Fundación Cibervoluntarios
10 févr. 2023
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
Tenders and Projects at Fundación Cibervoluntarios
FIELDS of digital transformation, innovation and education for social change: vulnerable groups (gender, LGBTI+, migrants, youth and childhood, ageing), citizenship, active participation in decision-making, testing and validating user-perspective tools, UX-UI dissemination and communication, exploitation, training pilots, digital platforms and toolboxes.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Innovation sociale
Égalité des sexes
Éducation et formation
Culture numérique
Programme Droits, Égalité et Citoyenneté
Société numérique
We are searching for opportunities to participate as a partner in projects within the 2021-2027 Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme framework. We are especially interested in the following calls:
(CERV-2023-CHAR-LITI) Call for proposals to promote civil society organisations’ awareness of, capacity building and impl...
Madrid, Spain
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Innovation sociale
Éducation et formation
Fundación Cibervoluntarios (), a Spanish NGO born in 2001 focused on the use of ICTs as a means for social innovation and citizen empowerment, is looking for a partner from Nothern Europe with expertise in validation of e-platform regarding accessibility for persons with disabilities (especially cognitive accessibility ) to join Consortium for next Cooperation Partnership call. ...
Madrid, Spain
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Innovation sociale
Éducation et formation
Fundación Cibervoluntarios (), a Spanish NGO born in 2001 focused on the use of ICTs as a means for social innovation and citizen empowerment, is looking for schools from an EU member country, preferably public school, with previous experience in Erasmus + Projects to join Consortium for next Cooperation Partnership call.
The project aim is to raise awarene...
Madrid, Spain
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