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39 projets européens trouvés

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European Region Entrepreneurship Connection – EFEB Network

Date du début: 1 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

... in VET partnership with great potential for development and raising the public awareness, supporting women empowerment and providing new economic and social opportunities for a prosperous European Region. In this respect, among the project’s proposal main tasks is to enhance the new skills education and to create a climate that is favorable to increasing the number of women entrepreneurs and the ...
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Stages Léonardo

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

Context and objectives The Brussels-Capital Region is affected by an important social divide. On one hand, its higher education graduate rate is one of the highest in Europe (37%). On the other hand, an important proportion of the population is underqualified (35’5%), the early school leaving rate is significant (20%) and the youth unemployment rate is worrisome (30 %)*. Due to the deindustrializa ...
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Parks, both historic and modern, are intensively managed, high quality environments. They add to the attractiveness and success of cities and regions and to the quality of life for citizens and visitors.The partnership includes many of those cities and regions energetically enhancing and using parks in a wider policy context such as economic development, rural diversification, protection of cultur ...
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Joint easily wafted East laboratory Model  (JEWEL Model)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2014,

Background Crisis of the function and character of the historical town centre in the territory and the loss of identity of its renewed community. Overall aims Develop integrated strategies for metropolitan areas for contribute to the future development of South East Europe. Project wishes to contribute to innovative solutions to tackle crucial problems affecting metropolitan areas, such as local g ...
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Mediterranean Building Rethinking for Energy Efficiency Improvement (MARIE) (MARIE)

Date du début: 31 mars 2011, Date de fin: 30 mars 2014,

...onditions for Energy Efficiency (EE) improvement in the MED. Building Stock in the framework of EU policy objectives, overcoming barriers and creating sustainable development opportunities in the MED region. Pil Achievements: State of the art of project implementation s ...
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Adaptation of Mediterranean woodlands to climate change effects. (FOR CLIMADAPT)

Date du début: 31 mai 2010, Date de fin: 30 mai 2013,

...sThe project goes into a phase of regime in which the experimental actions will be pursued and capitalisation sharesd action will be stronger. We have had: the visit of the pilot site in North Aegean Region (Mytilene), and the technical seminar organized by North Aegean Region, with related reports. The 6th and 7th meeting of the peer group and minutes Reported decisions and the visit report. The ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 mars 2013, a proven high potential to support the Lisbon objectives of the EU. This potential is not sufficiently taken into consideration in the EU Structural Funds programmes (2007-2013) in many European regions. Especially rural regions and regional urban centres are concerned. For this reason, CREA.RE was originated to combine (1) a better part of regions having faced such problems when starting to in ...
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The MED TECHNOPOLIS is a project for 36 months which consists in: - the creation of technology interface structures (TISs) belonging to the technopolis generation, in all the participant regions - the completion of a cycle of Action-Training Programs (ATPs) and six Regional Action Plans (RAPs), based on INNOV/COMP and R&AT partnerships among the actors of these regions. At the closing Co ...
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Ecosystems have gradually been converted through the expansion of human activities and the introduction/invasion of new species. As a result, species and genetic diversity have declined. Regional and local authorities can organise land planning and regulate human activities in order to preserve biodiversity (natural area protection, greens corridors, conservation and valorisation of species and va ...
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In Responsible MED 9 partners use transnational cooperation to evaluate and capitalise on corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a tool for competitiveness. Based on regional analyses and comparison, a common methodology and tool is developed and tested to evaluate and monitor links between CSR policy and levels of innovation and competitiveness. In promoting CSR as added value for SMEs, the pro ...
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Waste management as policy tools for corporate governance (WASMAN)

Date du début: 3 mai 2009, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2012,

...pecific problems of each partner area. Although the involved countries are different in terms of income, population, size and sectors, they have also similarities of challenges that can be tackled at regional level including: cost recovery and financial mechanism to promote revenue generation; lack of awareness among civil society on MSWM and procedures to encourage better behaviors; capacity of m ...
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...order to prevent a dispersed polycentric settlement pattern caracterized by urban sprawl and the subsequent negative impacts or costs. The aim to create polycentric and at the same time compact urban regions needs a great attention to landscape, especially the preservation of open public spaces in the periurban areas, but also are important other landscape matters treated by PAYS.MED.URBAN. ...
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From Army To Entrepreneurship (F.A.T.E.)

