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25 projets européens trouvés

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Article 27 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and its Optional Protocol has 11 directives to secure "the right of persons with disabilities to work, on an equal basis with others" while the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 identified eight areas for action for the elimination of barriers, two of these being 'Employment' along with 'Education ...
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One of the objectives of the Erasmus+ programme is to encourage the development of high quality transnational work placements across Europe. The idea for MATCHSI comes from research and the observation that the quality of the information collected from the trainees, the vocational education training providers and host companies, particularly small and medium sized businesses, before transnational ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

The present project takes place in the context of large laser infrastructures, some under developments and some already operational at several sites across Europe. The Extreme Light Infrastructures (ELI) all rely on state of the art ultra-high intensity laser technologies. Three locations, namely Prague in the Czech republic (ELI-Beamlines), Szeged in Hungary (ELI-Alps) and Bucarest in Romania (E ...
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Dezvoltare durabila prin formare de specialisti in protectia mediului

Date du début: 31 août 2016, Date de fin: 30 août 2018,

The need to apply for a mobility project for vocational training students in partnership with companies came as the results of the analysis made by the Board of observation and study of the labor market (PSO), that has been functioning in school since 2012. This board has the mission to observe the employment at local and regional level, collect and process information (analysis and forecasts) c ...
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The project entitled “" Steps towards increased professional competence and European environmental principles furniture industry"” is going to unfold for two years. Its aim is to train students in accordance to the new professional standards in the work market and the European regulations in the furniture industry field. The project is expected to increase their chances of employment and improve ...
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V.A.L.L.E.Y. - Vocational Alliance: from Learning to Labour for European Young

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

“VALLEY - Vocational Alliance: from Learning to Labour for the European Young" is a mobility project aiming at promoting the employability of young people coming from Tourism and Agribusiness sector and at facilitating their entrance into the labour market. This should also have a positive effect in terms of the national economy revitalization, especially in the South of Italy. Tourism and Agrib ...
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Agricultura ecologica o alternativa viabila pentru viitorii lucratori in agricultura

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2017,

The project entitled "Organic farming a viable alternative for future workers in agriculture" aims to increase the professional initial skills in organic farming for the training of graduates of vocational school with high skills and ability, to know and apply correctly and effectively, according to European norms, rules of cultivation of organic products. The participants are 14 students of 11t ...
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Akershus International Mobility for Apprentices and Trainers

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The project Akershus International Mobility for Apprentices and Trainers (AIM AT) results from a cooperation between the counties of Akershus and Oslo. It continues the implementation of the long-term international strategy within vocational education and training of the counties of Akershus and Oslo. This strategy aims at fully integrating international mobility as a training method within vocati ...
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International Vocational Experience

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The International Service Office is the property of, and is being run by, Oppland and Hedmark County Councils. The primary target group is apprentices under the two County Councils' educational resposibility. The apprentices receive information about placements abroad, and are invited to apply for such placements. INTSEK facilitates placements for 60-70 apprentices from Oppland and Hedmark eac ...
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The project with the title ”The future of the designer technician of furniture and interior arrangements by European mobility” appeals to a group of 32 students from the 11th class, 3rd level of The Technological High School” Avram Iancu” from Sibiu, who obtain at the end of their studies the qualification of interior designer of furniture and interior arrangements and has as a goal acquiring the ...
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Date du début: 15 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 14 sept. 2016,

CONTEXT In developing this project, we started from the analysis of reference documents in the field of education, especially VET and from the analysis of our school unit needs. Our project aims the following needs: - low professional skills of 30% of our agricultural mechanics that did not allow them to adapt to new demands of the labor market in the European community - limited knowledge of 50% ...
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Erasmus+ for Vestfoldlærlinger 2014-2016

Date du début: 30 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

Vestfold county council, department of upper secondary education, has a long history of applying for EU-funding for mobility for initial vocational training. Since 1995 the department has offered mobility experiences for apprentices and pupils in vocational institutes, and there is a wish to continue to offer this possibility with the new EU program Erasmus+. In Vestfold county there was and is a ...
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Apprentices Across Europe

