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Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2021,

Europe is facing major economic challenges that require an ambitious economic policy for the 21st century. The EU has set out its vision for Europe's social market economy in the Europe 2020 strategy, which aims at confronting our structural weaknesses through progress in three mutually reinforcing priorities:• smart growth, based on knowledge and innovation,• sustainable growth, promoting a more ...
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Environmental heating is a growing challenge for our community and problems are already experienced by millions of Europeans during the summertime and aggravated during heat waves or occupational settings. In addition to the well-known health risks related to severe heat stress, a number of studies have confirmed significant loss of productivity due to hyperthermia. Even if countries adopt the EU ...
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Grenzeloze Toeristische Innovatie (GTI)

Date du début: 30 juin 2015, Date de fin: 29 juin 2019,

Description (EN): The border area, where two cultures meet, is attractive for visitors. However, the foreign market on the doorstep is a real challenge for touristic SMEs. The project supports these SMEs in acquiring and expanding know-how on the foreign market Germany or the Netherlands respectively, in order to develop touristic offers of better quality for their foreign guests. T ...
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Competenties Zichtbaar Maken

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

1. Context and background of the project Young adults in a vulnerable position will leave education without a diploma. They will have a negative experience and are supported in the belief that they are a failure for not having a professional qualification. This project will focus on the capabilities of these young adults by focusing on the development of a portfolio approach. By using EVP, EVC, an ...
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Let's talk European

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

In a more and more interdependent world cross-cultural and communication competences attained through time spent abroad are becoming more important every day. Therefore the facilitation of individual competences concerning the ability to obtain a job after finishing school or the apprenticeship is a focal point of the project 'Let's talk European'. Objectives of the projectThe facilitation of comp ...
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ECVETi koostöös rakendamine - arendades tehnikahariduse tulevikku

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

Into that project Tallinn Polytechnic School involves two target groups: students (30 days practical training or 12 days of practical training in VET school) and teachers and school staff members (7 days job shadowing or 7 days teaching). The aim of the project for the first target group is to arrange for the students the possibility to do a real work abroad. Taking account different age and profe ...
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Reaching out for Europe

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

ROC A12 applies for the Erasmus+ project 'Reaching out for Europe' in the framework of the ambitions laid down in its internationalisation policy. During their time at ROC A12, students are offered the possibility to gain relevant international experience, by means of an internship abroad and/or an international study trip or exchange programme. ROC A12 has ample experience with international proj ...
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REpare (PREpare)

Date du début: 31 mars 2015, Date de fin: 30 mai 2018,

Description (EN): The PREpare project aims at reducing the barrier effect of the border for emergency care and crisis preparedness in the EUREGIO. This project shall allow the implementation and evaluation of concrete pilot actions for reducing legal, organisational, cultural, and language barriers for cross-border cooperation without having to await long processes of changing the l ...
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Coming to school with a SMILE: reducing dropout in school

Date du début: 16 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 15 déc. 2017,

The role of Today´s School is not easy and very different from what it was just few decades ago. The school finds itself facing the challenge of responding to the demands of the complex society we live in: a globalized highly competitive, constantly changing and increasingly complex world that demands professionals capable of innovating and managing innovation and flexible to adapt to the changing ...
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The aim of HELIX is to exploit novel tools and methods (remote sensing/GIS-based spatial methods, omics-based approaches, biomarkers of exposure, exposure devices and models, statistical tools for combined exposures, novel study designs, and burden of disease methodologies), to characterise early-life exposure to a wide range of environmental hazards, and integrate and link these with data on majo ...
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Piirideta ECVET - kujundades oskusi

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

Into that project Tallinn Polytechnic School involves two target groups: students (30 days practical training) and teachers and school staff members (7 days job shadowing or 14 days teaching). The aim of the project for the first target group is to arrange for the students the possibility to do a real work abroad. Taking account different age and professional division, we plan to send during 2 ye ...
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Sustainable Student and Staff Mobility

