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37 projets européens trouvés

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Re-inventing Europeans through History, Art and Cultural Learning

Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

The Re-inventing Europeans through History Art and Cultural Learning project (REHAC Learning) is implemented by a partnership of different types of organizations from the Greece, Slovenia, Sweden, Norway and Italy, including education institutions of different remit (university, adult education centres, non-formal learning providers), public authorities and representatives of the civil society ope...
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Heritage training for young adults

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

- Context/background of project Learning activities that take place outside formal settings (school, training or professional refreshing training, etc.) are approximately 80% of what we learn during our existence. Contemporary society, characterized by the rapid pace of innovation, should support actions that encourage individuals subjectively and / or objectively weaker in relation to the rapid s...
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On-the-job, on-the-go

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

CIFP Aguas Nuevas submits its third mobility project directly aimed at VET, basing it in the experience acquired in the last two (presented under the Leonardo da Vinci action in the now extinct Lifelong Learning Program), but introducing the important novelties that the new Erasmus+ allows. The main innovative aspect incorporated is the inclusion of staff mobility for training purposes (apart from...
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Applying ECVET and ECTS to certify competences and skills in maritime port sector

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The project aims to support national and regional rules on the skills recognizing according to the ECTVET system. The partnerships aims to develop innovation on method of recognizing skills and management in the port and logistics field. The implementation proposal is focused on the skills and competences of the professionals in the sector. At this aim, 3 level of professionals (managerial, interm...
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Advancing Competences in the European Senior Services Sector

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The leading trend of demography developments in all EU countries is the well-known phenomenon of aging population. Responding to this trend in a proper fashion is a task of the utmost importance for the future of EU. Preparation of vocational professionals catering to the senior citizen services sector is undoubtedly one of the key elements comprising the solution of adjusting to EU population agi...
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Date du début: 14 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 14 janv. 2016,

Les villes portuaires de lespace de coopération du Programme Italie/France Maritime présentent la même problématique de déstructuration et absence de fluidité du point de vue urbain et économique entre lhinterland e linterface ville-port. Afin de transformer le désagrément causé par linteraction des fonctions urbaines et portuaires en un atout pour le développement économique des territoires, le p...
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METRO - Moving in Europe : Training for Real Opportunities

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

The institute Vespucci -Colombo for many years plays a very important role in Livorno, for training in logistics and tourism. 5 years experience in international mobility , first as a partner and then as a promoter , which allowed him to expand the internship offers to its students. The project "METRO " wants to be an opportunity for collaboration with the local partnership to meet the needs of th...
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Le projet vise à développer laccessibilité, lusage et la sécurité des zones côtières dans les territoires transfrontaliers, par le biais dinvestissements matériels (la sécurisation des routes, la construction de pistes cyclables et piétons, l'élimination des obstacles architecturaux pour mieux relier la ville avec la mer), et immatériels (développement de App pour Smartphone pour une plus grande d...
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Le projet vise à faciliter laccessibilité aux services par les populations à mobilité réduite et, en général, par la population résidant dans les zones périphériques et défavorisées.Lobjectif général du projet est dexpérimenter une approche du système aux thèmes de laccessibilité aux services, afin daméliorer toute la chaîne du déplacement et du stationnement des points darrêt des sujets défavoris...
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Modello Integrato TRansfrontaliero per le Attività del Litorale (MISTRAL +)

Date du début: 31 mai 2013, Date de fin: 30 mai 2015,

Il progetto Mistral + prevede tra le attività progettuali, la costituzione di una rete formale di porti turistici dellAlto Mediterraneo. Negli ultimi 3 anni la Provincia di Livorno, grazie ai fondi comunitari (progetto TPE e progetto Mistral) si è attivata per il miglioramento del diporto nautico attraverso interventi diretti e una intensa attività di relazione con tutti gli attori del settore – p...
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Terragir 2 promeut la coopération entre les entreprises agro-alimentaires et entre celles-ci et les entreprises du service local, notamment dans le domaine touristique. Afin de contribuer concrètement à la valorisation du secteur, le projet se concentre sur la réalisation et la mise en réseau de VITRINES, cest-àdire despaces physiques ou virtuels que les entreprises utilisent pour informer, illust...
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Lobjectif global du projet est dagréger les PME pour transformer, sur le territoire, les produits dérivés du matériel génétique animale autochtone en combinant des actions de valorisation et de promotion pour favoriser la commercialisation. Le positionnement des produits de qualité sur le marché à travers l'agrégation et le soutien à lorganisation logistique des PME dans le respect de la durabilit...
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Date du début: 31 mars 2010, Date de fin: 31 mars 2013,

