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28 projets européens trouvés

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Work-based Entrepreneurship Training for People with Disabilities

Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2019,

4 million jobs have been lost in Europe due to the Big Economic Crisis started in 2008. People with disabilities have been hit hard, and risks of being marginalized in the labor market raised further. Policies should deliver a response, and one of the under-explored avenues is action for entrepreneurship and self-employment.In the EU only 47% of persons with disabilities are employed compared to ...
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Next Station: Improving Professional Skills in Galicia

Date du début: 4 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 3 juil. 2018,

General Management of Education, Vocational Training and Educational Innovation in Council of Culture and Education in Galicia is in Santiago de Compostela and manages 205 schools with Vocational Training and 1204 schools in Galicia.Educational adviser and international program coordinator promotes and coordinates european projects with 19 Vocational Training schools with their international coor ...
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The project being proposed concerns the Recognition and Validation of Agricultural Management in the framework of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). The project consortium are currently implementing a Transfer of Innovation Project under the Lifelong Learning Programme and one of the outcomes of this project was the need of courses in Agricultural Management ...
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One in six people in the European Union (EU) has a disability (LFS AHM 2002) that ranges from mild to severe making around 80 million who are often prevented from taking part fully in society and the economy because of environmental and attitudinal barriers. For people with disabilities the rate of poverty is 70 % higher than the average (EU-SILC, 2004) partly due to limited access to employment. ...
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Work, Research and Innovation for the Tomorrow's Entrepreneurs

Date du début: 17 août 2015, Date de fin: 16 août 2017,

"Youth people would consider themselves like learners because they know how to learn for education, one adapts and changes and is aware that if research is a learning process the knowledge is assured and the future will be guaranteed positively ". The current economic and financial crisis could not give a chance to young Europeans enter the labor market. Youth face a new complex background inc ...
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VIP awareness raising on unemployment

