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Europäische Jugendwochen 2016 - All for one, one for all? How (should) today´s challenges define our future?
Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The European Youth Weeks in Haus am Maiberg, center for civic and social edcucation in the diocese of Mainz, is an multinational youth encounter. The project offers the possibility to young europeans from eleven different european countries to experience Europe`s diversity and raise the awareness for social and political issues in order to promote european active citizenship. The aim of the project which is organized by the 22nd time since 1993 is to strengthen a democratic attitude among young adults. A democratic attitude includes the awareness for personal interests and the ability to express them as well as the awareness for the needs and opinions of others. The project aims to encourage participants to reflect and build personal opinions concerning recent political and social issues. This year the programm focus on the idea of an european unity meanwhile the existence of various different perspectives about Europe and european affairs. They reflect about the dealing with an heterogeneous society and personal attitudes toward differences and foreigners. By the examples of migration, austerity-policy, freedom of speech and religion and others participants will discuss about challenges to set up and practice a democratic living together in Europe and in the group. During the programme there will be trips connected with the topic like a visit to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, street activities to involve also citizens around the center and meetings with experts and politicians. The programme will consits of non-formal actvities promoting reflection and interaction between participants and encouraging to share personal opinions, knowledge and abilities. The project will be process orientied in order to make sure that the interests of participants will be included. The idea of the project is to promote self-directed and independet learning. Creative workshops and various evening activities like motto-evening and talk-shows will complete the programme. The project will be led by an internatiopnal team of young trainers. European Youth Weeks will be an peer-to-peer-education project. Eleven european organizations of international youth work are taking part in realizing the project.



9 Participants partenaires