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

International contacts of Savo Consortium for Education are very important to students, the staff and the region. Needs for internationalisation in the North Savo region and its companies are recognised. Consortium’s strategic actions for 2015-2016 comprise extended work-based learning and developing international skills needed in the working life. The primary objective of the project Sustainabl ...
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Graafschap College Grenze(n)loos

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

Context and backgrounds of the project Increasing international awareness and competences with students and staff meets with all strategic aims. Cross-border experiences and encounters increase creativity, talents and learning power. In this way Graafschap College, acting from its core tasks, gives an innovative impulse to the labour market. This impulse is the more desirable considering the intr ...
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Elly goes Europe

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

Elly-Heuss-Knapp-vocational-school (Düsseldorf) and Mildred-Scheel-vocational-school (Solingen) have founded the workgroup ''international'' in order to cooperate on Elly-Heuss-Knapp's new Europe-strategy. This regional cooperation is based on the belief that the necessity for a stronger collaboration within Europe is needed, in order to be able to take part in shaping a continuously more globaliz ...
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Gaining your Goals Abroad

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

ROC A12 applies for the Erasmus+ project 'Gaining your Goals Abroad' in the framework of the ambitions laid down in its internationalisation policy. During their time at ROC A12, students are offered the possibility to gain relevant international experience, by means of an internship abroad and/or an international study trip or exchange programme. ROC A12 has ample experience with international pr ...
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Sustainable Student and Staff Mobility

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

Savo Consortium for Education (Savo Vocational College) is one of the largest providers of vocational secondary education in Finland (approx. 8500 students, teacher and support service staff approx. 1150). The objective of the Sustainable Student Mobility project (SUMO) is to centralize all student mobility under one project thus improving the quality of mobilities and making their management easi ...
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Graafschap college is going abroad 7

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

Context/background of the project For this call, we applied for a grant for 97 students and 13 employees. The amount granted was lower than we applied for. Nevertheless 122 students and employees went abroad for an internship and/or training. Fifteen employees and 107 students. These employees and students work in the different Graafschap College divisions; Technics, Health, Economics and Service ...
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Mobilumas mokantis – patirtis gyvenime

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

The analysis of student and teacher mobility during the period of 2007-2014 at Kaunas builders’ training centre indicated that only 33 students and 12 teachers participated in trainings abroad therefore the institution focuses on increasing possibilities for learners to perform practical training abroad and for vocational teachers to observe the organization of practical training. The institute wi ...
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Indications exist that close contact with nature brings benefits to human health and well-being. The proposed work will investigate the interconnections between exposure to natural outdoor environments, in both rural and urban settings, and better human health and well-being in the North West, South and East of Europe. The project will explore the underlying mechanisms at work (stress reduction/re ...
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NWE Academy of Champions for Energy (ACE)

Date du début: 31 mars 2010, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2015,

The aim of the project is to promote and implement the uptake of sustainable energy in NWE. The project will achieve this through the development of a transnational academy. bringing together public and private agencies to champion sustainable energy. The partnership brings together 4 distinct capability sets. coordinated through an innovative Academy of Champions for Energy: 1. ICT capabili ...
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Date du début: 6 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2015,

... Achievements: In partnership with Merthyr Tydfil, the National Trust, the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie (New Dutch Waterline), the Province of Gelderland and Ille-et-Villaine, a three-year project was launched aimed at the (economic) revitalization of valuable landscapes. The partners met regularly to exchange information and ideas about ra ...
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Parlement Européen de la Jeunesse pour l'Eau