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

The International Service Office (IS) is a part of the vocational education authorities in the Oppland and Hedmark County Council administrations. IS' mandate is to give apprentices from the region an international experience included a placement in a relevant workplace. Therefore IS applies for Erasmus+ mobility financing during the period 2014-2016. IS has included nine cooperating partners in t ...
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The project entitled "Transnational mobility for professional training of the young wood craftmen" is directed to a group of 20 students in XIth Grade, Level 3 from Technological Forestry High School Curtea de Arges which will be qualified as technicians furniture designer and interior design, module IV "Furniture buiding" which interactions with UC12 "Furniture Building" from the standard of pr ...
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Formare şi specializare în protecţia mediuui

Date du début: 11 août 2014, Date de fin: 10 août 2015,

The idea and the necessity of applying for receiving a grant for mobility project for VET learners in partnership with firms and companies came from the results of the the analysis carried out by the committee of observation and study of the labor market (OSP), established in our school since 2012 which had the mission to “observe” the labor market at local and regional level and which collected, ...
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L'espace SUDOE dispose d'une grande richesse de milieux naturels qu'il est nécessaire de préserver dans l'optique d'un développement durable du territoire. C'est le cas des domaines littoraux qui sont à la fois une zone de production aquacole économique importante et des zones de loisirs. Ces milieux sont soumis à de fortes pressions dues au développement d'activités humaines affectant la biodiver ...
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El objetivo de SUST-FOREST es mantener la extracción resinera como un aprovechamiento forestal rentable que contribuya al empleo rural así como a la conservación y a la prevención de incendios en los pinares del Espacio SUDOE. Para ello, el proyecto analizará los aspectos económicos, sociales y ecológicos de este aprovechamiento de manera que sea sostenible y pueda combinar la conservación de la n ...
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...tación FEDER del 75%, es decir 823 500 euros, solicitada en el marco de la iniciativa SUDOE. Esta puesta en común permitirá crear una verdadera red de coordinación para el conjunto de sistemas de oceanografía costera de la zona sur del Atlántico adaptada a los retos económicos y medioambientales del espacio SUDOE (turismo, pesca, actividades portuarias, usos náuticos,…).
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Supercritical fluid networks and materials (SUPERMAT)

Date du début: 14 sept. 2003, Date de fin: 27 déc. 2007,

To answer the needs of the strategy of sustainable development, the industrialists of the Atlantic Area seek, now more than ever, procedures and products offering solid environmental advantages. The SUPERMAT project offers them a new prospect for development, founded on the technology of supercritical fluids. This method, consisting of bringing fluids to precise conditions of temperature and press ...
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Le projet R.E.P.A.R.T.I.R. + est la suite du projet R.E.P.A.R.T.I.R. approuvé lors du premier appel à projet. Le partenariat a été élargi par rapport au projet précédent et a été constitué autour de lidée « Mieux se connaître, réfléchir et décider ensemble pour être plus pertinents ». Effectivement, lobjectif de ce projet sinscrit dans la suite logique du premier projet et a pour ambition de mener ...
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REPARTIR is a project developed within the framework of the European Union INTERREG III B SUDOE program and run by the Pôle Universitaire Européen of Toulouse-Midi-Pyrénées. The aim of the project is for each of the nine regions involved Andalucia, Aquitaine, Catalunya, Galicia, Illes Balears, Regiao Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Midi-Pyrénées, Região Norte, Pais Vasco to present their potential in the f ...
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EM-Idea: Bringing the Erasmus Mundus community together todisseminate, exchange and actDuration: 3 yearsSummary description:With this project, we wish to create conditions such that the Erasmus Mundus (EM) community atlarge can jointly exploit, explain and discuss its involvement in the Erasmus Mundus programme, soas to find ways to strengthen and improve it.The project will target the following c ...
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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Gaining experience within a foreign company : The INTERPLANET project provides students, university administrative staff and company directors with the means to organise placements abroad. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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Lobjectif est la création dun réseau de sécurité alimentaire. Ce réseau donnera des réponses aux besoins et questions tant au niveau scientifique et technique quau niveau industriel dans le domaine de la sécurité alimentaire. Ce réseau permettra le développement, lexpérimentation et lévaluation de nouvelles méthodes ainsi que léchange et le transfert dexpériences et de savoir-faire des participant ...
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