The project's theme is the projection of the global issues of ecological network, in view of a synergistic sharing of intent to cross-border, cross-sector, cross-cultural and social. The overall project objective is to enhance the natural heritage and biodiversity in particular regions of the Mediterranean, through: • Reduction of human pressure and threats on the unique and rare habitats and site...
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The central theme of the project Tourisme Environnement Ports recreational boating and its development, in particular through the networking of the marinas and the adoption of innovative tools to enhance the attractiveness of the tourist port and dry port and increase the environmental sustainability of ports.The project involves all partner regions of Italy-France Maritime Crossborder Programme b...
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Date du début: 31 mars 2010, Date de fin: 31 mars 2013,

The Strategic Project RES - MAR is aimed at improving monitoring systems, risk prevention, management of environmental and emergency management, mitigation of pollution related to the environmental compartments water and soil in the area of ​​cooperation.RES MAR is composed of 7 sub-projects and actions of the system from which you intend to bring out the best strategies for cross-border environme...
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The project PERLA seeks to develop accessibility, usability and security of coastal areas in the border region. The joint actions are planned by the project to increase and standardize the range of services dedicated to tourism, including through the use of innovative and advanced technologies. It also aims to promote cultural exchanges and the creation and / or 'network implementation and intangi...
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Date du début: 18 avr. 2010, Date de fin: 18 août 2012,

The project VAGAL aims to characterization and to enhance the quality of rural areas and economic resources in the areas of Tuscany, Sardinia and Corsica, through innovative joint between institutions, research centers, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).The collaboration took place to improve the production and marketing of quality products and excellence.These territories share a high env...
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Corsica, Liguria, Sardinia and Tuscany's coastal provinces hold an important asset not yet fully exploited the Napoleonic and often inaccessible. The project intends Bonesprit from this potential cultural wealth to create a common system of routes designed to enhance and improve the knowledge and use of such testimony and to define common management tools. Recipients of assistance are local instit...
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The recreational boating industry has a tremendous potential for dynamism and competitiveness and the concentration of enterprises operating in marine construction, marine services of one of the most important in the world. The entire area of ​​cooperation and particularly the region and Stroke Provinces of Lucca, Pisa, Livorno Massa Grosseto La Spezia. The overall project objective is to improve ...
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Governance and Integrated Observation on marine Natural Habitat (GIONHA)

Date du début: 13 avr. 2009, Date de fin: 13 avr. 2012,

The design theme is the protection and enhancement of the marine resources of particular natural cross-border environmental issues and awareness of protection of marine habitats that support the area of ​​the Pelagos Sanctuary. Reference area: marine-coastal area defined as "specially protected area of importance in the Mediterranean Pelagos Sanctuary" which covers about 90,000 km2 in north-wester...
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The project works on the theme of social inclusion of disadvantaged groups and working groups (women, youth, aged 50, prisoners, immigrants, disabled, disadvantaged) with the creation and development of cross-border cooperation and networking between: bodies, structures (public and private ), employment centers, system operators, integrated work / training / social. The project involved the entire...
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The design theme is to optimize the system performance of the multimodal transport of goods through the creation of a new space for cross-border development to reduce barriers to trade and increase the accessibility of areas for the benefit of the generality of citizens which are reduced cost of goods. The overall objective is to develop relations and trade, promote development, enhance the resour...
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The joint project aims to create innovative actions for safeguarding and enhancement of the Vermentino. The project intends to address the intertwining of the different components of the typical product, focusing on the added value from its relationship with the rural and coastal areas, in order to meet the new demand for tourism. (B) the reference area: Castelnuovo Magra, La Spezia Province, Prov...
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The design theme is to optimize the system performance of the multimodal transport of people in poor areas and remote border area, to reduce barriers in access to services and intangible assets by the general public and persons with disabilities. They identified various sectors of activity, resulting in what is the fundamental activity of the project, ie design and testing of a wide range of innov...
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The design theme is designed to innovate through actions and instruments of governance the exploitation of niche products related to typical rural reality of cross-border territory. The reference area: the 5 provinces of Tuscany, Sardinia and Liguria (Departments of Agriculture), and the Region of Corsica with the Office du Développement Agricole et Rural de Corse. In the area where the project is...
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Local Alliance for Climate Responsibility (LACRe)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2010,