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 1 févr. 2015,

Background and objectives: The European Youth Parliaments for Water (EYPW) are designed to promote youth participation in water policies, firstly by raising awareness of the challenges of water management, and secondly through education for citizenship and democracy. The EYPW are organized since 15 years by Solidarity Water Europe (SWE), which has developed a recognized expertise, and established ...
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A key territorial challenge identified by the NWE programme. is the need to strengthen the attractiveness and performance of cities and regions in Northwest Europe. including through transnational actions that build on the economic potential of local and regional assets. This territorial challenge is at the core of DEMARRAGE. DEMARRAGE brings together all regions located in the Rhine corridor. ...
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In den vergangenen Jahren kennzeichnete sich die Zusammenarbeit vom Paritätischen Kleve und Zorgbelang Gelderland durch folgendes aus: Erforschung der Problematik grenzüberschreitender Versorgung in dieser Region, Aufbau der Zusammenarbeit. In 2010 bis 2013 wollen der Paritätische Kleve und Zorgbelang Gelderland ihre Aktivitäten intensivieren und vertiefen. In diesem Projekt wird weiter auf die Er ...
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Brain Flow and Knowledge Transfer fostering Innovation in Border Regions (Brain Flow)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 30 janv. 2014,

... activate Regional recommendation sheets• Hedmark County Council (NO)• Nemunas Euroregion Marijampole Bureau (LT)• North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW)• Province of Gelderland (NL)• Province of Overijssel (NL)• Regio Basiliensis (CH)• Region of Navarre (ES)• Värmland County Administrative Board (SE) Sub-project fact sheets• BordInfo - Border Information Centre• BPCM - Best Practice Cluster Management• BR ...
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Changing Climate. Changing Lives (C-Change)

Date du début: 3 oct. 2007, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

C-CHANGE aims to achieve a 'sea-change' in attitudes. behaviours and practical responses to the challenges that climate change raises for city regions by: 1. Empowering politicians. planners. practitioners. communities. and in particular young people. to champion these approaches. 2. Developing creative solutions to the sustainable management of open space. 3. Climate-proofing regional spatial ...
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X-Regio Weiterhin sicher arbeiten (X-Regio Veilig blijven werken - I-2-03=177)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

...ützt durch innovative IT-Anwendungen - das Informationsmanagement für die Planung, die Verwaltung, die Einübung sowie die Evaluierung großräumiger Evakuierungen ausgehend von NRW und Gelderland für Unternehmen und Gewerbegiete im Arbeitsgebiet der Euregio Rhein-Waal zu verbessern und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen staatlichen Stellen, Katastrophenschutzorganisationen und der Wirtschaft herzustellen.
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...tners an idea of which funding opportunities are available for the projects/programmes they wish to include in their action plans. Next interregional workshop took place in Gelderland on 24 November 2011. This workshop focused on Local and regional Climate Impact and contained good practice presentations as well as valuable discussions among the partners. With one year to go of the EU2020 Going Lo ...
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Zusätzliche und bleibende Verfügbarkeit, Zugänglichkeit und Nutzung von Geoinformationen ist für die erfolgreiche grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit unerlässlich. XGDI Ronduit unterstützt die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit durch die Bereitstellung und den weiteren zielgerichteten Ausbau der erforderlichen Infrastrukturen, Technologien, Know-how, Erfahrungen und durch Aufbau und Pflege interd ...
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Das Projekt VIKING X-REGIO wird aufzeigen, dass eine Verbreitung des gesammelten Wissens und von Erfahrungen im Hinblick auf Katastrophenschutz und Krisenabwehr sowie ein Verbesserung der IKT-Struktur der hierbei zur Unterstützung eingesetzten Systeme entlang der deutsch-niederländischen Gebiete entlang von Rhein, Maas, Vecht und Eems wünschenswert und realisierbar sind. Das Projekt führt durch da ...
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Sowohl auf niederländischer als auch auf deutscher Seite spielt der Agrofood sektor eine bedeutende Rolle. Aber sowohl die niederländische als auch die deutsche Marktposition stehen unter grossem Druck. Um optimale Erträge zu erzielen, ist die strategische Zusammenarbeit der Länder, die für Realisiering dieser Ziele bedeutsam sind, äussert wichtig. Internationale Kooperation ist dabei ein wichtige ...
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Amphibian Biotope Improvement in the Netherlands (AMBITION)

