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The public 1st Vocational Senior High School of Veria (1st EPAL) is one of the largest schools of its category in our country with 10 different sectors. In this school 553 students attend lessons and 114 teachers teach several subjects. Students live in rural - suburban areas. They have no opportunities to travel abroad, let alone combined with professional orientation. At school they attend theor ...
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Activity 1 - Chef: The Greek economy is highly dependent on the gastronomy which is an integral part of the Greek and the world everyday life of millions of citizens. The main characteristic of the sector is the continuous development of new data, techniques, tools, materials and flavors, therefore, those involved in this industry need to constantly renew their knowledge and experiences.Activity 2 ...
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Introduction of Elements of the Dual VET in the Slovak Republic (INTVET)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2013, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2016,

This project serves, on the one hand, to work out proposals for the changes that will be necessary in the Slovak Republic in order to allow a greater dualisation of vocational training. One basis for working out these proposals is a SWOT analysis carried out for the various vocational training systems of the project partners.An analysis of the requirements of companies in the Slovak Republic is in ...
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The overall objective of the project is to enhance the professional growing of special crops and commercialization of their production, processing and retail in the target area through improved education, advisory activities and new research. This, in turn, will provide for the economic development and SME activities of rural areas on both sides of the border.
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Objectives: The research aims to improve the delivery of reproductive health (RH) services in Tanzania and Niger by generating new evidence about effective ways to strengthen the provision, uptake, equity and effectiveness of adolescent reproductive health (ARH) programmes. Background: Poor adolescent reproductive health (ARH) continues to be a major cause of morbidity and worsening poverty for th ...
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Eco-efficient tourism

Date du début: 18 avr. 2012, Date de fin: 17 avr. 2014,

Objective of the projectTo make Euregio Karelia region more attractive for tourists through gradual leveling of quality of the services provided to tourists on two sides of the borderMain activities• Development of models for sustainable management of actively visited tourism destinations• Development and introduction of environmentally sustainable technological solutions for facilitation of speci ...
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Climate Change, Cultural Heritage & Energy Efficient Monuments (Co2olBricks)

