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31 projets européens trouvés

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Junior on the Job Coach

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2019,

The Junior On The Job Coach project aims to combat the human and financial cost of Early School/College Leaving (ESL). The project is designed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of work-based learning and apprenticeships; offer leadership opportunities to higher-level students; and support employers in providing work placements and apprenticeships.Three new products will assist young peop ...
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Context and Objectives:The ESTEEM (European Science, Technology, Engineering, Electronics and Math) 2 and EFD (European Football Development) project will provide students (male and female) from Gower College Swansea, many of whom have not traveled abroad before, with their first taste of living, learning and working in another country. The project hopes to broaden the horizons of our students an ...
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Stolte fagfolk for framtida 2

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2018,

Borgund Vidaregåande Skole (Vocational Education) has for the last 13 years been an active participant of international projects, where mobility projects are one of them. This is both developing and very interesting projects for our students, our teachers, and the local industry in our surroundings. The school wishes to further develop our international work, focusing on the values described in th ...
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Quality & Opportunity;

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

...lows for small groups for three or four weeks. Total number of students envisaged for this proposal is one hundred. They will be prepared and supported by the network of international coordinators at ROCMN, through our preparation programme on Blackboard and through the partner schools all over Europe. Many will go on an individual bases for periods of 3 - 5 months. Support in a social level will ...
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Boarders of European Union are quickly expanding and the development of skills for our European workers becomes essential nowadays. Indeed, crafts and companies are now dealing with international exchanges and facing a multinational competition. Qualifications and skills are therefore put into question. In order to contribute to this expansion, it is primordial to provide each apprentice with the ...
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Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

BACKGROUND:The deputy heads, continuing the previous project presented by the SNPCT, direct their new project on the issue of the fight against early school leaving by strengthening the School-Enterprise link. To do so, they will:• Take as reference the work of the European Commission analyzing the causes and consequences of leaving school and have the tools available to Member States to fight aga ...
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let's go!- und lift-Einzelstipendien

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

The present pool project "individual scholarships let's go! and lift" is a nationwide initiative to promote practical trainings abroad for apprentices of skilled trades as well as technical trainees in industry and trade who are taking part in a vocational education and training under the dual system. Its objectives are fixed against the background of a previously relatively low mobility of young ...
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Conocimiento y Formación para la Empleabilidad

Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

The project "Knowledge and Education for Employability" is composed by ten mobilities of four teachers each.It has created a consortium of 17 secondary schools coordinated by the association of technical secondary school teachers and automotive from Galicia.This consortium counts with 12,268 students and 1458 staff in their schools, covering various regions (Asturias, Castilla y Leon, Castilla la ...
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BACKGROUND: • Taking as reference the work of the European Commission analyzing the causes and consequences of early school leaving and have the tools available to Member States to fight against this phenomenon and the measures that the EU should adopt to reduce the rate dropout in the EU. • By being involved in vocational training must take the issue of school dropout in charge and the Business a ...
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LEACHE – Europa más cerca

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The Department for Education of the Government of Navarra is responsible for establishing the general conditions and developing general aspects of education in this Spanish autonomous region. In this context, a new structure has been created in the Vocational Training Service in order to provide assistance for the internationalization of VET institutions. These measures try to reach the following ...
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Towards International Professional Profiles

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

This project aims to develop the strategic agenda of ROCMN by offering students of vocational education of all qualifications of ROC Midden Nederland an international experience and by offering staff capacity building programmes with international partners and international companies. An international experience for studentsis part of the career planning that is central to ROCMNs philososphy. St ...
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let's go!- und lift-Einzelstipendien

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The present pool project "individual scholarships let's go! and lift" is a nationwide initiative to promote practical trainings abroad for apprentices of skilled trades as well as technical trainees in industry and trade who are taking part in a vocational education and training under the dual system. Its objectives are fixed against the background of a previously relatively low mobility of young ...
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Stolte Fagfolk for Framtida 2015-2017!

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

Borgund Upper Secondary School has since 2003 been an active participant of the Leonard Da Vinchis mobility projects and other programs and partnerships. This has been interesting, stimulating and very positive experiences for students and staff. The regional industry, relevant to our study programs, has observed and gained interest in the international work and experience the students gain. The s ...
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Enterpreneurship: A Serious Game

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

To create more employment & prosperity we must engage young people in delivering the key social & economic aims of boosting productivity, increasing competition & innovation. All young people will need to develop entrepreneurial skills that will make them more innovative and creative. But how do we make entrepreneurial learning attractive to them? This project and its partnership are designed to: ...
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European Science, Technology, Engineering and Electronics Mobility

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

Context The ESTEEM project will provide students from Gower College Swansea, many of whom have not travelled abroad before, with their first taste of living, learning and working in another country. This will help them gain the self-confidence and self-reliance to motivate them to broaden their horizons and to encourage them to look outside their immediate locality when it comes to employment. St ...
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Mobility Of VET Forward Automotive Sector Traineeships

