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DECAF - Development of Training Packages Stemming from from a Competence Based Assessment Framework for Non-qualified/Basic Grade Staff Working within Health and Social Care Organisations

Focusing on non-qualified basic grade staff working in health and social care, the project seeks to develop training packages to enhance and aid assessment of employee competencies/skills. The project will make use of a Competence Assessment Framework (CAF), adapted for use in each of the partner countries, to assess employee skills gaps. As work-based training is inherently lacking for basic grade staff, and considering a common lack educational qualifications and IT skills, the project responds particularly to the training needs of this group. The developed training packages will employ a combination of IT-based training tools such as CD-Rom and use of web-based interactive learning, and will apply these through a process of supervisor-based mentoring. The training packages will allow managers to maintain audits of basic grade health and social care workers which will further allow for targeted training of employees. The training modules will also aim to offer a recognised vocational qualification based upon individual criteria within an employee's workplace. The key focus of the project is to facilitate access to training for the most disadvantaged workers in the health and social care workforce, for which it is recognised that women are over-represented in this category in all partner countries, alongside young people with minimal levels of education. Evaluation will rely upon local consultation activities and dissemination activities will include the hosting of conferences/seminars, the publication of project materials and the release of articles to relevant media.



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