Looking for fruitful PARTNERSHIPS!

il y a 3 ans

SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education

Institut de recherche


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

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SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education is preparing proposals on the following topics: 

  • Digital transformation and digital skills ( in culture, higher education, social inclusion of people with disabilities, other),
  • Sustainable Development and Climate change,
  • Women Empowerment
  • Social Entrepreneurship,
  • Migrant Inclusion and more.

We are interested to establish fruitful and mutually beneficial ;To express your interest, please, contact us! 


 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Innovation sociale
 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Développement durable
 Agenda numérique pour l'Europe
 Innovation & Recherche
 Éducation et formation
 Apprentissage des adultes
 Migrants et Réfugiés

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