Background The EU has set targets in its energy policy to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20% up to 2020. It also has the medium-term objective of reducing GHG emissions by 8% by 2012 compared with 1990 levels. Each Member State is contributing to these efforts. In Italy actions are under way at local levels to address the global issue of climat...
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Le projet MedCypre considère le cyprès toujours vert (Cupressus sempervirens L.) comme l'espèce de référence pour toutes ces fonctions dans le Bassin Méditerranéen Occidental. Le but principal du projet MedCypre est d'affronter le problème du contrôle des incendies avec des plates-bandes de cyprès à houppier horizontal qui, avec leurs branches longues et fines, freinent la formation du sous-bois d...
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« CYPMED » s’intéresse à l’utilisation et l’utilité du cyprès dans un contexte de protection de l’environnement. Le projet a pour objectif de démontrer que l’utilisation des cyprès satisfait aux demandes des utilisateurs, qu’elle garantit la gestion des ressources dans un développement équilibré et durable et qu’elle prévient les risques naturels. Il s’agit donc de démontrer la valeur économique e...
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L'AFPA, primario organismo di formazione francese per adulti, intende favorire l'accesso di tutti i cittadini al diritto fondamentale alla formazione professionale. I «bar delle scienzea» sono dei nuovi luoghi da incontro per la cultura scientifica. Essi hanno lo scopo di far uscire la scienza dagli abituali luoghi di discussione, (le università o le sale di conferenze) e di favorire il dialogo e...
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Il progetto prevede la realizzazione di un "gate" informatizzato per il controllo degli accessi da viabilità stradale all'impianto dello scalo merci del Frizzone, ormai in fase di completamento, per il riconoscimento dei veicoli in ingresso e uscita e dei relativi carichi in modo da consentire il riconoscimento della merce movimentata dallo scalo; il sistema è collegato ad un portale web che favor...
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Il progetto consiste nel realizzare una rete di sentieri che si snoda su un territorio variegato e ricco di testimonianze storiche e di risorse ambientali- naturalistiche. Attraverso la sistemazione di alcuni sentieri che tradizionalmente venivano percorsi sia a cavallo che a piedi il progetto intende non solo dotare il territorio di segnaletica e di cartine guida ma garantirne una più facile ed o...
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Il progetto si propone di individuare, attraverso la conoscenza del contingente flogistico attuale dei singoli territori, le linee necessarie per un sua valutazione al fine di operare azioni di gestione e salvaguardia attraverso lo scambio e la cooperazione con i soggettidei diversi territori al fine di mantenere quella biodiversità che caratterizza questo settore del tirreno settentrionale. L'in...
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Il progetto vuole mettere insieme l'esperienza ed il lavoro dei partner per la uso di fonti energetiche rinnovabili e del risparmio energetico nelle tre regioni attraverso:- la realizzazione di un programma di studi volto a valutare l'impatto ambientale degli edifici, così come il loro ambiente esterno e la qualità degli ambienti interni (in modo particolare negli edifici scolastici, per favorire...
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H&S at work deserves a prominent place on the EU policies agenda. Safety at work is one of the most urgent topic for the protection of workers, to increase quality and welfare of the SMEs, their competitiveness and growth. Accidents at work that continue to occur though compliance with rules: there is a need to enhance the safety culture in people. This is why since 2003 on the territory of Livorn...
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The integration of social and work policies allows the recognition and valorisation of the working role of disadvantaged persons as a resource which can be usefully employed within the manufacturing system, with evident advantages both in social terms and for the companies involved. We can therefore summarise the main problems which this project intends to address as the lack of an adequate promot...
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The project "Education for employment" project is focused in training and job placement support of disabled people with main aim to improve their position on the labor market.
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“EGO” aims to contribute to the formal recognition of gender quality through the transfer of a quality model based on the valorisation of gender differences in the companies - identified and experimented with "ADO - Azienda Donna Oriented” project - funded by POR Regione Toscana 2000-2006. The general aim of the project is to contribute to achieving the Lisbon goals on women employment through the...
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