Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 31 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 30 mars 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

VALENCIA EMPLEA III Consortium already has experience in the implementation of this project in the city of Valencia, and they have considered it suitable to contribute to socio-economic development of the city, through improving the employability of young people who participate in it once again.The socio-economic and labor situation in Valencia is still very serious as far as unemployment is concerned, according to data for the third quarter of 2015 by age, the unemployment rate is as follows:16-19 ** 63.73%20-24 ** 42.89%25-29 ** 27.84%In this sense, one can identify the following problems in the target group of the project:- High rate of youth unemployment.- Little or no work experience.- Low awareness and use of a second language.- Low level of self-employment and entrepreneurship- Imbalances in the demand for skills by businesses and training young people have- Lack of awareness and use of ICT.- Lack of social, intercultural and transversal skills, which are so necessary to move in a labor market at European level. An important factor that defines the profiles of the project is the lack of maturity of the students. It is an element that we have observed over the evaluations of previous projects.The project employs the following objectives: General objective Promote the employment of 22 young people through work placements in companies in Europe (Italy, Portugal, and Ireland), as well as integrating this practical training in their vocational training degree, as well for VET graduates professional certificates levels 2 and 3. For new graduates, they will return after the mobilities of up to 12 months and who obtained their qualifications will be selected during the final year of their training. Specific objectives 1. Development of training placements for 22 VET students from Valencia educational centers. A part of these training periods will be curricular (FCT) and other will be a training period after graduation. 2. Improve the language skills of the participants. 3. Improve a range of key skills through work experience in a foreign country: maturity, skills social, communication, adaptability and flexibility to change, autonomy, trust, confidence, initiative and innovation, among others. 4. Complete the training pathway of the participants with a labor guidance provided by employment technicians Foundation, including self-employment as a career. 6. To promote entrepreneurship in the city of Valencia in professional sectors covered by the project, considering they have an important influence on local economy. This aspect supported by the complementary services It provides the Foundation for Employment of Valencia on a regular basis. 7. To support labor mobility of the young participants as a key element to become competitive professionals on the European labor market. This opens a wide range of opportunities for young people. The Covenant Foundation for Employment of Valencia coordinates for the third year the same Consortium, which is composed of the following educational institutions: - Institute Inter - Sociedad Cooperativa Valenciana Juan Comenius - Professional School Xavier - DOTS Center - IES Gonzalo AnayaThe mobilities are: 1. Scholarships for recent graduates for an internship of three months in European companies (approximately 6 scholarships) For those already graduated, they will have returned from the mobility after a maximum of 12 months since obtained their qualifications and must be selected during the final year of their training. 2. Grants for 2nd year students who will perform compulsory training module in Work Centres (FCT) in European companies. (Approximately 16 scholarships)Project participants will see improved their specific expertise in their sectors, but also acquire a series of key skills fundamental to be competitive professionals in the European labor market



20 Participants partenaires