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Sustainable Energy Management @ Schools in Europe
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project aims to promote the orientation of young people through an academic apprenticeship able to put the young learners involved in a position to increase their skills and to make them aware of the employment opportunities related to the energy sector . The aim of the project is therefore to raise the awareness of educational bodies on the themes of the green economy and to train young people from different European countries on the new professional profiles related to the energy in the building sector in a European vision . The partnership integrates operators in the field of training and the European energy sector, as well as from 80 VET schools where 1500 students will be directly involved in the activities students and 10,000 others informed. Target population are young people between 16 and 18 years , the schools, the institutions responsible for the management of educational / training interventions, economic operators in the energy sector. The objective of the proposed action is to improve the energy performance of school buildings in Europe , demonstrating concretely how you can get significant results in terms of reduction of CO2 emission starting from schools, associating it with a curricular growth of the young people involved. Therefore, in line with European initiatives on Open Education and New Skills for New Jobs, the actions of the project clearly respond to two specific objectives of the Erasmus program + in the field of education and training : 1 ) the enhancement of transversal key skills critical to the marketability of the vocational training courses in the world of work 2 ) innovation of training courses in a complementary way with policy reforms implemented at national level in order to modernize the VET systems The project intends to achieve three different levels of results that will affect the participants and the different actors involved : Behavioral improvements - Gain awareness of the energy problem , with particular attention to the rational use of energy - Be able to change their attitudes and habits towards the use of various forms of energy - Gain awareness of the problem of protecting the environment and better lifestyles through the transfer of experience to their families Improvement of specific knowledge in the field of energy and energy efficiency in buildings - Acquire knowledge of traditional and renewable energy , energy-environment issues, energy requirements - Know how to prepare an energy analysis and an Plan for the energetic improvement of the buildings, through the study of new technologies and innovation in the sector. - Know how to use computer technology Improving the capacity of vocational guidance - Know how to connect the current energy and environmental issues to trasforming political sets, with socio-economic scenarios and scientific-technological progress - Raise awareness among students of higher secondary institutes on "green jobs" and career opportunities directly or indirectly related to the development of the Green Economy (renewable energy and energy saving) The overall architecture of the project has been designed in such a way as to ensure that testing is not mere application by recipients of their proposed model , but necessarily imply their involvement in the co-production of outcomes and expected results. This imprinting substantiates the sustainability of results and products beyond the expiry date of the project, as it lays the groundwork for the full implementation, within the systems and target organisms, of a set of issues identified as good practices. For this reason the project is configured itself as an exploitation action, because not only tends to disseminate tools and methods but to acquire and internalize, by the contexts of arrival, substantive elements of change, with the objective of impacting on the demand of services from user -beneficiaries with relevance and efficiency.



8 Participants partenaires