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11 projets européens trouvés

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Bridging the Gap: world of school-world of work

Date du début: 19 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 18 sept. 2018,

The project plays an important role in the acquisition of technical and professional skills. It allows the participants to acquire hard and soft skills as well as personal and linguistic skills that provide the young trainees with a professional and initiative knowledge that they can practise on both a local and international level. Within the mobility activities, the project plans to involve 25 ...
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One of the central ideas underlying European Lifelong Learning policies is that international mobility should become a natural part of education and training schemes. This helps learners to achieve higher qualification levels which are crucial for a successful first step into the labour market or for career improvements. The EU Member States are fully committed to helping young people take advanta...
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MechMob - Mechanical&Mechatronics Mobility

Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016,

Mechanics in Arezzo and Reggio Emilia represents a cross sector for all other major regional production specializations. Its most significant scopes are: mechanical and plant engineering (gold sector and Textile Clothing Footwear sector in particular in AR), engine design in RE, oil hydraulics, food packaging, agricultural mechanics, precision mechanics. It is a concentrate of highly specialized t...
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Exchange and Training in Renewable Energy Sector

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

A. CONTEXT Environmental sustainability, efficient use of energy resources and development and use of renewable energies are European priorities (European Strategy 2020). EC – DG Employment, Social Affaires and Inclusion states that more than 20 million workers in Europe are engaged in activities connected to environmental sustainability; moreover, in the upcoming years the request of Green Jobs w...
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Professional On Line Life

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

The project POLL (Professional on line life) arises from the fact that the users of our schools, pupils and students, today show up in the class, while equipped with new technological tools with full-time connectivity. In particular tablets and Smartphones, which have made their raiding, especially the latter, are reasons for distraction and absentmindedness on the part of the students. News of ex...
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TEAching and Managing of learning groups

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

Total number of Sending Partners: 8 Total number of Participating Organisations: 12 Total number of beneficiary: 80 Length of mobility: 1 week Partner countries: Italy, France, Malta, Spain The purpose of the project TEA.M. are designed to fill the gap currently existing in the italian higher secondary school system where the penetration of cooperative learning systems is still very limited. The p...
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Employability- “A challenge for youth- Dreams and Reality”

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

The project aims to deal with the problems of the first inclusion of young Europeans in the labour market at the end of the studies. It will last two years, to create a "snapshot" of the relationship between the future workers and the real labour market for European citizens near to their first job, according to the different geographical and socio-economic areas in Europe: from this snapshot it i...
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Saídas Europeias Juvenis pela Transformação Territorial

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

This project is aimed at training 54 young people in the Professional School of Torredeita , aiming to address these new needs of regional businesses , contributing to the development of new professional and personal skills of human resources , and increasing business competitiveness . The sectors in which the project focuses are multisectorias and we intend to involve youth in the following areas...
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One of the central ideas underlying European Lifelong Learning policies is that international mobility should become a natural part of education and training schemes. This helps learners to achieve higher qualification levels which are crucial for a successful first step into the labour market or for career improvements. The EU Member States are fully committed to helping young people take advanta...
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Young Learners Mobility – YoulMob

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

South Tuscany believes in tranational mobility as a necessary and winning lever to PROMOTE THE FULL EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP, as well as to enhance and achieve its own goals of COMPETITIVENESS AND INNOVATION of the economic and local production as part of an INCLUSIVE GROWTH, because knowledge is the real wealth of people. The territory of South Tuscany needs young Europeans open to discussion, who c...
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Students at Work in European Enterprises through Training PLUS

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

The SWEET+ proposal is the result of the partnership between Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa, the sponsoring body and coordinator of the initiative, 13 proponent entities, 11 host/receiving organizations, and will involve 80 students of the fourth year of some higher vocational technical and professional schools of the province of Novara. Novara is placed at the intersection of two major Pan-Eur...
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