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33 projets européens trouvés

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Dialogue Interculturel, REseaux et Mobilité en MEDiterranée

Date du début: 15 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2019,

By fostering university cooperation, DIRE-MED seeks to establish a long-lasting relationship of mutual trust, understanding and intercultural awareness among Mediterranean countries promoting the mobility and exchange of people and in longer term, a major economic and cultural integration of the region. DIRE-MED aims at:- Creating a framework of cooperation to facilitate the exchange of students, ...
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TUnisian Network for Employability and Development of Graduates' Skills

Date du début: 15 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2019,

Following the request of the Tunisian Ministry of HE, the project will support the ongoing reform of the HE system by the scaling up of the TEMPUS ISLAH observatory so to include the new coming universities of Tunis, Carthage, Kairouan and Sfax, in the integrated demand supply matching model, designed as to achieve the following results: -collect and analyze data on university and graduates perfor ...
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Euro-Mediterranean policies, as well as research on them, have been characterized by a Euro-centric approach based on a narrow geopolitical construction of the Mediterranean. Moreover, stakeholders, policy instruments, and policy issues have been defined from a European standpoint, marginalizing the perspectives and needs of local states and people, and ignoring the role played by new and powerful ...
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SerIous Games pour la MAintenance des infrastructures ferroviaires

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

We are witnessing today the emergence of development and modernization projects planned for the railway sector. The strategic plan for development of the Maghreb countries Railways seeks to raise the rail productivity for both passenger and freight. A need to develop a predictive maintenance policy in the early phases of this plan must be accompanied by a high level of skills and human capital in ...
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Information Technology Governance for Tunisian Universities

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

Information Technology (IT) is a key aspect for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). IT is present in almost all HEIs activities and, as a result of this importance, is a strategic asset that needs to be managed in an effective and efficient way. Moreover, IT will transform the way education is delivered, managed and accessed by students. On the other hand, IT Governance is one of the concerns fo ...
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MEDIGENE project will study genetic and environmental (G x E) determinants of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) in recent immigrants in Europe by a novel approach integrating ancestry of Mediterranean populations in epidemiology, locus refining and Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS). West Mediterranean shores are place of pre-historical termini of population expansion from Southern Europe and Nort ...
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The ClusMED project is a Support Action (SA) intended to contribute to international cooperation between EU and MED countries in the field of ICT Regulations in support of Societal Challenges.ClusMED aims at implementing cooperative research in the ICT sector through the identification, analysis and benchmarking of national ICT regulations, taking into consideration five target MED countries (Leba ...
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Social Inclusion through Social Theatre for Equality in Romania

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

“Integrarea sociala prin teatru social pentru egalitate in Romania” a fost un proiect KA1 Erasmus PLUS care a avut loc la Telega, Romania, in perioada 21-31 August 2015. Aceasta manifestare a reunit 50 de participanti, inclusiv 2 formatori si 3 cadre de suport din 9 tari din UE si de asemenea tari invecinate cum ar fi: Tunisia, Spania, Romania, Turcia, Palestina, Iordania, Israel, Serbia si Italia ...
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Social Theatre - Building a Chance for All

Date du début: 20 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 19 juil. 2015,

“Social Theatre – Building a Chance for All” is KA1 Erasmus Plus project was held in West Lexham , Norfolk, UK from the 13 to 22 April 2015. This mobility was bringing together 55 participants + and 1facilitator from 11 EU and neighbouring countries: UK, Turkey, Tunis, Spain, Romania, Portugal, Palestine, Serbia, Jordan, Israel and Italy. They explored together ways in which social theatre can ...
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Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

