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(Net)Working on European citizenship education
Date du début: 3 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 2 janv. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project submitted is a continuation of the first steps that have been initiated by eight partners from Europe and Russia in the field of non-formal learning and citizenship education since 2011. The project coNnEcT (Coperation Network in Non-Formal Education and Citizenship Training) aims to empower eight educational organizations to develop and implement educational cross-national projects for young people promoting active citizenship and anti-discrimination. By sharing, reflecting and discussing educational approaches and methodology in two network meetings participants of the project will be given the opportunity to learn from each other and develop together new ideas to promote European democracy. The project includes the development of educational materials which will be accessable for the field of non-formal education on a website created by the eight partners. Connect will reinforce the existing links between the partners, links that are born by a common involvement in the project; at the same time, the said partners will have a chance to integrate new participants and to widen their professional horizon as well as their field of competences.Concretely, these objectives will be achieved through the planning, implementation and evaluation of two actions that will take place with a duration of 4 + 2 = 6 days (including 2 travel days) in in Ljubljana, Slovenia (15th to 20th of November 2016) and in Nîmes, France (23th to 28th of May 2017) . Every partner will have to members of its staff in both meetings. The first action will be conducted by Socialna Akademija, the second will be placed under the operational responsibility of the Maison de l’Europe of Nîmes. The German partner Haus am Maiberg will support as the coordinator of the project both meetings.The next step in 2017 and 2018 will occur in Poland, Rumania and in Italy. First new youth projects are planned in Spain, Germany and Poland. it will take its full meaning thanks to the strength of the cooperation between partners.



7 Participants partenaires