Asociación de Empresas de Eficiencia Energética-A3E

: 14 janv. 2020

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A propos

Asociación de Empresas de Eficiencia Energética (A3E) is an independent and non-profit organization that represents around 100 companies and entities working in the field of Energy Efficiency. Its members include energy consulting firms, technologic institutes, engineering companies, ESCOs – Energy Service Companies-, equipment and component manufacturers, Since its creation in March 2009, A3E has been devoted to the promotion this sector and the diffusion of technical knowledge related to energy efficiency.

A3E provides training and events for the energy efficiency promotion and diffusion of their members activities to support them.

A3E has participated in QualitEE and it is the Spanish partner of the INNOVEAS project, both H2020 projects.

A3E is looking forward to participate in other european projects related with the promotion of energy efficiency with other private or public institutions.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Efficacité énergétique
 Énergie intelligente
 Énergie renouvelable
 Éducation et formation

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