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

The project is a proposal from an italian mobility Consortium, which involves partners (VET secondary level schools, VET tertiary level organisations, enterprises) caming from Emilia Romagna region and which unsigned a network agreement to build the VET Hub named "POLO TECNICO-PROFESSIONALE PER LA FILIERA MECCANICA FORNOVO DI TARO (PR)", that is a permanent system of sharing resources to organize ...
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Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

The project promoted by The Consortium of Vocational Institutes, a net of more than 60 State Vocational and Technical Institutes coming from different regions, starts from a seminary of the previous mobility project, and of requests which come from the job world, have highlighted the suggestions and the innovative proposals which could characterize the new design. The project group, makes use of ...
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Simple Open Learning Advancement

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

In September 2013 the European Commission published a Communique on "Opening up Education: Innovative teaching and learning for all through new Technologies and Open Educational Resources". This paper states, that "70% of teachers in the EU recognize the importance of training in digital-supported ways of teaching and learning" but "only 20-25% of students are taught by digitally confident and sup ...
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Einzelstipendien zu let's go! und lift

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

The present pool project "individual scholarships to let's go! and lift" is a nationwide initiative to promote practical trainings abroad for apprentices of skilled trades (let's go!) as well as technical trainees in industry and trade (lift) who are taking part in a vocational education and training under the dual system. Its objectives were fixed against the background of a previously relatively ...
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S'engager à la réussite de tous en luttant contre le décrochage scolaire

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

The summary of the application was built following the project methodology that was established for this work: BACKGROUND: Deputy Heads, in continuation of the previous project submitted by the SNPCT, have oriented this project on the problem of early school leaving in its entirety: • Taking as reference the work of the European Commission analyzing the causes and consequences of early school leav ...
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Internasjonalisering Borgund VGS 2014-2016

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

The project "Internationalization Borgund VGS 2014-2016" has been a project with the focus on giving students greater cultural understanding, development of language skills and communication in addition to vocational competence as the project aimed for. The project can also be seen as an extension of the work done in previous projects the school has carried out. This has given the school the oppor ...
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New Opportunities - New Careers

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

This project has provided international experiences to 109 students of vocational education of ROC Midden Nederland. This international experience was part of their career planning. Career planning is a central element in the strategy of ROC Midden Nederland to prepare young people for the world of work and for society. Career planning gives them a focus on their studies and on their plans for the ...
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European Mobility project for Apprentices and vocationnal staff 2014-2016

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

Boarders of European Union are quicly expanding and the development of skills for our European workers becomes essential nowadays. Indeed, crafts and companies are now dealing with international exchanges et facing a multinational competition. Qualifications and skills are therefore put into question. In order to contribute to this expansion, it is primordial to provide each apprentice with the p ...
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LORCA - Camino de Europa

Date du début: 15 août 2014, Date de fin: 14 août 2015,

This Project involving students and staff mobility is promoted and managed by the Department of Education - Government of Navarra- within the Erasmus Plus framework and is developed in the Public VET schools. The number of candidates is 79 VET 18 or over 18–year-old students and 9 VET school teachers The fact that we establish a comprehensive information, a follow-up and an assessment plan from ...
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Individual study paths - a way to prevent drop out project was coordinated by Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Finland. The cooperators were Centro San Viator (Spain), Valoria-Socra vzw - L.L. CDO (Belgium), SOSU Sjælland (Denmark) and ROC Midden Nederland (Netherlands). This project offerred the participating organizations a possibility to share numbers and reasons against early school leaving. T ...
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...(sfs) (Germany) - Research Centre at University, CID- Centro de investigación para el Desarrollo (Spain) - Not For profit Research and Training, ROC Midden Nederland (ROCMN) (Netherlands), FE College
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Since 2000 a vast variety of projects have been developed under the Socrates/Grundtvig, Comenius and Leonardo da Vinci action/programme, not to mention all KA projects. A total of more than 4,5 billion EUROs has been spent by the Commission on those projects. And only very few became publically well known, like the ECDL, and are still "on the market".DEEP.Com aims to enhance the number of Grundtvi ...
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... – that is practised by ROC Midden Nederlan & develop, extend & transfer it to Romania, Italy, Austria, & the UK. This project promotes the idea that waste materials can be educational resources. ROCMN collects, exhibits, & offers alternative and reclaimed materials, obtained from unsold stock & rejects or discard materials from industrial & handicraft production, with the aim to reinvent their us ...
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In Balance

Date du début: 1 nov. 2009,

This project will establish standards in numeracy in line with CQAF priorities by improving the quality of adult education tutors, producing more effective resources & disseminating best practice. Most European countries lack a methodology that has proved successful with adults. A need exists to raise teacher competence in the development & adaptation of learning materials designed specifically fo ...
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Interaction between people is a key success factor in any form of work. Mutual understanding among the staff involved in a work process provides common ground for effective interaction and resolving of unforeseen contingencies. In today's highly specialized labour world this common ground cannot be assumed.Enabling people to resolve their issues in interaction is an important factor for worker sat ...
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The International Service Technician (IST) project addresses the lack of specialised training courses for technicians who undertake international assignments & need to be equipped with new skills to provide global customers with a high quality after sales service. MAN diesel in Germany have taken the first step in designing an in-house course for their technicians. Using this as a starting point, ...
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