Rechercher des projets européens

Play Revolution
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The European Voluntary Service project Play Revolution will be carried out with our partner organisation SFERA Movement from Russia as part of the Youth Aid Centre Association’s Adventure Playground programme. The playground is a safe place for developing creativity, independence, responsibility, practical and social skills, and exploring the wealth of our natural environment. It is primarily intended for children and young people, as well as the rest of the population of the Mali Betnavski gozd area. With the Play Revolution project, we wish to enrich the playground’s programme with an international dimension, give children and young people the chance to learn foreign languages, learn about other cultures, and increase tolerance and solidarity in the local community. For a year, two young volunteers from Russia will playfully learn the work method, prepare promotional materials about the importance of play for healthy human development with help from the children, help organize creative, physical and culinary workshops, and promote the opportunities of the Erasmus+ programme. We expect them to gain new knowledge about the methodology of working with children and young people, communication, social interactions, and information technology, as well as develop their own creativity, independence and responsibility. We will encourage them to implement this new gained knowledge in their home environment, and use it their future careers.



1 Participants partenaires