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

VIEWS International in cooperation with five partner organizations from Germany (2 promoters), Italy (2 promoters) and France (1 promoter) want to establish a 16 months strategic partnership, from 1/09/2015 till 1/01/2017, which aims developing: - a strong partnership between the partners of the project - attracting more institutions that could hire or offer internships for young visually impaired ...
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In several European countries, many people are stigmatized because of their sexual orientation or gender identity . Discrimination and violence against LGBT people is consumed in society , at school, but also in the work sector. Therefore is necessary to improve the position of the LGBT workers reducing and contrasting the troubles they declare in their professional life. It is also necessary to i ...
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In the furrow of Strategy of Lisbon and priorities of Declaration of Copenhagen, the project “Highlight the Competences” rises in context of competence and professional needs of cooperative enterprises working in the services sector (cleaning and logistics services) and find his justification in the exigencies of transformation, modernisation and adjustment of the European VET system for the profe ...
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To satisfy the demand for services and products in this kind of tourist fruition, health tourism offers concrete and expanding job opportunities to a large number of people, in a very broad and quite diversified range of activities and qualifications across European countries and regions. It is often not clearly defined in terms of learning outcomes but also frequently regulated, in terms of acces ...
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HeLPS Project is an excellence project realized in the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Community Programme - Second Phase, in the period 2004-2007. The Project has had a final assessment score equal to 10/10 and has received numerous national and international recognitions.The Project has achieved numerous results and realized many products which raised the specific interest of the School and ...
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The project aims to transfer an Operators Training Package, tested by various Italian partners, for the integrated management of the training services and active labour policies. This package, inclusive of contents, training and assistance methods, operating and theoretical support media, allows to start up in some Italian regions and in other European countries, a Continuous Training Service for ...
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Organic farming of herbs and medicinal and aromatic plants is of major importance for rural economy due to their contribution to agricultural diversification and better use of land. Herbs have been used by local populations in traditional ways for many centuries. Their novelty is thus not related to their introduction to new areas but rather to the ways in which old and new uses are being re-addre ...
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The objectives of the INTERPRES Project as are follows:1. in general, to facilitate the integration, vocational guidance and professional redeployment of Cultural Linguistic Mediators;2. more specifically, for the benefit of mediators as much as their potential employers, to develop systems that will lead to greater awareness of the social role, the characteristics and, last but not least, the ide ...
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Context: The COMPARES project (in French: COMpétence PARtenariat RESeaux - skills partnership networks) is part of the evolution of social work, and of the current process and stakes of the Local Social Development...and shows how concepts like "Partnership", "Networks" and "Opening" fuel the second "skill mainstay" of stakeholders involved in the support aiming at social and vocational inclusion, ...
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To make lifelong learning and mobility reality is one of the main objectives of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training ("ET 2020"). The ongoing development and management of knowledge, skills and competences at the individual and organisational level is therefore set a clear priority and challenge for the EU and its Member States, for vocational education and tr ...
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The tourism represents one of the most important economic sectors in Italy and Europe, with a very significant occupational relevance. Within the tourism sector and activities, a growing importance is more and more acquired by the segment of the nature-based tourism and, more widely, of the rural tourism.The nature-based tourism and the tourism in the European rural areas, in order to satisfy the ...
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Tourism is a key sector of EU economy: more than 10% of GDP and 12% of labour force.Lisbon Treaty acknowledges importance of tourism outlining a specific EU competence, and following its 2010 communication on tourism, Commission has developed a rolling implementation plan to be implemented with national/regional/local public and private key actors. In the perspective of Tourism Skills and Competen ...
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Automotive is a key sector in the European economy and labour market. Competition in this sector is global and continuous technical/human innovation is a must. Skills of the workforce in this sector have to be continuously updated and cross border acquisition of skilled employees is reality. Regarding both, the labour market as well as the competitiveness of European automotive sector, comparabili ...
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The analyses in the context of Bologna-process show the European education policy with it’s basic deficits in the sector of facility management:1. European curricula significantly differ in the sector of facility management.2. A recognition of formally and informally acquired competences is difficult, if not impossible just because of the missing competence standards also over country borders.3. M ...
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The COMETA project aims to develop and implement a credit transfer system based on ECVET for learning outcomes transversal to a cluster of professions of the care sector. The system will therefore allow the mutual recognition of credits which can be used to achieve the qualification required in the country/region of destination, notwithstanding the type or level of training attended in the country ...
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The project sets out to improve the quality of mentoring programmes in Europe that are intended to benefit older employees (age over-45) at risk of dropping out of their current employment. Target groups include job centres consultants, over-45 employees, trainers, learning facilitators and SMEs consultants. Project partners will investigate best practice teaching tools and also benchmarking metho ...
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The Scality-Leaqual aims to make an inventory of existing practice in the quality field and to propose a tool for analysing quality assurance which can be used in the 15 EU Member States and candidate countries in order to produce a quality assurance label for care of the elderly. To achieve this, two studies are planned: the first will have a technical focus and will involve collecting as much in ...
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Training pacts at local level : The project has established a framework for training pacts at local level that allows for cross-border cooperation. By setting the standards and producing guidelines, the project managers have paved the way for the creation of cross border training agreements. This project started in 2001 and lasted 26 months.
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The project addresses the sector of social housing and the landlords. It refers to the previous project IRFPP which developed a European profile of the caretaker and multimedia training materials for the work area. The new proposal aims at developing further the e-learning tool with the focus on the specific content of aging inhabitants of social housing and therefore the need to qualify the house ...
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The SO.L.CO. project aims to support government and local authority staff (social actors) in the development of public training policy for the local economy, particularly with regard to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It will further develop a model survey on key management competencies and a introduce a range of methods and instruments to support management training needs within SMEs.The pro ...
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The project sets out to improve the quality of mentoring programmes in Europe that are intended to benefit older employees (age over-45) at risk of dropping out of their current employment. Target groups include job centres consultants, over-45 employees, trainers, learning facilitators and SMEs consultants. Project partners will investigate best practice teaching tools and also benchmarking metho ...
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Within UE educational/training systems, agri-VET pathways provide specific knowledge related to pre-harvesting area, but no competences in post harvesting and in enterprise management. A comparison of formal and non formal curricula in UE countries shows that young farmers/people with an agri-educational background are usually trained through pathways focused on professional competences aimed at a ...
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