Date du début: 16 sept. 2010, Date de fin: 15 déc. 2013,

The conservation of heritage, in particular historical buildings, is a common goal in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). Due to the common identity in the BSR it is very important to protect the historical buildings in order to preserve the individual characteristics and therewith the attractiveness and competitiveness of the cities around the Baltic Sea. Besides this the international and the EU CO2-re ...
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Objective of the projectThe objective of the project was to enhance the quality of life and solving health issues (pure drinking water, nice and clean environment) of the people in Pryazha and Kalevala national districts of the Republic of Karelia. Main activities• Identify the existing problems and challenges in this area as for today. • Studying Finnish experience and knowledge in the area of de ...
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Educational cooperation, focusing on extended educational and vocational cooperation among institutions, delivery of specialized joint vocational training programmes for people with multiple disadvantages, staff exchange for strengthening cooperation of experts in the education and vocational training sector, student exchange for facilitation learning in international learning environment.Hungaria ...
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Gaining international experience is evermore important not only to enhance job opportunities on the labour market but also for the professional advancement. Stays abroad for work and internship measures are in turn increasingly popular. They provide a good basis to broaden professional qualifications, improve skills in foreign languages and to develop personal abilities in an intercultural environ ...
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Increasing cooperation between enterprises and VET is highlighted in various EU and national policies. The most of the VET organisations are involved in this cooperation, however, they have focused mostly on operating with larger companies. Small and micro enterprises are not properly involved in this cooperation nor benefiting from it, even though approx. 91% of companies in EU can be classified ...
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One of the main strategies for fostering the entrepreneurial mindset has been developed promoting training activities focused in entrepreneurship. Several education and training institution implemented a lot of training programs intended to facilitate the self-employed of their graduates. But the results are not optimist.Since 2004, there has been no change in the percentage of Europeans wishing t ...
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...form which enables developing training method on the topic of “Listening to young children” delivered via e-learning. There are two direct target groups of the project – trainers experienced in vocational training in educational sector and professionals working directly with children aged 2-6.The project was developed by consortium consisting of 4 core partners:•Comenius Foundation for Child Devel ...
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QA and evaluations must lead to quality improvement in order to warrant the considerable efforts and resources invested. Thus, in the Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF) and in the new EQAVET Recommendation, the fourth stage of the quality cycle is highlighted as the crucial phase. In the LdV Project REVIMP – From Review to Improvement (NL/05/B/F/PP/157527) guidelines for successful of the f ...
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All European systems for the assessment, recognition and validation of competence include a stage referred to as the accompaniment stage for the candidate. This critical and highly complex stage of the process is designed to provide candidates with ideas as to how best to specify their competencies and gather the required evidence of their previous learning and competencies acquired both formally ...
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... results were a training itinerary including the material designed according to the characteristics of the e-learning methodology, to be used in the online modality in all those learning processes of vocational training. These contents were referred to those topics which are of relevance for carrying out an integral and efficient management of SMEs and workshops. The expected impact was the increa ...
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The aim of the project is to exchange best practice in sustainable architecture and planning by transferring knowledge from Denmark and the UK and adapt to Icelandic needs. The product developed will be in the form of three courses for the design and building sectors including weather related influences, daylight and sustainable lighting, and sustainable building materials. The educational tools d ...
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Ecodesign is a well established concept amongst environmental specialists in Europe, but there is a lack of know how to support the systematic integration of environmental considerations in the design of ceramic products. Despite its economic importance, the ceramic industry is suffering the effects of the slowing down of the European economy and it reports the effects of the competition of produc ...
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Quality in VET (Vocational Education and Training) has been actively developed in European cooperation during the recent years. Also numerous good practices of work-based learning have been created in VET as results of innovative projects. Only in Finland hundreds of projects have deleveloped the quality of VET and work-based learning and gained remarkable results. Althoughresults are well-known a ...
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Lack of permeability - between sectors and levels - is one of the main challenges in vocational education and training (VET). Existing systems are mainly targeting a training perspective, whereas the industry itself requires relevant skills and competences in a flexible and changing business environment. The difference between applying learning objectives or learning outcomes when comparing is cru ...
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With this project, we want to transfer knowledge between VET and VET-related organizations regarding sustainable/renewable energy in Passive Building, more especially regarding photovoltaic panels and solar boilers, heat pumps, saving energy, low temperature heating and ventilation. It is important too that these materials, methods and approaches are transparent and applicable throughout the EU. T ...
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Transfer VQTS Project aims to transfer and implement in Italy and 3 other European countries (Germany, Spain and Slovenia) a model for the transfer of credits and professional qualifications (VQTS Model) in the field of production engineering, designed under the Leonardo programme 2004-2006 by a group of European partners including RSO SpA (I) and 3sResearch (AT), which was the leader and that are ...
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Migration after EU enlargement in 2004 is a recent phenomenon but official statistics &research already show large flows from Poland & Lithuania to the UK & Ireland; thatmost work below their skill levels; and a lot more can to be done by adult educationauthorities in the UK & Ireland to meet their needs. The project aims to address thissituation by:-Supporting the integration of the new migrants ...
