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23 projets européens trouvés

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Youth for Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

Due to high youth unemployment in the EU and the negative economic and social impacts of it, promoting youth entrepreneurship has gained priority on the political agendas. However, regardless of huge efforts by national and European policy makers, very few young people - in 2013 only 6,5% between 15 and 29 - actually start their own businesses. Thus, the overall objective is to promote youth entre ...
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Strategic partnership for enhancing social consciousness

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

Employees of the Catholic House Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd. got to know the social program of the Sozial Akademie of Dortmund operating in Germany two years ago. In addition, in 2014 they had the occasion to study the activity of the Klausenhof Akademie. Discussing the experience gathered in the two institutions, they developed a one-week long, intensive education week entitled Let’s connect!. T ...
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ABC of Youth Work

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2018,

The aim of the »ABC of Youth Work« project is to contribute to the rise in the quality of youth work in the European Union and to provide better social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities.The abbreviation “ABC” in the project title symbolises the need for youth work to return to its basics and foundations. The project is based on the assumption that youth work needs to return to its ...
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(Net)Working on European citizenship education

Date du début: 3 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 2 janv. 2018,, Slovenia (15th to 20th of November 2016) and in Nîmes, France (23th to 28th of May 2017) . Every partner will have to members of its staff in both meetings. The first action will be conducted by Socialna Akademija, the second will be placed under the operational responsibility of the Maison de l’Europe of Nîmes. The German partner Haus am Maiberg will support as the coordinator of the project ...
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We are the champions: Empowerment for employability

Date du début: 3 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 2 juin 2017,

“We are the Champion: empowerment for employability” è un corso di formazione che mira al trasferimento di strumenti e competenze a operatori giovanili al fine di supportare giovani NEET nel loro processo di sviluppo personale con la prospettiva di aumentare la loro occupabilità e inclusione nel mercato del lavoro e a livello sociale.Il progetto si fonda sull’idea per cui supportare un giovane nel ...
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Treasures from a Backpack

Date du début: 12 mai 2016, Date de fin: 11 mars 2017,

“Treasures from a Backpack”, an international Youth Exchange project will take place in August 2016 in Azerbaijan (this year`s host of European Youth Capital). It will connect two groups of young people from Slovenia and Azerbaijan. Each groups will count 8 members, aged between 18 and 30. Mutual aim of both teams is to focus on underprivileged youth; to do a research about their social position a ...
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The European Youth Weeks in Haus am Maiberg, center for civic and social edcucation in the diocese of Mainz, is an multinational youth encounter. The project offers the possibility to young europeans from eleven different european countries to experience Europe`s diversity and raise the awareness for social and political issues in order to promote european active citizenship. The aim of the projec ...
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REV 2015

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

The volunteer project proposed by the association Solidarités Jeunesses REV stems from this association's desire to allow for the creation of a place and a dynamic focused on social diversity, common tasks, intercultural exchange and learning; participants will have the tools necessary for bringing about personal as well as professional development. The four volunteers coming from Danmark, Spain, ...
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The Job Affair

Date du début: 15 août 2015, Date de fin: 14 août 2016,

Many European countries suffer the consequences from youth unemployment for a range of reasons, this project objective was to address this issue and look at supporting youth workers in competence development skills, so that they can in turn support of the development of competencies of the young people they work with.There is a proved match between skills demanded by employers and skills developed ...
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Build. Net. Work.

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

The international project „Build. Net Work.“ is a networking project of eight organisations in the field of youth work coming from different European countries and Russia. The aim is to promote and develop competences and resources within each partner organization in order to be able to focus the challenges of international youth work. There will be six project meetings dealing with different cruc ...
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Nature of EVS

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2016,

Nature of EVS was a long-term project which aimed to explore innovative methodologies in EVS (community-based approaches, The Way of Council, The Hero’s Journey, nature-based methods etc.) and to support quality and accessibility of EVS projects through supporting different actors involved EVS both in their personal and professional development. OUR AIM: The aim of our project was to explore the p ...
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3E to 3I - Exchanging-Empowering-Engaging to Increase-Innovate-Include

Date du début: 15 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 15 janv. 2016,