Date du début: 31 mars 2009, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2011,

...he project aims at developing economic growth and diversification,through specific measures to support the conversion of military brownfields into Business Support Centres (BSC) or Incubators (BI) in regions,where the promotion of entrepreneurial spirit and the creation of innovative firms represent pivotal assets for the local economy and where the rehabilitation of military brownfields is a prio ...
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...tainability to combat floods requires further activities regarding agriculture, forestry and land-use management in flood risk areas. As most river catchments areas belong to more than one country or region, methodologies have to be developed within a transnational and a transregional context that go beyond local concepts. The project regions of FLOODMED are characterised by an increase in the num ...
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Innovation and Resource Efficiency as Driving Forces for Sustainable Growth (INNOREF)

Date du début: 30 juin 2004, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

...y from agriculture and heavy industry and towards knowledge based businesses. INNOREF (Innovation and Resource Efficiency as Driving Forces for Sustainable Growth) uses UNESCO methodology to create regional, cross-sectoral networks that encourage the use of local resources in sustainable development. With this methodology, the operation further aims at developing new models of local and regional g ...
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More than 14 million households in remote areas of Europe have difficulties in accessing information and communication technologies (ICTs). Particularly in rural regions tele-density is low compared to urban centres. Despite many programmes focusing on this issue, the so-called digital divide is ever increasing. Until now transfer rates tend to be lower in rural areas which limits the introduction ...
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Le but du projet est de comprendre dans quelle mesure et avec quels instruments les Etats membres et les Pays tiers peuvent contribuer, approfondir et définir les thèmes concernant laménagement du territoire contenus dans: - Les nouvelles priorités européennes exprimées dans les déclarations de Lisbonne et de Göteborg - Le SDEC en ce qui concerne les spécificités de lespace méditerranéen et les pr ...
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ays.Doc : Good Practices for the Landscape (Pays.Doc)

Date du début: 31 mai 2005, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2007,

Le projet vise à faciliter les échanges et la dynamisation de la coopération méditerranéenne et des autres institutions intéressées par le fait paysager. Lespace méditerranéen offre un milieu géographique aux caractéristiques propres et aux problèmes communs et le partenariat souhaite mettre en place les moyens dun processus déchange dexpériences entre lensemble des acteurs (gestionnaires locaux, ...
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...el and defining a compatible, reusable strategy tool according to the planning criteria and spatial policies of the CADSES area. In the long term, the project is expected to have a positive effect on regional communities and economies through the increase of knowledge, cultural tourism, investment possibilities, etc. and in a broader sense the amelioration of juridical instruments at national and ...
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The CENTURIO programme, created by the Assembly of European Regions (AER) in 1994, has been successfully promoting dialogue and exchange of experience between European regions for several years. However, the enlargement of the EU in May 2004 served to illustrate that the European and global context for the regions is changing. Their growth and competitiveness depend on their capacity to develop in ...
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A context of particular vulnerability due to seismic activity in the territories of CADSES area (Italy, Greece, the Balkan Countries, Slovene Republic, Slovak Republic), together with a rich architectural and cultural heritage, including several historical centres where relevant activities for the quality of urban systems are carried out, are the reasons why the Project "S.I.S.M.A. - Integrated Sy ...
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IC-RM : Projets d'initiative commune des régions méditerranéennes (PIC-RM)

Date du début: 30 juin 2005, Date de fin: 29 mars 2007,

Lobjectif principal de PIC-RM est didentifier et danalyser des grands projets structurants pour lespace Medoc sur lesquels les régions partenaires sont prêtes à coordonner leurs efforts et à sengager dans des réalisations communes ou partagées. Le projet PIC-RM propose dappliquer la coopération interrégionale. Il sagit de demander aux régions partenaires didentifier des projets sur des thématiques ...
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...t linking important historical, cultural and trade routes of the Romans along the ancient roads with todays life by promoting tourism and a sustainable cultural development. The project area involves regions from Central and Eastern Europe and is also connected to the project European Amber Road. The most important aspect of the project is the use of advanced multimedia and e-learning technologies ...
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Guarantee Organizations Network (GO Network)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2003, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2006,

The project is aimed at providing an overview of existing experiences with credit guarantee in the East European, identifying the current policy issues of credit guarantee development in East European and recommending how the Government can address specific actions in order to create a more enabling environment. In this context, the project aims to create a pilot project, intended as a form of tec ...
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European Places of the Spirit (EST)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2006,

The project main objective is the creation of a European network of areas and regions that are rich in spiritual and cultural traditions and heritage. The network will link together territories in Umbria (Italy), a region known as the ‘land of Saints’ for its stunning religious heritage, Marche (Italy), whose concentration of ‘sacred place’ is one of the highest in the Country and where there is o ...
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spAtial integRated enhanCement of arcHaEOlogical SITES (ARCHEOSITES)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 29 juin 2006,

