27 nov. 2018
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
We are an IT consultant company with expertise on digital business transformation and software develpoment on mobile, Cloud, Big Data and AI technologies.
We are looking for a partner to collaborate with in R&D projects, preferently in the fields of biomedicine or biotechnology, but also in any other field where digital technologies can be implemented.
We offer our broad expertise in such technologies and product launch and commercialization. In addition, we have experience on project management with multiple partners, and preparation of project proposals to H2020 framework projects. We were granted funding as part of the SME Instrument Phase I and INNOSUP programmes.
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Idées proposées
Applications informatiques
Innovation & Recherche
Technologie mobile
Internet des objets (IoT)
We are seeking for a partner (company, research group, university, etc.) to collaborate with in a R&D project. We offer our expertise on the implementation of digital technologies (image processing, Big Data and AI, mobile and Cloud-based solutions), marketing and product commercialization, project management and preparation of project proposals for H2020 R&D framework.
Faraday 7, Madrid
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
Applications informatiques
Innovation & Recherche
Internet des objets (IoT)
We are an IT consultant company with expertise on digital business transformation and software development on Cloud, mobile (Android / iOS), Big Data, AI platforms.
We searching for partners to collaborate with in R&D projects. The sought partner may have expertise on fields related to biomedicine, biotechnology or any other field where digital technologies can be potentially...
Faraday 7, Madrid
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
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