9 sept. 2022
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
KGI STAVE ENCRYPT was established in 2022 by creative professionals who have repeatedly been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This urged the core team to find ways to support themselves and others in similar situations. STAVE ENCRYPT's mission is to build inclusive communities with resilient individuals shaping the World where, without second guessing, culture and creativity are at the heart of problem-solving, social equity and equal opportunities for all. The main scope of STAVE ENCRYPT is based on two main axes:
- Supporting CCS professionals to develop and increase skills, such as digital and entrepreneurial, to face the COVID-19 crisis and keep up with the sector's digitalization.
- Using various expressions of art and creativity, such as music, visual art, dance, and others, to empower disadvantaged and marginalized groups to enable their active engagement in all aspects of life and facilitate their inclusion in the local communities
The specific objectives of the organization are the following:
- To encourage CCS professionals to become key players in establishing and improving how creative products, cultural goods and events are created, managed, disseminated, and consumed.
- To encourage Cultural and Social Innovation and Creative Entrepreneurship by supporting and guiding CCS professionals.
- Enable and facilitate collaboration and create networks between CCS, disadvantaged groups, and local communities.
- Promote culture, in each of its ways of expression, as a tool to facilitate social inclusion, empowerment, positive reinforcement and skills development of disadvantaged individuals and groups.
- To support the digitization of cultural activities and products.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (AMIF)
Bandes dessinées
Héritage culturel
Culture et développement
Europe créative
Production de musique
Reliability, creativity, interest in incorporating arts and culture in EU project activities, innovative digital solutions for artists, and support for migrants and youth.
Geri, Cyprus
il y a 2 ans
il y a 2 ans
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