Andrea Demadonna
16 févr. 2023
A propos
Looking for partners in energy and environment projects financed by Erasmus+
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Idées proposées
Looking for partners to join our consortium - sustainable tourism and rural development in European marginal areas
Non lucratif
Développement rural
Jeunes agriculteurs
Entrepreneuriat et PME
Renforcement des compétences
Tourisme durable
We are looking for a partner to join our consortium under the current small-scale call on adult education.
Objective of the proposal is to develop educational opportunities for people employed in traditional professions of the first sector (farming, breeding, fishing, beeharvesting...) to learn how to integrate sustainable tourism initiatives features in their daily business (district...
il y a 11 mois
il y a 11 mois
Renforcement des compétences
Protection environnementale
Tourisme durable
Slow tourism and protection of the environment in montanous and remote areas of Europe (possibily) with a water source as trigger of socio-economic development (lakes, rivers...) - best practices, education activities for all ages, protection of fragile remote areas of Europe
il y a 1 an
il y a 1 an
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