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The project built on the results of two previous projects, “Peer Review in initial VET” (AT/04/C/F/TH-82000) and “Peer Review Extended” (EAC/32/06/13, LE-78CQAF), both of which promoted the development of a promising and innovative instrument for the external evaluation of VET Providers, Peer Review. A common European Peer Review procedure was developed for initial VET (ISCED 3/4) and tested in ei ...
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APL-Bud has set up and pilot practical accreditation of prior learning (APL) systems (involving: self-assessment, advice & guidance, assessment centre or accelerated portfolio development) certifying the competences: 1. of Polish construction workers returning after working outside Poland.2. gained by Polish construction workers through on-job experience in Poland.3. of foreign construction worker ...
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...m (Moodle). The training package produced complies with EQF rules and it will be structured according to EC-VET provisions. In addition, the TP will be hopefully accredited and included to Continuing Vocational & Educational Training System of the participating countries and provisionally of other EU countries; hence, the outcome of the project is expected to facilitate significantly the developme ...
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...orkers. The main aim and objective of this project is to create a training module about automation with industry robots and sensors to educate the managers/employees of SMEs and technical teachers in vocational schools about automation systems in industry and robot technology. It is proposed to get a training package (possibly for two weeks) which can be applied to those target groups which is cre ...
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This meat-technology innovate project has been worked two years during 1.11.2007-31.12.2009.All partners are specialist of meat-technology area and have years experience special innovates, products, production and education on differents levels.
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...lated to their background, on the other hand, without showing their full job potential they have to work at low status with low wagesEuropean countries offer extensive educational opportunities for vocational training of visually impaired individuals. The distance education system is one of the most preferred methods of education opportunities in recent years.Within the scope of this system, var ...
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Prompt Education – the initiator of Tenegen project – accredited in 2005 a three module training program in Hungary to develop teachers’ e-learning competencies. The course was delivered in typical e-learning 1.0 approach implemented in Moodle LMS with “traditional” online course components.Hundreds of Hungarian teachers took part in the training during the years, and gained basic competences in d ...
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The main aim is to contribute to the establishment of a European lifelong learning space, by providing tools and guidelines by which mutual trust between countries and between labour market and educational field is achieved more easily.Background.Experiences from earlier projects tell that Europe-wide agreements on qualification profiles do not always hold when it comes to their implementation as ...
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...ific responsibility of European HEI as regards the attainment of the common goals and the guiding principles for lifelong learning as put forth by the 2010 work programme of the EU for education and vocational training.» The setting-up of the network aims at establishing the scientific community in the participating universities as a reliable partner for policy-makers, employees and employers, edu ...
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Credit where credit's due : The project has developed a vocational qualification transfer system that allows for cross-border recognition of acquired skills and competences. The system improves the mobility of students in vocational training and leads to improvements in vocational education and training throughout Europe. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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DISCO II provides a much needed and so far at European level not available terminological support for the description and translation of knowledge, skills and competences in the context of labour market and education. Transparency and comparability of competences is supported by DISCO II, based on a common terminology offered for competence descriptions in European transparency instruments and lea ...
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The project partnership aims to offer vocational training in the European plant propagation sector. As Europe is a world leader in micro-propagation, the project sets out to enhance economic growth in this sector. A range of potential users will be targeted, including those active in plant propagation and institutions offering vocational training in agriculture. As training in this area is usually ...
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The SIGN-IT-NOW project responds to the need of those employed in emergency and care services, to communicate with a growing number of hearing-impaired persons (up to 20% of the population in some countries). It aims to overcome barriers to training by developing the very first on-line training programme in sign languages specially geared to these services. Partner countries include popular touris ...
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Guidenet will establish a network of expertise in the field of Vocational Guidance. The network will operate through four separate tiers: Contractor, Core Partner, Permanent Relay Point and Occasional Correspondent and will bring together the expertise of all contributory partners. The network will act as a core information point and centre of expertise drawing upon the position of individual part ...
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Teachers and trainers who are confronted with intercultural classes due to the presence of students from different nationalities need further teaching skills to deal with difficulties they come across in such situations. The purpose of this project is to identify specific methodologies and training plans for teachers and trainers who work with multi-ethnic classes including a high proportion of fo ...
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A centralised source for widespread employers : The overarching aim of this project is to create a single source of information on vocational training, university studies and labour, with a view to promoting mobility in Europe. Transparency is ensured and a website will be used to present the results of projects in the languages of countries concerned. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 mo ...
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Ecological agricultural � a way forward for training and for the environment : A project that is designed to promote environmentally friendly agricultural practices that will also offer training opportunities for local communities. This should help bolster the economies of these communities, while making both producers and consumers more ecologically aware. This project started in 2001 and lasted ...
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