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28 projets européens trouvés

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Learning to Learn

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017,

Several research has been conducted on the understanding of how the brain works during a learning process. For a long period of time, scholars thought that young people learn differently and, therefore, must be taught differently. This may be true in theory, but it might be impossible to implement within the scope of formal education.According to many scholars, non-formal education is essential fo ...
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Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

Training course “ReaDy! SeT! aCTioN! – PROCEED and SUCCEED (YOU are THE MESSAGE)!" is going to gather 30 youth workers, trainers and volunteers from 11 different partner organizations from European Union and Partner countries. Training course is dedicated to enrich (or build foundation) knowledge about audiovisual (photography and video) measures as tools to increase society awareness about NGOs o ...
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Think Dance-4 is 6 weeks EVS project which gathers 30 volunteers from different countries for UNESCO 17.International Bodrum Dance Festival in may 2016. By this project we aim to increase awareness among young people on European Opportunities and increase the visibility of our festival in Europe.Social Media management,dance choreographies,short film making,photography,youth information are some o ...
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Move On

Date du début: 20 mai 2016, Date de fin: 19 déc. 2016,

Move On is a multicultural youth exchange. It will take place in Aghveran, Armenia from September 10-18,2016 and will involve 32 participants and group leaders from 6 countries: Armenia,Georgia, Ukraine, Netherlands, Italy, Poland. The main aim of the project is to bring together young people from different cultural backgrounds and to create a platform for inter-cultural dialogue. In this way ...
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Get Active , Get Employed

Date du début: 10 mai 2016, Date de fin: 9 déc. 2016,

The Training Course " Get Active, Get Involved" will reflect on the current situation of the youth unemployment which is one of the most relevant challenges in contemporary Europe. The international financial crisis makes the challenge more visible and problematic, especially for younger generations: unemployment is a growing threat to youngsters all over Europe. The training course aims to deve ...
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Life Cycle in Practice (LifeCiP (LCiP))

Date du début: 2 sept. 2013, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

Background One of the key objectives of the EU is to integrate environmental sustainability with economic growth and welfare by decoupling environmental degradation from economic growth and doing more with less. Lifecycle analysis (LCA) is a tool that can play a central role in improving resource efficiency. Improvements in resource and energy efficiency ...
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Conflict management and Peace initiatives

Date du début: 30 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2016,

The training course (TC) “Conflict Management and Peace initiatives” will take place in Agros Cyprus between 16-22/1/2016. It is dedicated to promotion of non-violent actions, development of peace initiatives and facilitating network of youth workers and youth leaders. The project will gather 30 young people from several Western, Eastern European and Caucasus countries. The TC will cover differen ...
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Change management in youth NGOs

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2016,

Low youth participation has recently become more and more evident. Usually, as an indicator of the low youth participation, the young voters’ turnout is used (which indeed becomes worse every year). However, low youth participation does not appear only when voting. Low youth participation becomes part of all aspects of the democratic life and especially in the everyday life of the youth organizati ...
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Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

The youth exchange "Green ConNEXTion" took place in Brussels and Antwerp, Belgium, from September 5th to September 15th. The project aimed at addressing the concept of Sustainable Deevlopment, with a specific focus on environmental sustainability. The concept of Sustainable Development, in fact, has been recognized as a crosscut principle in previous decades. Significant efforts are being put by ...
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Best practice Enhancers for Security in Urban Environments (BESECURE)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2012, Date de fin: 31 mars 2015,

Urban security is a complex multi-dimensional process that results from the interaction of an increasingly diverse collection of stakeholders. Many factors influence urban security, from the physical layout to the social and economic makeup of urban zones, from the political and economic landscape on a national level to the daily practices of public services that are active in the area. Seemingly ...
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Innovative YE(U)!

Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

Innovation is a key factor in the work of youth organizations. Youth are constantly in change and young people are looking for new ways to learn and develop themselves, especially under the spectrum of the financial crisis in Europe. New approaches are needed to address these changes and YEU envisions being at the front of these innovations. YEU intends to inspire, dream, take chances and support ...
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Ecodesign is a well established concept amongst environmental specialists in Europe, but there is a lack of know how to support the systematic integration of environmental considerations in the design of ceramic products. Despite its economic importance, the ceramic industry is suffering the effects of the slowing down of the European economy and it reports the effects of the competition of produc ...
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This project intends to establish a set of standards by transfer of innovation from existing English language standards and maritime English model courses such as International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) Standard Maritime Communication Phrases. This Project therefore is a maritime language competency assessment project for English language.Shipping is perhaps the most important of the world’s i ...
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Step Forward