Youth organizations working on participation and inclusion have sometimes limited results and they activities are not anymore attractive for young people and for the ones who have already attended once their initiatives. On the other side, youth democratic participation at EU level this is still underdeveloped since many youth are unaware of the power they could have to change society, while othe ...
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Europäische Jugendwochen 2015 - YOU in unity? Different perspectives in Europe

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

The European Youth Weeks in Haus am Maiberg, center for civic and social edcucation in the diocese of Mainz, is an multinational youth encounter. The project offers the possibility to young europeans from eleven different european countries to experience Europe`s diversity and raise the awareness for social and political issues in order to promote european active citizenship. The aim of the projec ...
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Backpack Journalism EVS

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

The mission of the Socialna akademija is to contribute to active citizenship, media literacy and social responsibility. The majority of our activities relate to the youth sector, and Socialna akademija also received the status of organisation in public interest in the youth sector. We develop informal education programs, encourage youth activities and initiatives and promote intergenerational coop ...
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Journ@lism 2day

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

"Journ@lism 2day" is a long-term project promoted by Cooperativa Sociale Muovimente within the frame of the European Programme Erasmus+. The project focuses on Backpack Journalism (BPJ) as a tool of activating young people, especially young people with fewer opportunities (specifically unemployed young people). The aim of the project is to explore how Backpack Journalism (BPJ) can be used as a too ...
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Special Effects

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

"Special Effects" is an innovative 8-day training course for youth workers to develop training and facilitation competence with a focus on skills that will make your inner ?tool box? richer, special, sparkle. Organised by Act In Ostrava in winter 2014: 6.-14. December 2014 (including travel days) in Kaprál?v Mlýn (, Czech Republic, close to Brno. "Special Effects" - training ...
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Europäische Jugendwochen 2014 "Europe´s influence on me - my impact on Europe"

Date du début: 18 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

The European Youth Weeks in Haus am Maiberg, center for civic and social edcucation in the diocese of Mainz, is an multinational youth encounter. The project offers the possibility to young europeans from ten different european countries to experience Europe`s diversity and raise the awareness for european active citizenship. The aim of the project which is organized by the 21st time since 1993 is ...
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coNnEcT II - Intergenerational work and european awareness

Date du début: 19 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2014,

Is intergenerational education in a european frame a fruitfull supplement for Internationale youth work and a chance to promote European awareness? These questions and many further details behind them will be the content of an international seminar for 15 experts in youth work and European education taking place between June 30 and July 4 2014 in Heppenheim in Haus am Maiberg, Center for civic and ...
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The 12-months project "Promote" will be implemented by 6 partners from EU (DE, CZ, IT, SI, PT, CH), 4 from LA (BR, AR, MX, CO) and one from Asia (PH). Activities pursue two overall objectives:ο To contribute to combat youth unemployment as well as any forms of indecent work by promoting protective, enabling and inclusive environments for young people both in developed and developing countries* ...
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Recikel bicikel

Date du début: 1 mai 2010,

The main aim of the project "Recikel bicikel" is to strengthen European citizenship and youth participation through collecting old bicycles, recycling them and giving them added value. By doing that, young people are going to actively respond to global challenges facing our lives, such as air pollution, permanent of materials, healthy life style, unemployment, poverty and social exclusion.Through ...
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The show must go on!

Date du début: 1 déc. 2009,

Show must go on! Is a multilateral youth exchange, which is going to take place for a period of one week in Ljubljana. It is a project, driven by 24 young people from Malta, Slovenia, Italy and Austria. We are active in geographically deprivileged areas and our job is to work with youngsters coming from ethnic minorities and with those, who have learning difficulties.During our work we have notice ...
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Date du début: 1 juil. 2007,

Main activity of "From Silence to Participation" project took place from 11th till 17th of September 2007 (6 days without arrival and departure day) in Adergas near Kranj, Slovenia. 16 participants from 6 countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany and Slovenia) learned how to develop and implement methods of dialogical, intercultural and biographical learning with the aim of encourag ...
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This partnership involves five organisations from Western & Eastern Europe, with diverse and strong areas of relevant expertise, committed to empowering disadvantaged and older learners through learner-led, inclusive and creative approaches to ‘active learning for active citizenship’. We agreed on ‘Active Citizens for Social Solidarity’ as a timely & important topic to our society and to our learn ...
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