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20 projets européens trouvés

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PROfessional and personal empowerment in social FARMing

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

The European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 requires that appropriate attention have to be paid to persons with disabilities in bilateral agendas, as well as in development and emergency programs. A priority that is included in Article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) “recognize the right of persons with disabilities to education. With a view to ...
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Cinema for Refugees Social Inclusion

Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

RefugeesIN Project intends to contribute to the challenges identified at Europe 2020 initiatives and the European Agenda for Adult Learning as well, where is stressed the need for more cohesive and inclusive EU societies. This was even more accentuate at ERASMUS+ programme with a clear focus on social cohesion and the integration of refugees/migrants into the EU societies, when we are living a hum...
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European Knowledge Center for Mobility II

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

The European Knowledge Center for Mobility (EUKCEM) II project aims at contributing to a European Area of Skills and Competences and increased EU mobility by offering an one stop shop for important mobility processes including ECVET. The project is a follow-up of the LLP Leonardo da Vinci project EUKCEM that supported quality in mobility by structured step by step information about mobility proces...
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The education and training of adult people is often hindered by the lack of clear and stimulating goals for the student. Sometimes because it is not adapted to the students’ real needs, and others it has not practical consequences in their everyday life.The project “4.0 SMART E-LEARNING PLATFORM: A BIDIRECTIONAL INCLUSIVE ADULT EDUCATION FOR EUROPEAN AND REFUGEES” will last 24 months and it would ...
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NEET U Re-mobilizing experienced and resourceful seniors as NEET brokers to help young people change depressed NEET situations Social innovations do not happen by themselves. Throughout their life cycle, they need to be supported and nurtured if they are to make an impact on society and the economy. Empowering people, driving change – social innovation in the European Union, European Commission, ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The project consortium, PRÁCTICA LABORAL CON EUROPA DE ALUMNOS DE MADRID (Work based learning in Europe for Madrid students) requested through this call 2016, arises due to the interest shown by schools, and to provide continuity and response from the Directorate General for VET to the one started in 2015. In this call it has been increased up to 30% of the existing centres in Madrid and it is aim...
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Sustainable Energy Management @ Schools in Europe

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The project aims to promote the orientation of young people through an academic apprenticeship able to put the young learners involved in a position to increase their skills and to make them aware of the employment opportunities related to the energy sector . The aim of the project is therefore to raise the awareness of educational bodies on the themes of the green economy and to tr...
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It would not be difficult to adapt to changing working conditions. Employers want to recruit highly qualified, with specific experience, competitive, entrepreneurial workers. They are looking for employees who are self-contained, high-quality work, do not afraid of challenges, so it is very important to ensure the students' professional development, especially in developing learning opportunities ...
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Darbuotojų įgūdžių tobulinimas

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017,

The project "Employees skills improvement“ we want to achieve as trainers and staff involved in the vocational training process. The organization must respect the students' ethnic, security, social differences, they must know how vocational education system integrate students with a different native language, nationality, religijon, them vocational an learning process . Students with differ...
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Τrainers' skills development addressed to vulnerable and socially excluded groups

Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017,

Developmental Centre of Thessaly is a certified provider of VET training by the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), provide and support structured learning activities that are addressed to VET and adults and aim to enrich knowledge, to develop and improve skills and competencies, to the development of individual's personality and the sense ...
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Generation 0101

Date du début: 8 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 7 nov. 2016,

Youth unemployment is a growing problem in Europe today. At the same time, the need arises of placing stronger emphasis on the development and recognition of ICT skills in order for people all over Europe to become better educated and more competitive in the job market. Project Generation 0101, implemented through partnership of seven organizations from six countries – Turkey, Italy, Lithuania, La...
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La formación en el lugar de trabajo: oportunidades europeas para alumnos de Madrid

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

As it was stated in the initial proposal, this project led by the Directorate General for Secondary Education and VET was created within the frame of a consortium and responds to an initiative of commitment with European mobility in our region. In this Consortium, there were 22 participating VET schools from the five different areas in which the region of Madrid is divided. They all offer initial ...
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Teacher 2020 – on the road to entrepreneurial fluency in teacher education

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Teacher 2020 On the road to entrepreneurial fluency in teacher education “Teachers entering their profession with an awareness of entrepreneurial principles are able to ignite the ‘entrepreneurial spark’ and inspire their students’ right from the beginning of their professional career.” Commission, Entrepreneurship Education: A Guide for Educators, 2013 "It requires nothing less than a sea change...
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Working Tri21

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Currently, having a job is not only a source of income, but also an important tool to be part of the community for any group. This is clearer in groups with drop-out risks like people with some disabilities, in fact, traditionally, they have had problems to join in working life with equality. Moreover, managers and other workers have admitted that generally they don’t know how to act orwhat proced...
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Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

The " Thinking in Action" was one dedicated to providing the young participants , aged between 18 and 25 years , the opportunity to do environmental change and people to be active and committed , acquiring key skills for life as empathy Initiative shared leadership , creativity, Teamwork and Change Management . The proposal was the UN process of experimentation that led the youth in the implementa...
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Build Skills and Competences Required to Operate in a Workplace

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2015,

The main reason why the sending partners, 1st EPAL of Karditsa, Initial Vocational Training Institute of Karditsa and Laboratory Center of Karditsa, wish to implement the current project entitled “Build Skills and Competences Required to Operate in a Workplace”, in cooperation with the hosting partner Centro Studi Citta di Foligno and intermediary partner, European Grants International Academy S.r...
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European Cinema for Active Ageing

Date du début: 1 oct. 2013,

Aiming a solution to the European ageing population, demanding older people to acquire new skills and participate actively in society, CINAGE is a course addressing senior’s empowerment, using Cinema as instrument for an active ageing. CINAGE will review European Films and produce a grid for film critical analysis focused on six competences in active ageing - Civic and Community, Health, Emotiona...
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The presence of different kinds of barriers for the access of this target group to the ICT world, from those due to lack of technical expertise or for other purely economic or personal reasons, is a problem faced by all the European countries and, in order to be overcame, it needs large-scale and long-term innovative solutions.Various organizations from Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, ...
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East Marmara is on a region that may come up against different types of catastrophes like earthquakes, dangerous material spoil to TEM, terrosit attacks to strategic intitutions like TÜPRAŞ; TÜBİTAK, great traffic accidents... In this project we will try to collect the data on our region and decrease the dublication in the facilities of different institutions. We need to asses the training require...
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The final quality assurance system contains guidelines for the preparation and organization of work placements, the preparation of the beneficiaries, for mentoring, monitoring and evaluation as well as a partner registration tool. Institutions that are registered at EUKCEM and guarantee to implement the QAS tools issues EUKCEM certificates in addition to the Europass Mobility.EUKCEM established ...
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