Date du début: 1 mai 2004, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2008,

...ves Partnership is particularly important in this project. The beneficiary (Staatsbosbeheer) collaborates with provincial landscape foundations (Overijssel, Gelderland, Limburg), an NGO with much expertise in herpetology (RAVON) and the largest conservation NGO in the Netherlands, Natuurmonumenten. A total of 14 subsites have been selected and in each o ...
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X-Border-GDI-breeduit (X-Border-GDI-breeduit - II-2-02=034.3)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2008, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2008,

Das Projekt "X-border-GDI in der Breite" markiert für die Entwicklung einer grenzüberschreitenden Infrastruktur für Geoinformationen einen Wendepunkt im laufenden Programm. Das Projekt prüft mit Hilfe von Gesprächen und Veranstaltungen mit allen potenziellen Partnern in den Grenzgebieten der Niederlande mit Deutschland und Belgien die Machbarkeit eines neuen und erweiterten X-border-GDI-Programms, ...
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Road congestion in the NWE area affects accessibility, mobility, environmental quality and economic development. Building new roads is no longer an option. Optimum2 seeks to better integrate mobility management into spatial planning and promote sustainable mobility alternatives. Nine partners from the Netherlands and the UK have set their objectives around five key factors that they consider are i ...
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SDF (Sustainable Development of Flood Plains) (SDF)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

The bursting of river banks, flooding of towns and evacuation of communities, have, in recent times, brought about the need for drastic short-term measures including the construction of emergency dams and dykes. With flooding predicted to become ever more acute and ever more frequent, German and Dutch governments have been forced to take more drastic long-term action to cope with rising water leve ...
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Deutsch-Niederländisches Jugendwerk (DIABOLO)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2004, Date de fin: 29 juin 2008,

Die EUREGIO e.V. beantragt die Einrichtung eines deutsch-niederländischen Jugendbüros. Ziel ist es, den deutsch-niederländischen Jugendaustausch in der Grenzregion zu fördern. Das Jugendbüro soll als eine regionale Schaltstelle die Arbeit der nationalen Agenturen unterstützen und die deutschen und niederländischen Stellen miteinander vernetzen. Jugendliche, Jugendleiter, Ämter und Organisationen s ...
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Since 1990, the EU has provided financial support for internal and external cross-border cooperation, helping to establish cross-border programme structures and to implement numerous cross-border projects along the EU’s internal and external borders. Despite the progress made, there are still a large number of cross-border problems, especially along the current (and future) external borders of the ...
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Date du début: 31 août 2002, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2005,

Addressing similar concerns of mobility and accessibility but on a more local scale, the study project, The International Network of Light Rail Cities – From Vision to Action (LIRA-II), brings together 9 partners from the Netherlands, the UK and Belgium. Over 30 months the Dutch-led initiative will address accessibility in and around metropolitan areas by investigating strategies for the integrate ...
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HST Platform

Date du début: 30 juin 2001, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2004,

The action project High-Speed Train Platform (HST), addresses sustainable mobility management. Over 3 years the Dutch-led initiative involving 16 partners from the UK, Belgium and Germany will endeavour to improve the effectiveness of the high-speed rail network currently under development, in order to exploit its potential both locally and internationally. The objective is to improve the internal ...
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FAR (Extreme Floods and Flood Protection along the Rhine) (FAR)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2001, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2004,

The project between four Dutch and German partners builds upon a transnational cooperation agreement in the field of flood prevention signed in 1997 by the Province of Gelderland, the Ministry of Transport and Water Management of the Netherlands, and the Ministry of Environment of the Land of Northrhine-Westfalia. FAR (Extreme floods and flood protection along the Rhine) also follows up a number o ...
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