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Greek-English-Bulgarian for Customs Officers - Multimedia Self-Study Programme

Reflecting increasing demands for language skills upon customs officers, the project will develop and introduce a self-study language-training tool for customs officers in BG, EL & EN. Project partners will collect material about language training in their countries and on the language skills requirements of customs officers. An exchange of best practice will further take place to establish the most effective multi-media learning tools for use by the project. A prototype language-learning tool will be developed, based upon 16 paper-based modules and accompanied by a self-study booklet and guide. The paper-based modules will be tested with customs officers who will be asked to provide feedback. Teachers/trainers will also be asked to attend a workshop to comment on the prototype language-training tool. Based upon the results of the preliminary pilot, partners will develop a prototype CD-Rom version of the training tool that uses the latest multi-media technology. A European Language Portfolio will also be developed, in print and electronic form, to ensure standardisation in learning and evaluation of language training and competencies. The prototype CD-Rom training tool will be piloted in real learning/training situations with customs officers. Their comments, together with those of employers and educational institutions, will enable any necessary refinement of the final product. Project partners will explore ways of adapting the final version of the CD-Rom for use by other sectors such as the police. Project dissemination will be ongoing throughout the project lifetime and will operate at a local, national and European level supported by a dedicated project website, through attendance at relevant meetings & seminars and through the release of project newsletters and articles to the press.



4 Participants partenaires