COLEGAS-Spanish LGBT Confederation
1 oct. 2016
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
- Awareness-raising and social pedagogy against discrimination and for equality of LGBT rights
- Provision of services and attention to LGBT
- Prevention of STD and HIV / AIDS and health promotion in general (drug addiction, eating disorders, women's health ..). Combating discrimination against people living with HIV
- Actions in the field of youth (exchanges, ....) and disability, women and transgender visibility,
- International cooperation projects and denunciation of the international LGBT situation
- Promoting education in the fields of sexuality, cultivating values, multiculturalism and diversity, and combating bullying and discrimination in education
- Promoting voluntary service and participation in national and international associative networks
- Promoting multiculturalism, work and social integration and migrants
- Promotion of formal and non-formal training in equality, non-discrimination and diversity issues
- Promoting of respect for LGBT seniors and increase their well-being and social participation
- Fight against discrimination in the workplace and promotion of diversity management
- Promoting employment and socio-labor insertion
- Actions and programs against violence due to sexual orientation and gender identity
- Development of family mediation programs
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Renforcement des compétences
Innovation sociale
Affaires sociales et inclusion
Personnes defavorisées
Égalité des sexes
Groupes minoritaires
Programme Droits, Égalité et Citoyenneté
Sécurité publique
As a organisation for tackling hate crime in LGBTI community, we want to be partners in a proyect for applying to the "Support dialogue and exchange of best practice in fostering tolerance and mutual respect" programme.
We have a project for 3 years called the "Spanish Observatory against LGBTfobia" (), through which we carry out campaigns, workshops for poli...
Centro, Madrid, Spain
il y a 8 ans
il y a 8 ans
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