: 13 janv. 2020

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A propos

GRUPPO JOBEL – ART FOR EARTH is an international cultural organization that has committed to raising awareness and engagement about social and environmental issues through artistic and educational programs since 2000.

Working both globally and locally, it supports governments, institutions, UN Agencies, NGOs, the private sector, educational organizations, and local communities to deliver cultural messages related to sustainable visions, turning carelessness into responsibility.

Gruppo Jobel – Art for Earth believes in the role of artists as privileged messengers to disseminate good practices and create new, sustainable ways of thinking through creativity and involving languages. To support partners, local communities and people, several flexible formats of multidisciplinary artistic actions were designed to be tailor-made and meet their specific needs.

Our activities comprehend:

THEMATIC ENTERTAINMENT: Thematic performances, storytelling, shows, and entertainment;

OPENINGS: Performances for opening and intermissions; 

SMARTALK: “Theatrical conference”, in which short speeches delivered by experts alternate with live artistic performances (by actors, singers, mimes and dancers) accompanied by other visuals;

SITE SPECIFICS: Site specific event and itinerary performances to valorize specific contexts and locations;

PRIVATE SECTOR: Support to the Private Sector: CSR projects, team building, and creative thematic workshops;

EVENT PRODUCTION: Fundraising, producing, managing and directing cultural and live events;

EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS, CAREER GUIDANCE & NON-FORMAL LEARNING: Activities aimed at developing creative and critical thinking skills; raising awareness about youth rights, good practices and sustainable topics; disseminating a sense of responsibility about the active role that new generations should play as agents of change in order to achieve social and environmental goals; ensuring their engagement, empowerment and full expression through creative and artistic ;Therefore, it designed specific educational programs to collaborate with schools, universities, local communities and cultural centres.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Développement durable
 Développement et coopération
 Industries créatives
 Héritage culturel

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