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26 projets européens trouvés

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Youth Empowerment for Inclusion – Change Making by Capacity Development

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

Against the background of a raising number of refugees and IDPs in Europe, predominantly due to the war in Syria and Ukraine and not to forget the “old” IDPs from the wars in the 1990ies in the Caucasus, the project would like to provide youth workers from Western and Eastern Europe with a platform debating reasons and effects of migration as well as approaches and concrete activities for addressi ...
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YE - Seeds for Healthy Life

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

"Friends From Norway" together with its partner organisations initiates a project “Seeds for Healthy Life" with participants involved both in youth field, healthy life and conscious lifestyle.We came up with the idea to implement this project during the Flash workshop. To be more clear it was a training course aiming at encouraging newcomers to start international projects in Erasmus+ Youth Progr ...
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Say Hi(king)!

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

The project "Say Hi(king)!" was initiated due to the extraordinary situation related to the mass migration in Europe and neighboring countries. It is based on sports, outdoor education and social inclusion. Our aim is with the help of sport as development tool to foster solidarity and social inclusion.One very important question might arise: how sport is related to the inclusion?We believe that sp ...
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Sailing Democracy 2016

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

Sailing Democracy is a nine-day long youth exchange on the schooner Fylla, July 7-15, 2016. The project involves four countries: Turkey, Latvia, Ukraine and Denmark. Altogether 32 people will participate, amounts them youngster with fewer opportunities.The aim of this project is to combat prejudice, to promote social intercultural competences, and also democracy and peace education in everyday lif ...
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Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

...ternational event with the focus on the problem of Integration and Solidarity with people who flee own home places and facing some obstacles in the new conditions. This event will take place in Bila Tserkva Ukraine and it will gather together 20 young participants and four group leaders from four different European countries Slovakia, Ukraine, Italy and Georgia. The young people are going to prese ...
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A Tale of many Cities

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Until the mid 20th century, cities were generally organized into and developed around mixed-use walkable neighborhoods. For most of human history this meant a city that was entirely walkable, although with the development of mass transit the reach of the city extended outward along transit lines, allowing for the growth of new pedestrian communities such as streetcar suburbs. But with the advent o ...
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Description SME-suitable robots that assist in managing uncertainty by symbiotic Human-Robot-Interaction and embedded cognition Over two-thirds of European workers in manufacturing are employed in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). While robots are able to carry out repetitive tasks to a h ...
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New VIE: Visual Innovative Education

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

The project "New VIE: Visual Innovative Education" is a 6 (+1 travel) days training course which has been organized on 11th – 18th of September 2015 in Italy. The project involved 24 participants (Youth Workers, Trainers, Educators, young professionals working with youngsters with fewer opportunities, Project Managers and PR specialists working in NGOs), aged between 22 and 30 years old, including ...
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YouRopes-Begegnung rund um das Seil

Date du début: 15 mai 2015, Date de fin: 14 déc. 2015,

YouRope: A rope connects, offers various and changeable possibilities and brings security. For several outdoor-activities a rope is an important symbol of the cooperation of a team. Furthermore it symbolizes movement and challenges as well as well as makes sure that everyone is “pulling together”. As a Metaphor of the connection in Europe we would like to organize from the 26th of july to the 03th ...
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Zooming to the youth

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

Media plays a big role in the lives of young people and young people's use and production of media is increasing all the time. Even so, a large part of the youth workers feel their media skills are poor. Youth workers desperately need more media training in order to be able to be fully present in young peoples lives. We want to respond to this need and provide training, where youth workers can upd ...
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Date du début: 1 avr. 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

Training course ?Youth builds Peace in Europe? was held in Kobuleti, Georgia, on 20 - 28 June 2015. In the training participated together 32 youth workers, youth leaders and youth educators as well as youth activists from 13 European countries: Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Moldova. Peace-building and conflict transfo ...
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Art mark

Date du début: 1 avr. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

Leisure Time Activities Centre in collaboration with partners from Armenia, Denmark, France, Lebanon and Ukraine organized youth exchange. From 23th to 30th August 2015 in Stara Lubovna, Slovakia meeting 24 young people (17 to 25 years old) together with 6 leaders to discussed the importance of peace and tolerance at the present times. It's not a cliché, but the reality of some participants. T ...
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Explore your Potential

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

Participation of young people is one of the key questions that youth workers address in their work. Concepts of participation usually refer to at least four dimensions: social participation, political participation, economic participation and cultural participation. Unfortunately, in today`s Europe young people do often not participate in any of these societal dimensions. With youth unemployment r ...
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Social work all inclusive

Date du début: 15 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 14 sept. 2015,

The School of Social Work ,Department of the Rotterdam University of Applied Science prepared a Proposal for a KEY-ACTION 1( Mobility of youth workers) SOCIAL WORK ALL INCLUSIVE (SWAI) Context/background of the project What is the current situation? • More than 5.5 million young people are unemployed in the EU-28 area today. • This represents an unemployment rate of 23.4% (24.0% in the euro area) ...
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Date du début: 17 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 16 déc. 2014,

