SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education

: 16 déc. 2019

Recherche partenariat
A propos

SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education is a pioneering organisation which initiates and implements projects of positive social impact, with a focus on social inclusion (particularly in the fields of entrepreneurship, migrant integration, empowerment, sustainable development).  SYNTHESIS is one of the leading institutions in the country in the fields of social entrepreneurship and social innovation. It founded and manages HUB NICOSIA,  an educational centre and a community of organisations with cultural, environmental and social ; It also runs the SOCIAL CAFE, a unique initiative aiming at the empowerment of migrants and other disadvantaged groups;

Our main target groups are:

  • migrants, refugees and asylum seekers,
  • NEET youth,
  • women,
  • elderly, youth and adults with and without learning or emotional difficulties,
  • people with fewer opportunities with and without disabilities.

We develop and implement innovative projects and provide new tools and methods that meet social needs, create social relationships and form new collaborations to prevent social exclusion of vulnerable ; 

As accredited VET educational institution and adult education provider, SYNTHESIS delivers trainings and develops educational materials relevant to social inclusion, entrepreneurship, global education, including activities to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (eg., equal rights, peace and conflict resolution, responsible consumption and production, sustainable cities and communities etc). 

SYNTHESIS runs exclusive Units on Migrant Integration, Social Entrepreneurship Support, Youth and adult learning, School Education, Research and Policy, and VET and enterprise.

Working closely with stakeholders across the country and Europe, we bring innovation, mainly through digital, online, and mobile tools, to enable the balance between knowledge (hard skills) and interpersonal skills and stimulate the employability of every ;

SYNTHESIS is involved in a great number of Transnational European Projects and have established a network of reliable national and international partners, such as start-ups and social enterprises,  schools, teacher training institutions, educational and local authorities, universities, NGOs, migrant associations, chambers of commerce and European ;  

Innovative approach towards positive social and educational impact  is at the core of the success of all our projects ensuring quality results.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Innovation sociale
 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Développement durable
 Agenda numérique pour l'Europe
 Innovation & Recherche
 Éducation et formation
 Apprentissage des adultes
 Migrants et Réfugiés

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