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25 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

Within this project an innovative system of e-learning will be developed on a web portal called "EGMDSS" which will be used to prepare for a test to acquire SRC, LRC, ROC in GOC certificates, for revising acquired knowledge and to test it on GDMSS communication equipment simulators. The proposed e-learning platform will be based on a model already developed (as a pilot) through other funds and on- ...
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Recognising the need for improved access and information concerning career counselling, the project will develop and test a prototype virtual tool in career counselling. Focusing on individual and privately-based career counselling, the 'virtual counsellor' tool (VIRCOUNS) will take the form of an interactive CD-Rom package that will be developed and piloted amongst project partners. A large part ...
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From Nature to Nurture : By compiling a multilingual database of technical terms used in environmental and earth sciences , this project aims to facilitate the work of researchers and decision-makers in that particular field. The dictionary takes cultural differences into account and provides a translation in 11 languages for each of the terms. This project started in 2002 and lasted 28 months.
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The EIW project aims to provide an insight into the current Intercultural Workplace in Europe and to further develop training materials to enhance intercultural understanding and workplace relationships. The project will initially analyse existing studies in this area and will complement these via a series of empirical case studies, concentrating upon economic sectors most in need of attention in ...
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Reflecting increasing demands for language skills upon customs officers, the project will develop and introduce a self-study language-training tool for customs officers in BG, EL & EN. Project partners will collect material about language training in their countries and on the language skills requirements of customs officers. An exchange of best practice will further take place to establish the mo ...
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Arising from the establishment of a Food Quality Management Network in Eastern European, as part of a recent PHARE project, the QUAMANCEEC project will establish a network of Vocational Education and Training Centres (VETCs) on Food Quality and Safety. Project partners will design and introduce a range of Quality Management education, training and information tools, which the VETCs will then pilot ...
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In an effort to increase the economic competitiveness of the European wood processing industry, the project partners aim to establish and promote an innovative management model for the industry. The main target group for the project are managers from the wood processing industry. The project's I-model (Innovation Model) will take managers through a series of activities that aim to establish innova ...
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Focusing on non-qualified basic grade staff working in health and social care, the project seeks to develop training packages to enhance and aid assessment of employee competencies/skills. The project will make use of a Competence Assessment Framework (CAF), adapted for use in each of the partner countries, to assess employee skills gaps. As work-based training is inherently lacking for basic gra ...
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Among the many barriers to training and employment for deaf people, this project tackles the insufficient number of trainers and back-up teachers able to communicate in sign language. It proposes to develop a training curriculum and methodology for sign language and communication, particular to selected occupational sectors and professions.The three educational modules to be developed tested and r ...
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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Experimenting with new forms of training delivery to accommodate different learning styles, the project will design, evaluate and introduce CD-Rom or web-based training tools for those working in middle management in business services, IT or tourism sector SME's. In particular, innovative 3D software will be generated, able to consider learner specifics such as age, gender, ethnic group & disabili ...
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The WHITE project aims at improving the access of physically disabled persons, particularly blind or visually impaired, to education and training. Through the use of ICT, the project intends to enhance web-based opportunities for disabled persons in the field of education and vocational training; to increase attendance at specialised training and to define and develop a new "quality" procedure rel ...
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The project combines training in stone masonry and horticulture, which are normally not offered together as part of a training package, to offer a new VET 'package'. To this end the project will enhance students' skills by offering two disciplines that are typically taught separately. The project targets students normally undertaking courses in horticulture/stone masonry, in addition to students w ...
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Integrated Computer Training is not always felt to be effective due to a lack of adaptation to a particular environment and/or user need. Given this obstacle, the project will design a computer supported educational platform to meet the requirements of different users, including both educators and trainees. The project's development of a 'metatool' will allow a variety of educators, including pare ...
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The ADEC project aims to train in-house training personnel (from companies employing than 250 staff) to become better trainers. Based upon the fact that many in-house trainers do not currently benefit from formal training qualifications, the project aims to fill this gap by providing improved training opportunities for this professional group. Project partners will initially establish an Internati ...
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Vocational skills in an e-ducational world : The project aims to promote innovation by defining the level of preparation for the knowledge society provided by VET. It will do this by analysing ICTs impact on e-working, promoting ICT as a study subject and highlighting the benefits. This project started in 2003 and lasted 18 months.
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The FOSTER project will facilitate knowledge transfer, primarily for the benefit of SME's, in relation to implementing equality of access to employment via friendly, organisational strategies that also incorporate training as a tool of internal and external mobility. The full range of groups at risk of discrimination will be covered, i.e. Article 13 groups as well as long-term unemployed and resid ...
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The project will design and create an e-training platform to provide lessons on international trade and marketing for use by trade trainers, export managers and international marketers. The project's on-line learning platform will be in the form of a website comprising a variety of learning formats, including: a portal for trade trainers and international marketing lecturers to host their course ...
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The Qualified Care project aims to improve the quality of and access to professional training for family members caring for persons affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS). As there is currently no curative treatment then one of the main objectives in caring for persons affected by MS is that of improving the life of those affected and whilst this does involve medical care, it also, almost always, inv ...
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The aim of the project is to develop on-line courses to enhance the oral skills of power engineering specialists in English and French. Knowledge of these two official EU languages will enable employees in the power engineering sector to communicate more effectively with representatives from the industry, and related sectors, in other countries. The major project output will be online language tr ...
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The INICI@ project will develop technical training and accreditation systems for entrepreneurs, meeting the information and training needs of this group, providing services and monitoring the products developed in order to provide entrepreneur spirit amongst university students, thus encouraging the start-up of individual businesses.Activities will include: analysis of the professional itineraries ...
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The project will develop guidance and counselling tools for use by professionals and clients in the health and social work sectors. Computer-based multi-media guidance and counselling tools will assist professionals in their delivery of services with limited resources and will provide a better service for clients needing advice on training and employment opportunities in these sectors. Moving away ...
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The TALAS project will pilot and introduce a new methodology which will promote new practical approaches in VET policy, specifically aimed at the teaching of management skills in the field of tourism. The project will rely upon the use of ICT and as such will build upon a methodology already tested during a previously fundedLeonardo da Vinci project (Visually Interacting e-Learning Platform). The ...
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The project aims to produce a model for the evaluation of teaching & training skills, across a range of courses and disciplines and in different European countries. A series of common principles will be developed for the evaluation and validation of teaching & training practice able to be adapted to different contexts. Project partners will initially prepare an inventory and undergo an analysis an ...
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