Participants will also learn basic ideas of Sustainable Development as...
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The training The Fundamentals of a Democratic Society for leaders of youth organizations addressed the fundamental issues of democracy, in particular, transparency, accountability of governmental institutions, local governance, rule of law, freedom of speech and human rights. The project introduced the participants to Sweden, Swedish institutions and organizations relevant to the aims promoting an...
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Game Over

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

Title of the project :“Game Over” Type of the Project:K1 Mobility of youth workers - Program Countries Date:13-19.06.2015 Venue:Samsun/ Turkey Host organization is Youth Platform Training Course topic is social inclusion of unemployed young people and to promote youth self entrepreneurship through non-formal learning of video games production. The main goal of training course “Game Over”, is to g...
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"Social Media-(e)-Participation"-"Sosyal Medya-Online Katılım"

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 1 févr. 2015,

We aim to coordinate a 8 days of youth exchange in Burdur, Turkey. The main theme of ?Social Media-(e)-Participation" (youth exchange) project is firstly to create a common ground for the dynamics of 'Social Media' and then exploring the effects of it on our daily life, relationships and cultures. Here, we will relate proper and effective use of social media with European Citizenship. In order to...
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Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 1 janv. 2015,

Training course called Communic8 brings together to Rabka Zdrój between 12-19 September 2014, 24 experienced leaders, trainers, youth workers, project managers from Albania, Bosnia&Hercegoivina Slovakia, Slovenia, Republic of Macedonia, Lithuania, Poland and Serbia. The main aim is to focus on very important subject as communication in different aspects of it and its importance in future employmen...
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„New ideas – New work”

Date du début: 24 juin 2014, Date de fin: 23 nov. 2014,

The aim of the " New ideas - New work" project is to expand the knowledge on unusual , innovative or forgotten professions , in the context of fighting unemployment among young people . The training will be held in Poland on 5-14.08.2014 and will include the participation of 24 people from 6 European countries ( Macedonia, Italy, Turkey, Latvia, Ukraine and Poland ). Participants will be youth wor...
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Gotcha Innovation Camp

Date du début: 20 août 2014, Date de fin: 20 nov. 2014,

The Youth Exchange “Gotcha Innovation Camp” is dedicated to the unemployment problems and entrepreneurship opportunities of young people. The youth exchange “Gotcha Innovation Camp” is gathering 40 young people from Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Italy and Turkey with the aim to stimulate on young people sense of initiative for creating social start-up ventures. During the 7-day int...
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Date du début: 1 mars 2012,

RE:DESIGN IT! is a 10 day youth exchange which will be realized in Hollókő, Hungary 1-10 of May 2012, organised and hosted by Egyesek Youth Association. Participants are 24 young people from 6 countries (Bulgaria, Spain, the Nederlands, Cyprus, Romania and Hungary) supported by 6 group leaders. Themes:-exchange methods of creative recycling-find solutions for environmental problems with art and de...
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The "2nd International Youth Meeting: European Citizen - Where are you?" will bring together young people and people active in youth work from more than 20 different European countries (EU programme countries and neighbouring partner countries from SEE) in order to offer them a platform to discuss basic issues concerning participation and European citizenship, share experiences and additionally le...
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