Date du début: 5 mars 2014,

"Step Forward" is a multicultural youth exchange. It will take place in Tsaghkadzor, Armenia from June 07-14,2014 and will involve 32 participants and 9 group leaders (41 participants in total) from 8 countries: Armenia,Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Italy,Spain, Poland, Croatia. The main aim of the project is to bring together young people from different cultural backgrounds and to create a platf ...
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The International standards for maritime education and training (MET) currently in place were introduced in 1995 (IMO STCW-95). Since 1995, there has been rapid revolution in design of ships and the equipment used in the navigation and propulsion systems on board these ships and yet there has been no serious attempt to revise the STCW and/or the International model courses such as IMO 7.03, 7.04, ...
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The MarTEL Plus Project built upon the previously completed and widely successful MarTEL project, which implemented a series of English language tests for Cadets, Officers and Senior Officers in the Merchant Navy, incorporating the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP).The project transfers knowledge, generated during the previous project’s lifecy ...
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The Green Games in Tourism/ Hospitality project ( consisted of partners from Ireland, the UK, Germany, the Basque country and Austria. The central aim of the Green Games project was to develop an online digital game and game-based-learning-methodology, along with associated guidelines and training for learners, for the understanding and implementation of knowledge and skills r ...
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The Comenius network "Partnership and Participation for a Sustainable Tomorrow",SUPPORT, has been established in order to address the need to enhance the quality ofeducational practices and material in line with the challenges of sustainabledevelopment (SD). The overall objective is to promote education for sustainabledevelopment (ESD) in European schools. The project will bring concepts and issue ...
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Targeting the specific needs of older persons in terms of the use of new technologies, the ICT4T project supported adult educators and trainers in the design of programmes for the ICT-supported training of senior citizens, developing skills in the use of modern media and new technologies in learning. Following an initial state-of-the-art reflection in terms of the use of new technologies and new m ...
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There is a growing recognition around the world, seeing SMEs as a challenge in sustainability debate. SMEs have been seen as subjects unconcerned by environmental and social issues. The EC has published a report "Opportunity and Responsibility: How to help SMEs to integrate social and environmental issues into what they do". The report is clear about education and training: "Attention should be gi ...
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Date du début: 5 août 2012,

"C.H.A.N.G.E. - Challenges on How to Activate New Generation in Europe" is 8 days Training Course (TC) with the main aim to promote active participation among youth on local level using creativity and innovation in projects to fight and address discrimination. YEU International, as a hosting organization will gather 36 youth leaders form 26 different countries in Mollina (Spain) in the event that ...
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The organisation “Bridge to the Future” will implement as the hosting organisation the training course “Cooperation for Development – Project Management in International Youth Work” in Ganja, Azerbaijan, from the 23rd until the 31st of March 2013.In cooperation with 12 partners from Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, Latvia and Romania the project will be realized by ...
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Active, Young - the value for employers

Date du début: 15 déc. 2012,

The project will concentrate on the capacity building and youth participation, on the exchange of experience, ón the social and personal development of the ¡ntematiòrial group of young pęople,on fostering and shaping the youth employment policy as well as the dialogue with potential employers and the young people during the international conference. Project activities include also of ...
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European Citizenship for All

Date du début: 5 août 2013,

The training course European Citizenship for All aims to support the development of youth NGOs in Europe by extending knowledge and competencies to integrate European Citizenship within youth projects. 2013 has been designed as European Year of Citizens with the aim of raising awareness of the rights linked to EU citizenship and encouraging citizens to become actively involved in the process of ...
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Our Culture in Our Hands

Date du début: 1 avr. 2014,

This project has been thought, elaborated and written by 2 youth organizations: "Successful Future" Youth Public Union and Institute of Ukrainian Studies, from Lviv, Ukraine. All agreed that it is very important to give our youth new meeting chances to foster intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding. Culture will be the theme and the main focus of this Youth Exchange, and shall be tackled ...
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Intercultural dialogue is our task!

Date du début: 1 août 2012,

Ova se osmodnevna obuka / trening "Međukulturni dijalog je naš zadatak!" bavi sljedećim temama: rad s mladima, međukulturni dijalog, prihvaćanje različitosti, međukulturno učenje, izazovi i prijedlozi u provođenju međuetničkih / međureligijskih / međukulturnih aktivnosti, vođenje, timski rad, transformacija konflikta, komunikacija, pisanje projektnih prijedloga, program Mladi na Djelu, razmjene ml ...
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The Mediterranean Sea has been known since the dawn of time as a place where cultures and continents meet. The island’s position in the middle of the Mediterranean means that it has been a passing port and new home for a lot of migrants. This clash of continents can be good, and can be bad. Right in the centre of the sea, on a tiny rock of a nation called Malta, the team at Y.E.U Malta decided to ...
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INTRAW will map and develop new cooperation opportunities related to raw materials in Australia, Canada, Japan, South Africa and the United States, addressing:• Research and innovation;• Raw materials policies and strategies• Joint educational and skills programmes;• Licensing and permitting procedures;• Data reporting systems;• Exploration, extraction, processing and recycling practices;• Managem ...
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