... resources and territory and among them and local economy. This means both the development of wide partnerships among actors and a more effective integration of cultural development programmes within regional and local development strategies and programmes. Moreover, a wider understanding of the large potential of cultural resources is necessary. Finally, a better qualification of human resources ...
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 TERMINÉ areas. Objectives Based on a close cooperation of representatives of monasteries with governmental organisations, the operation wants to explore opportunities for an active role of monasteries in regional development. More specifically, it promotes the contribution of monasteries to economic development based on the range of possible usage types for religious, educational and/or tourism purpos ...
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« la Tela di aracne » sintéresse au développement de lentreprenariat féminin en Méditerranée, et plus particulièrement au sein de lindustrie textile. Le projet vise à favoriser lexpérimentation et la naissance dactivités entreprenariales féminines dans le secteur du textile. Ces activités sont le fruit du mélange de cultures, et sont issues aussi bien de la forte tradition que de la prédisposition ...
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Industrial Logistics and intermodal transport for SMEs development (I-Log)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 29 juin 2006,

...resence of SMEs and it is a strategic area since north-south and east-west corridors meet. The social and economic development of this space relies on the ability of SMEs to face changes with global, regional and local threats. The main threat to SMEs is represented by the increasing gap between international groups and industrial clusters, networked companies and networks of enterprises, which ma ...
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« RECOFORME » sintéresse à lensemble des questions touchant aux espaces naturels et forestiers méditerranéens. Lobjectif du projet est de promouvoir une gestion durable des forêts et de lenvironnement afin de mieux prendre en compte ces espaces dans les politiques daménagement du territoire. Le projet est un programme de coopération composé dactions déchanges sur des territoires pilotes. Tous les ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 30 mars 2006,

...ation for supporting an informative network made of local networks, data collection and implementation of pilot actions. As underlined in ESDP, the emergence of urban networks can be advantageous for regional development because it improves the range of services offered specifically, in the framework in the field of accessibility and the economic conditions of the region and thereby increasing its ...
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RDA-net CEDA² is a network of regional development agencies (RDAs) with a complete set of services and tools for fostering and improving the partners' capabilities in practical cooperation vis-à-vis the challenges of EU enlargement. RDA-net CEDA² aims to: - Generate innovative projects for regional development of CADSES by using the synergies of the network's experts, - Increase the competencies a ...
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INFOTECH TO EXTEND – INFOrmation TECHnologies to EXTEND Regional Development (I2E)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2005,

The project promotes the Information Society (IS) implementation by fostering the direct involvement of the Regional/Local Institutions for favouring the ICT services diffusion particularly in less advanced areas as well as in SMEs which are slower than the Large Enterprises in adopting the ICT innovative models (geographical and dimensional divide). In addition to a large know-how transfer of man ...
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Women East Smuggling Trafficking (WEST)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2005,

... country, it is also a perpetual and serious violation of human rights: people are reduced to a commodity and are often blackmailed for the rest of their life. The project involved the Emilia-Romagna region, the General Health and Social Policies Direction, as project leader. Partners of the project have been the regions of Lombardia, Veneto and Marche, the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Munic ...
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« CASTRUM » s’interesse aux villes mineures de la côte occidentale de la Méditerranée, souvent caractérisées par la présence de châteaux, de donjons et de remparts. Le projet a pour objectif de valoriser ces villes en utilisant leurs bâtiments comme points d’excellence pour des activités culturelles, d’animation, et de documentation. Il s’agit d’améliorer l’action publique dans le domaine de la ge ...
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MAEM:Network of Mediterranean Universities and other Academic Institutions (MAEM)

Date du début: 30 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 29 oct. 2004,

« MAEM » sintéresse au domaine de léducation et de la formation à travers la mise en place dun Consortium dUniversités proposant un Master en affaires euro-méditerranéennes. Ce programme est novateur, tant par ses contenus que par son approche authentiquement euro-méditerranéenne et organisée thématiquement. Il innove également par les instruments qu'il utilise (enseignement et supervision intensi ...
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VREM : The Mediterranean Roman Routes (VREM)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2001, Date de fin: 29 oct. 2004,

Les voies romaines constituent un important élément du patrimoine de la Méditerranée qui présente de nombreux atouts et un grand potentiel de développement, mais qui doit en permanence faire face à de nombreuses menaces, renforcées par labsence actuelle dune approche densemble, concertée et opérationnelle dans une perspective de durabilité. Dans le but de rendre cohérente et effective à long terme ...
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AMAT: Workshops Regional planning (AMAT)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2001, Date de fin: 29 juin 2004,

« AMAT » s’intéresse à l’aménagement du territoire. Le projet vise à faire un état des lieux comparatif des stratégies, des modes d’organisation et d’actions touchant les politiques territoriales dans les différents pays et régions de l’espace Medocc. Il s’agit de poser les bases d’une meilleure coordination des politiques régionales grâce à un travail commun entre les responsables de ces politiqu ...
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Different organisation for different needs : The project has produced training modules to make human resources personnel more aware of the different needs of the different genders in order to make company organisation more effective and overcome discrimination. This project started in 2002 and lasted 24 months.
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