SYNTHESIS - Your partner towards positive social impact

il y a 4 ans

SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education

Institut de recherche


Recherche partenariat

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Are you looking for a reliable and experienced partner for your Erasmus+ KA2 Innovation, KA3, Horizon2020, EaSI, AAL, Europe for Citizens,or other EU projects? It's your lucky day!
SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education is a pioneering organisation implementing projects with social impact, primarily in the fields of social inclusion, migrant integration, entrepreneurship, sustainable development and ;


  • the leading organization of Cyprus and an aspiring business incubator in the fields of social entrepreneurship and social innovation
  • creator of HUB Nicosia - a co-working space and an educational center;
  • and the SOCIAL CAFE - an initiative aiming at the empowerment & inclusion of members of migrant ;

Learn more and explore on how we can contribute to the success of your projects by contacting  !

 Innovation sociale
 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Éducation et formation
 Europe pour les citoyens
 Fonds social européen (FSE)
 Horizon Europe
 Programme LIFE
 Migrants et Réfugiés

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