The project was carried out in Erice (Trapani), 12 to 21 May. The host organization is the Erice Art Foundation which has already promoted and participated in initiatives aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue and peace. The town of Erice has always promoted the activities related to the theme of cultural diversity and dialogue as a form of encounter. The project wanted to follow up on everythi ...
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"CLIM-RUN aims at developing a protocol for applying new methodologies and improved modeling and downscaling tools for the provision of adequate climate information at regional to local scale that is relevant to and usable by different sectors of society (policymakers, industry, cities, etc.). Differently from current approaches, CLIM-RUN will develop a bottom-up protocol directly involving stakeh ...
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The project ULIXES aims to unravel, categorize, catalogue, exploit and manage the microbial diversity available in the Mediterranean Sea for addressing bioremediation of polluted marine sites. The idea behind ULIXES is that the multitude of diverse environmental niches of the Mediterranean Sea contains a huge range of microorganisms and their components (e.g. catabolic enzymes) or products (e.g. b ...
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Biotechnology for Africa's sustainable water supply (WATERBIOTECH)

Date du début: 1 août 2011, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2014,

"More than water scarcity, diseases and civil wars, Africa is also the least wealthy continent, in terms of economic and financial resources. These combined and tightly linked problems have led to a restricted range of choices, affordable for African countries, to deal particularly with the water issue, as a major topic. Polluted water treatment before use has been their almost unique solution to ...
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The project BIODESERT aims to strengthen a molecular microbial ecology research platform already existing in Tunisia, which actively performs collaborative research for the development of straightforward strategies of Microbial Resource Management (MRM) for agriculture in arid environments. The final objective is to expand the existing platform and improving the related technical and research know ...
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The research program is a multidisciplinary functional genomics approach to study fundamental biological processes relevant to human health and to develop bioinformatics tools in systems biology. It will decipher the complex regulatory networks that control basic cellular processes in the context of intracellular pathogen infection as a paradigm of host/pathogen genomes conflict.This project will ...
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« Tethys » sintéresse à la gestion des ressources naturelles, et plus particulièrement leau, dans une perspective de santé publique. Le projet vise à concevoir et expérimenter une plate-forme numérique de management de la connaissance des cultures et des territoires méditerranéens, appliquée aux problèmes de santé publique liés à la gestion des ressources naturelles. S'appuyant sur le capital scie ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2011,

The project objectives -to contribute to the challenges proposed in the TCs’ plans of development and National Indicative Plans; -to contribute to the resolution of problems resulting from the geographical proximity of the countries involved; -to promote the design of joint degrees and the emergence of new ones in the TCs. The objectives will be achieved by upgrading the TCs human resources fir ...
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Le projet vise à moderniser le programme des études dans le domaine de la conservation/restauration en donnant une nouvelle structure de la formation. Cette proposition entre dans les priorité nationales des partenaires tunisiennes et pour tous les partenaires concernés est l’occasion d’une réflexion sur la formation du conservateur/restaurateur des biens culturels face aussi aux problèmes d’inser ...
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The project aims to create a common platform about surgeon activities between Pc members (DZ, EG, LB, TN), to increase the exchange of informations and common knowledge between surgeon department of different universities and to upgrade education of surgeon to micro- medical and endoscopics technics to face & noze surgery. The specific objectives are: "1 - Créer un réseau transméditerranéen de pla ...
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To boost innovation and knowledge based economic development by stimulating structural reforms in Tunisian higher education institutions via the implementation of a well structured, sustainable scheme for the creation and reinforcement of industry-enterprises partnerships at Tunisian Universities. The specific objectives are: "• Creation of a Universities-enterprises cooperation network comprising ...
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"Le projet ""i-Créa Formation"" met en place des formations à l’innovation chez les partenaires maghrébins au niveau master et doctorat et de la formation continue des cadres. Selon les partenaires, il s’agira de renforcer des formations accréditées à l’innovation existantes (TUNIS et ORAN), de créer des formations accréditées de type master (AUE, SOUSSE, ALGER en fin de programme), de mettre en p ...
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Le projet vise à mettre en place un cursus de Master (M1 et M2) en Psychologie du Travail dans les six universités de trois pays bénéficiaires du Maghreb -Algérie, Maroc et Tunisie (MPTUM). Cette formation s’inscrit pleinement dans la demande et des besoins des pays du Maghreb en adéquation avec l’environnement économique. La proposition est également liée aux réformes de l'Enseignement Supérieur ...
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Universities are important pillars in the country's education and innovation system. PARENIS aims to reinforce the universities' capability of exploiting their research, while opening their results to industry in order to promote innovation. The exploitation of research is dealt with from two perspectives: how can universities improve the quality and quantity of their research publications to ben ...
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Pour les établissements d'enseignement supérieur, il est aujourd'hui reconnu que la coopération avec le monde du travail, et plus généralement la société civile, est une nécessité et qu'elle ne peut plus se contenter d'être une activité optionnelle. Or, la structuration des partenariats universités-entreprises suppose comme préalable la présence de structures d'interface pérennes et opérationnelle ...
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Date du début: 15 juil. 2011,