From 17 to 31 October 2014 in Fréjus (in the south east of France), in the frames of the youth exchange project "HEALTHY EUROPEAN YOUTH -", the French young people will host groups of young people from different countries of the EU (Denmark, Italy, Portugal) and its neighbourhood (Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia). The youth exchange will gather 48 youngsters (aged 18-28) ...
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Eko- games

Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 16 oct. 2014,

The aim of the project is youth exchange. The youth exchange encourage young people to meet and improve their skills and competences. A group will be composed of 12 young people from Poland and 12 Ukrainian students at the age of 15 to 22 years old. The young people will animate sporting events and recreational activities for the local community in the small town Powidz near first polish capital G ...
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BBEE : Building Bridges with Eastern Europe

Date du début: 20 juin 2014, Date de fin: 20 sept. 2014,

The Contact-Making seminar "BBEE : BUILDING BRIDGES WITH EASTERN EUROPE" will gather youth workers from 26 youth organisations from 20 different European countries (14 Programme countries : France, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Denmark, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Malta, Germany, Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, and 6 Eastern Partnership countries : Georgia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Ar ...
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Indicators for biodiversity in organic and low-input farming systems (BioBio)

Date du début: 1 mars 2009, Date de fin: 31 août 2012,

Organic and low-input farming systems have been shown to benefit farmland biodiversity although a generic indicator system to assess these benefits at the European level is lacking. The BIOBIO project will therefore pursue the following objectives: 1. Conceptualization of criteria for a scientifically-based selection of biodiversity indicators for organic/low-input farming systems; 2. Assessment ...
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Mnoho historických památek svědčících o životě a působení princezny Marianny Oranžské nacházejících se v polském i českém pohraničí je přes velký zájem o tuto pozoruhodnou historickou osobnost dodnes nevyužito.Stezka Marianny Oranžské exponující objekty a pamětihodnosti spojené s životem a působením nizozemské princezny na tomto území se stane přeshraničním turistickým produktem významně rozšiřují ...
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Periferní charakter příhraničních území má za následek významné zmenšení bezpečnosti v tomto území, což má negativní vliv na konkurenceschopnost příhraničních území.Vytvoření systému zabraňování vzniku nebezpečí a efektivní součinnosti v případě vzniku krizových situací, bude mít vliv pro zvýšení atraktivity příhraničního území pro jeho obyvatele, tuzemské a zahraniční investory a rovněž i pro tu ...
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Projekt bude součástí většího úkolu nazvaného Stezka královny Marianny Oranské (dohoda v této věci byla 17.12.2007 v Bílé Vodě).Realizace projektu přispěje ke zlepšení technického stavu historického komplexu vápenek a zpřístupní je pro turisty. Přispěje ke vzniku nového turistického produktu v oblasti polsko-českého příhraničí a ke zpestření turistické nabídky obou příhraničních obcí. Po vstupu Po ...
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Společná česko-polská cvičení hasičských sborů v Rychlebských horách

Date du début: 12 mars 2006, Date de fin: 3 sept. 2006,

Obsahem projektu je podpora aktivní spolupráce českých a polských hasičských sborů. Obec Bílá Voda se nachází v bezprostřední blízkosti česko-polské hranice. Nejbližší profesionální hasičský sbor se nachází v Jeseníku, vzdáleném cca. 40 km od obce. Vzájemná spolupráce a nácvik zásahů českých a polských jednotek může být klíčovým prvkem záchrany životů a majetků místních obyvatel. Obsahem projektu ...
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Projekt se skládá ze dvou logických cástí. První cástí projektu je porízení stroje na úpravu bežeckých tratí, který bude upravovat trasu z Grune od hotelu Charbulák, pres Bílý Kríž, Konecnou, Sedlo pod Bobkem na Bílou v jednom smeru a z Grune od Charbuláku na Školeny ve druhém smeru. Trasa se nachází na katastrálním území obcí Staré Hamry a Bílá. Na jejím míste v soucasné dobe existuje turistická ...
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Proposed QANTUS project aims at preparation of sectoral Qualifications Frameworks for Environmental Science. It will contribute towards wider objective “Enhancement of quality and relevance of higher education in Ukraine and increasing convergence with EU developments through elaboration of qualifications frameworks”. Three specific project objectives are:1. Analyses of existing standards and meth ...
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Date du début: 1 août 2013,

The ancient legend of Medea as a symbol for migration and intercultural relations was chosen as an entry point to bring young people from different European countries together and to discuss notions of culture, cultural heritage and multiculturalism and their relevance in an increasingly cultural diverse Europe.Looking at constantly high or even occasionally increasing tensions in multicultural so ...
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The Thematic Network "Dietitians Improving Education and Training Standards" (2006-09) successfully published first cycle competences, influenced education policy change and increased web-based and innovative communication between higher education (HE) and the dietetic profession. But to effectively contribute to policies and practices averting the European health crisis (WHO, 2007) and poor nutri ...
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