Raúl Mohedano
16 sept. 2023
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A propos
PhD in Computer Science with a focus on computer vision, image processing, and statistical methods. MSc in Mathematics. Ongoing BSc in Psychology. Patent examiner in the field of computer vision and image processing.
Latest projects: develpment of Neural Machine Translation engines.
Interests: explainable AI and its application to cognitive and psychological research, specially in the field of cognitive neuroscience; brain connectomics; diagnostic applications, natural human-machine interaction.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Sciences Biologiques
Droit sur la propriété intellectuelle
Rédaction technique
Rédaction d'article
Écriture académique
Intelligence artificielle
Interests: explainable AI and its application to cognitive and psychological research, specially in the field of cognitive neuroscience; brain connectomics; diagnostic applications, natural human-machine interaction.
Madrid, Spain
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