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18 projets européens trouvés

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Play Revolution

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

The European Voluntary Service project Play Revolution will be carried out with our partner organisation SFERA Movement from Russia as part of the Youth Aid Centre Association’s Adventure Playground programme. The playground is a safe place for developing creativity, independence, responsibility, practical and social skills, and exploring the wealth of our natural environment. It is primarily inte ...
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Share the Right Story

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

"Share the Right Story" is a 7-day training course aimed at youth workers, facilitators and educators active in the field of youth. It is hosted by organisation Act in Ostrava which has proven the capacity of organising international projects with its 2 successful projects in the last 2 years: SPECIAL EFFECTS: December 2014, Kaprálův Mlýn, Czech Republic - ...
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How to Grill? TSS! Training of Social Skills!

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

Project "How to Grill? TSS!" is a project that we planned for a long time at YACA. We were participating in many Training Courses abroad and whenever we presented our main program - Training of Social Skills (TSS), we got encouraged in applying a TC about TSS. There was a lot of interest shown from youthworkers and volunteers at youth organizations, so we decided to apply for this project. This pr ...
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Play Works!

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

The project Play Works! will be unwinding as part of the Youth Aid Association Center - Adventure Playground programme. The playground is the first of its kind in the East European surrounding. It is a safe area for a child's play and creativity, a sociable area where parents get information and answers about upbriging , an area where children and the youth can fall back on if they need help in s ...
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Offene Arme, offene Herzen - Young Europeans come together and show how to share...

Date du début: 1 févr. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

This mobility project will bring together 60 young people from 6 countries (Spain, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, UK) for a 2 weeks International Youth Exchange under the theme “Offene Arme, offene Herzen - Young Europeans come together and show how to share”, from 25th June - 8th July 2016 in Hamburg and Sylt, Germany. The context is the refugee “crisis”, where millions of people are forced ...
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Youth Work and Circus EVS Kuopio

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

The project will bring 3 EVS volunteer to Finland to support and learn in several youth work / educational organisations in the city of Kuopio. The aim of the project is to gain added value to the existing practices of youth work and education in the local organisations through adding a intercultural / international element (volunteer) to the day to day context of youth work/educational work. T ...
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Empowerment through Exchange

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

The youth exchange took place in Hyvärilä youth centre, Nurmes, Finland, connecting 51 youngsters from 4 countries as well 2 youth leaders (Ireland had 3) from each participating country. 12 youngsters from each country (Finland, Slovenia, Italy) and 15 from Ireland. The idea of the project came from a Slovenian EVS working in Kuopio, Finland with young people in a youth house. As a result of the ...
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This European Youth Exchange will take place in Buxton in the Peak district and in the Iconic city of Liverpool in the North West of UK and bring together 60 young people from 7 countries of Europe: Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Slovenia, Germany and hosted in the UK . They come together under the theme: “Fingers, Fins and Forests: Climate Change and Youth initiatives - Young Europeans become ...
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Play Relay

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

Project Play Relay was conducted as a part of Adventure Playground, which is one of the projects within Youth Aid Centre Association. Adventure playground is located in forest, in the Mali Betnavski gozd, and it offers variety of opportunities for quality leisure time of children and youth. Adventure playground has different corners, where children can woodwork, make fire, make different crafts o ...
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Ha-Ha is A-ha

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

HA-HA is A-HA -training includes 3 x 5 days (+2 travelling days) workshops. Each country (Slovenia, Norway, Finland) will send 6 participants. 1. Workshop: In Finland, in Hyvärilä, Nurmes 3.-9.11.2014. Themes: understanding own humour and the ways of using it, basics of improvisation, theoretical and practical tools for comedy and visual communication 2. Workshop: In Norway, in Bremanger Kommuner, ...
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Youth Work and Circus EVS Kuopio

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

This long-term EVS took place in Kuopio, Finland. As a joint project of local circus and professional youth work organization, two volunteers joined our activities and added a lot of international aspects to the work, teaching and activities. In this project volunteers used their skills and knowledge as well as social and educational skills in field of circus and youth work. Volunteer A particip ...
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Building together new doors... para un futuro mejor!

Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 16 févr. 2015,

The International Youth Exchange “Building together new doors… para un futuro mejor!” brought together 60 young people, mostly with “fewer opportunities”, for two weeks in Málaga and Marbella, Spain. It was hosted by our partner group EIMA - “Asociación Juvenil Encuentros Interculturales Málaga”. The participants came from politically and socially neglected communities in Palermo-Italy, Lisbon an ...
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Social Entrepreneurship Empowerment Possibilities

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 1 janv. 2015,

SEE Possibilities: ’’Social Entrepreneurship Empowerment Possibilities” Seminar 29th August to 2nd September 2014, Brussels, Belgium During the strong economical crisis in the last few years, which has affected the whole Europe the level of unemployment of young people has increased as well as the level of their insecurity in the future. This has strong impact on social needs, sustainable liveli ...
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All about SALAD

Date du début: 1 mai 2010,

All About SALADThe main topic of the project is connected to reusing and the problem of over consuming. The name "All About SALAD" has several meanings. It can be: salad as food where each component has its own value, but mixed together there will be a new product; that everyone knows on his/her own that the environment should be protected, but knowing and protecting it together has a greater powe ...
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"Together ... with hands on"

Date du début: 1 mars 2012,

This epa International Youth Exchange will bring together 60 young people with youth workers from Lisbon (PT) Hamburg (DE), Liverpool (UK), Ljubljana (SI), Málaga (ES), Bratislava (SK) and Palermo (IT) for two weeks in July/August 2012 in Lisbon and Gois-Gouveia (Portugal). epa coordinates the project.The theme is "Together … and hands on!" young people with fewer opportunities looking at how th ...
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epa is the applicant, co-host and coordinating organisation of a Training Course to be held in the City of Derry North of Ireland in May 2012. It will involve 35 young colleagues from 14 countries (Germany, UK, Ireland, Cyprus, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Netherlands, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Italy). The main theme is Youth participation : "What's in it for young people - how ...
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Vsak košcek šteje!

Date du début: 1 juil. 2010,

Everybody, every new experience, every new information, every new theoretical and practical knowledge, every contribution, every action counts! And if we summarize: Every part counts! for our future personal development and our lifes.Every part counts! is international youth exchange that will last for 11 days and will take place in Smolnik and Maribor (Slovenia), including 27 young people and 6 l ...
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Izpod površja pod nebo

Date du début: 1 mai 2008,

The project Reach the sky from underneath the surface is youth exchange between 30 young people and group leaders from 5 countries. In past three years we developed very good cooperation with our partners from Finland, Estonia, Austria and Switzerland, and in past two years Slovene group participated in 2 exchanges: "learning from experience" in Estonia and "No limits for learning" in Finland. Las ...
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