Aurore Asorey
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
My 13 years' work experience in European projects and funding is based on three main pillars:
* defining and implementing of an influence strategy mainly with the European authorities and networks,
* writing proposals in the frame of European or national funding programmes (collaborative projects or direct funding schemes) and,
* grants negotiation, steering and monitoring of selected projects or obtained funding.
I use to work in English, French and Spanish.
The European projects that I had to support were related to the field of sustainable urban mobility and innovation in public transport. Different European and national funding instruments have thus been mobilized according to the maturity levels of the projects submitted:
* R&D and research programs: FP 6 and 7, Horizon 2020, Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (French national program);
* Deployment and implementation programs: IEE STEER, INTERREG, ERDF, Urban Innovative Action, Connecting Europe Facility - Transport, Smart Cities and Communities, LIFE, SME instrument;
List of European projects and funding conducted as coordinator or beneficiary: ERDF funding operations, CIVITAS MOBILIS, CIVINET, SUMOBIS, ENERQI, CHUMS, Connecting Europe Facility-Transport, UIA-COMMUTE
Therefore, I have acquired and consolidated a fine expertise of the European funding programmes and have activated them according to the strategic priorities or the innovative projects of my organization. This activity was also directly linked to a collaborative relationship with the European sectorial networks
to ensure strategic and technical monitoring. This participation had helped to position the organization in several European consortia.
The set-up and management of the selected projects had also required the development of partnership activities and project management to meet the requirements of the projects (in particular contractual reporting, financial and administrative follow-up). Thus, I performed a work of steering, coordination and monitoring both internally (with technical teams and administrative supports) with local partners (public authorities and private companies) and European consortia. These levels of action allowed me to understand diverse and complementary professional environments and evolve in a multicultural context requiring flexibility and adaptability.
Besides, I have also coordinated events organisation and participated to European events as speaker or moderator. This activity is accompanied by collaborating with European networks to ensure a relevant level of dissemination of project achievements.