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13 projets européens trouvés

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Background Zinc mines are rapidly depleting throughout the world. In the EU, the situation is even more problematic, as almost all Member States (with the exception of Ireland) rely on imports. At the same time, zinc waste represents a real environmental problem due to its progressive loss in the hot zinc-coating process, where molten zinc alloys are used ...
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Practical Entrepreneurial Assessment Tool for Europe

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

Two teachers on upper-secondary level in rural Iceland are pioneering in their school to implement Entrepreneurship Education. They are eager to support their students to be creative and enterprising in the module. There is a lot going on in the course and many things to arrange and see too such as organizing visits to and from work-life in the area. The teachers are supported by teaching material ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

The towns of Alcorcón, Móstoles and their immediate surroundings recorded a high rate of youth unemployment which, as is the case with the rest of the Spanish state, is the result of the decline in economic activity in recent years. In this context, the local populaion presents a number of pressing needs related to lack of experience and job opportunities that justify the existence of the "ALCORCÓ ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 30 mars 2018,

VALENCIA EMPLEA III Consortium already has experience in the implementation of this project in the city of Valencia, and they have considered it suitable to contribute to socio-economic development of the city, through improving the employability of young people who participate in it once again.The socio-economic and labor situation in Valencia is still very serious as far as unemployment is conce ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2017,

Oviedo City Council and the Consortium schools promote this project with the aim of providing young VET students with qualifications required by the productive system, increasing the chance of employment when their qualification is insufficient or inadequate. The unemployment rate in the city is around 20% this year, and it is essential to support young people of these profiles so that they can a ...
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Technological, emotional and linguistic literacy through music

Date du début: 7 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 6 sept. 2017,

In the European cooperation in education and training strategic framework “Europe 2020”the member states are invited to successfully integrate all learners into the education system, including those with special needs. The strategic objectives raised in this document speak not only of education for all, but accentuate innovations and creativity at all levels of education. However, not in all field ...
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Put yourself in my shoes – Training Course for Youth Workers

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017,

"Put yourself in my shoes - Training Course for Youth Workers" is a project that will take place between September 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017 and it is part of the inclusion strategy developed by the entity from the youth and associative development department. ASPAYM Castilla y León has been working for years to promote the inclusion of young people with disabilities in our community. In this rega ...
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European Voluntary Service for All

Date du début: 2 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 1 avr. 2017,

The project EVS4ALL aims to take a first step in the implementation of a ‘European Year of Volunteering for Everyone’, as described in the manifesto "We are Europe! Manifesto for rebuilding Europe from the bottom up" ( Within the framework of Erasmus+ Youth in Action and based on the manifesto the project reaches out for the following objectives: (1) the inclusion of young ...
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Background Metal chips of light alloys – such as aluminium (Al) and titanium (Ti) alloys – are a common industrial waste product. Recycling these chips brings economic and environmental benefits through the reuse of metal resources. However, recycling is difficult because the chips are heavily contaminated by the lubricant/coolant used during process ...
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Link it Right!

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2015,

“Link It Right!” is an international training for young people from 18 to 30 years old, aimed to consolidate a non-formal learning as a method of discovering personal skills and competences and assessing them with the employment opportunities. Using the non-formal education methodology the project intends to rise attractiveness of young people on the job market. Objectives of the project are: • d ...
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The EGERIA network constitutes a factual cooperation of 11 bodies (public authorities, institutes, NGO’s, private bodies) from 8 countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. It aims at the development of a modern pilgrimage route that includes the far most valuable pilgrimage sites-cultural trademarks of the area, using the dynamic and experience of the appropriate bodies that systematically work for t ...
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EuroLib answers 3 needs:1. To create an early onset of European language experiences using a format that can resonate with the imagination of young students2. To introduce books as the best source of autonomous lifelong learning, and directly attack the lowering levels of book readership. 3. To promote the idea of Europe and its cultural diversity Travelling libraries of the most beautifully illus ...
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Reason for the project:Although the level of poverty and social exclusion varies considerably from country tocountry, and social and economic inequality is linked to specific local/nationalconditions, these issues present major challenges for Europe today. The rise in thenumber of EU member states to 27 has increased the competition between states andpeople and is a source of worry most notably fo ...
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