The Averroes project includes 11 Maghreb universities: Tunis, Sousse, Béjaia, Constantine, Gabes, Ferhat Abbas, Tizi Ouzou, Tlemcen, Rabat, Tetouan and Marrakech and 9 EU universities: Montpellier (3), Perpignan, Nice, Balearic Islands, Trento, Waterford and Liège. The project will be co-ordinated by the University of Montpellier 2 which has a long lasting experience of European projects managemen ...
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Ce projet régional structurel vise les priorités nationales et la priorité régionale ‘ Développement des relations internationales' des 3 pays du Maghreb, Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie. Il implique dans chaque pays cible, 4 universités & organismes de recherche, les ministères de l’enseignement supérieur ainsi que 6 partenaires européens de 4 pays différents. L’objectif général du projet est transférer ...
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L'objectif de ce projet est de stimuler des réformes dans les universités partenaires pour leur adaptation aux conditions d'une nouvelle économie de marché en mettant en place des incubateurs et des pépinières d’entreprises, ainsi que des services de valorisation des résultats de la recherche.Il vise également à :• Diffuser de la Culture Entrepreneuriale auprès des étudiants, diplômés et chercheur ...
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Dans un contexte de forte demande de formation des pays du Sud dans le domaine des techniciens supérieurs et des ingénieurs, notre projet (rESeau maghrébIn de laboratoirEs à distaNCE, eSience) apportera une réponse dans le champ de l'Ingénierie.Suivant l’adage "I hear and I forget - I see and I remember - I do and I understand." le projet s’appuiera sur l’eLearning, complémentaire du traditionnel ...
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EOLES project (“Electronics and Optics e-learning for Embedded Systems”) aims at creating an “E-LEARNING 2.0” ENGLISH-SPOKEN 3rd YEAR BACHELOR CURRICULUM.The created curriculum will be available for students living all over the world and especially in North Africa and having already the first two years of a Bachelor degree in Physics. This SPECIALISATION YEAR is oriented towards the EMBEDDED SYST ...
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ALYSSA - Student Mobility EU - Tunisia

Date du début: 15 juil. 2013,

The Alyssa project is named after the first queen and founder of Carthage, Alyssa.The academic mobility scheme proposed (a total of 122 mobility covering all levels) aims to enrich the students & academic staffs’ experience through confrontation with other cultures, different pedagogical and scientific methods, and life styles; it has for objective to develop the “soft skills” that are of key impo ...
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Tuning Middle East and North Africa

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

Tuning MEDA project is aimed at the implementation of the Bologna tools in Southern Neighbouring Area universities through building of a framework of comparable, compatible and transparent programmes of studies. In order to achieve this, four specific objectives have been identified: to apply the Tuning methodology in universities of SNA in four subject areas – Law and Good Governance including Hu ...
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SEMSEM est un projet structurel régional qui concerne 25 partenaires de 7 pays : Algérie, Liban, Maroc, Tunisie, Espagne, Italie et France. Le coordinateur, Université Montpellier 2, s'appuie sur 4 ministères (MESR), 10 universités pilotes du Sud : pour chaque pays, une ou deux universités «marraines » partenaires , ayant déjà une structure pour les stages, et une université « filleule » peu rompu ...
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