Rechercher des projets européens

Live FEED From Europe
Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Association CET Platform Italy - Having noticed at local level (both from the competent administrations and the youth sides) a lack of sensitivity on important topics like the development of a European Awareness among young people and the Intercultural Dialog; - Considering those topics as fundamentals in order to contribute all together to the establishment of a better Europe more sensitive and responsive to our needs; - Wishing for a transnational and European relationship network reinforcement, in order to promote the growth and the opening of our territory to the European reality;Has decided to work to reach the aim to get Youth closer to Europe and its values through the several opportunities it can offer for their education and personal growth.We strongly believe that this intercultural exchange can surely bring new linguistic skills to the participants who will able to manage and apply their abilities in a more convenient and friendly environment. We would also like to highlight our decision to achieve our goals through an universal language such as the Alimentary Traditions present in all European countries. This is made to reach the participant’s hearts and minds with the strongest possible impact. We will start from the common value of an healthy alimentation and its psycho-physical benefits, to end with examine in depth the different alimentary traditions of each participants’ country in order to explore their single important contribute to the social integration and to the cultural comparison. The whole process will be transposed in a European dimension in which particularly significant will be the creativity and the active involvement of each participant. To do so, we take advantage of a well-though strategic partnership in order to promote the Best Practices transnational Exchange.The participants will be chosen through public announcements which will indicate the project application modalities. Within the selection stage we will pay a huge attention in order to assure the gender balance and also to involve people with fewer opportunities (due to economic, social or cultural obstacles) by identifying who, among them, has never had the chance to take part in intercultural projects and to experience the so-called European Added Value.The project Life FEED From Europe will last eight days (19th-27th of February 2017), will take place in the province of Caserta and will involve 44 young people between the ages of 17 and 30 years coming from 8 different European and non-European countries: Italy, Jordan, Greece, Georgia, Czech Republic, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Iceland. The scheduled activities go from the individual and group research (which train and prepare the participant to the exchange activities) to the icebreaking, team building, exchange and informal and peer-to-peer education activities. Workshops and Taste laboratories on typical local products will take place together with cultural events and walking tours arranged to reevaluate the territory Alimentary Traditions and meeting with the local context aimed at disseminating the project’s outputs. Furthermore a creative writing workshop is scheduled in order to create a European Recipe Book which will also include an ad hoc built Index of Appreciation of the tasted recipes during the exchange activities.All these mentioned activities are finalized to acquire a deeper knowledge and awareness of own alimentary tradition and its psycho-physical benefits as well as the foreign ones. So, each participant will be able to mature and improve its: organizational skills, talents to work in team and for objectives, self-respect and its sense of European belonging by elaborating shared recipes.The applied methodologies will have, as key pedagogical principles, the active participation and the informal and peer-to-peer education. Then, based on an on-going learning and improving approach we have planned, within the project activities development, several moments of brainstorming in which will be possible to monitor the entire process flow and just in case change its direction. This project will be an important “Window” which will allow the participants to discover new realities, deeply different from their own, and will offer a priceless opportunity of personal growth. About the local context we hope that thanks to the widespread work of sharing information, which we have planned in order to divulge all the possible opportunities given by the Erasmus + Programme and the results of the Live FEED From Europe project, it could be possible although indirectly to take part in this experience and stimulate further reflections on an Active European Citizenship.



7 Participants partenaires