Rella Women's Foundation
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Rella Women’s Foundation is learning and growing towards changing the processes, and dismantling the status quo around Sexual, Orientation, Gender, Identity and Expression. This is to produce tremendous results of change while influencing Uganda's political, economical and social systems through its laws and policies.
With progressive communities and human centered programing we work towards the promotion, protection, and respect of Human Rights as we carry out crisis response for Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer women day by day.
In a world filled with risks, crisis and continuous undermining of human rights, social protection programs such as those at Rella Women’s Foundation help LBQ individuals and families especially the poor and vulnerable to cope with crisis and shocks, find jobs, invest in health and education for themselves and their families.
With Social justice feminism we recognize LBQ issues of oppression dealing with race, class, sexuality, and citizenship and challenging them through community based practices rather than theory.
As we build a resilient and sustainable LBQ movement, we believe that movements will only be successful if they grow beyond those who started them. With this we have broadened our audience beyond those who began the movement and the LBQ community.
As we invest in community and organizational capacity building, we support both bonding and bridging. Bonding strengthens ties within the LBQ community, and bridging builds ties between different the LBQ community and other groups. As we build the LBQ movement, we intentionally develop strong relationships within different groups, while also collaborating across these groups.
Political power, economic power, and social power are often intertwined, and shifting any one of these will require us to shift the others as well. To achieve this, we shall create clear outcomes and build community, stakeholders, capacity awareness, and recognition to shift systemic power in order to achieve the desired community outcome of creating safe havens for social protection and social justice.
As a feminist entity with social justice we hope that LBQ persons attain equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. Through a feminist and gender lesnes, our programs aim to open the doors of access and opportunity for LBQ persons, particularly those in greatest need.
Rella Women’s Foundation has four core programs that aid us in achieving our vision, act towards the mission, and address the objectives. Due to the constant surveys, engagements, research, and referrals carried out by Rella's programs we work under a human and community centered approach so that we can constantly keep growing, remain effective and relevant to our partners and stakeholders. These include;
The Rella House of Hope - Tansitioning shelter
Hakuna Matata Program - Sexual and Reproductive Justice
Hebwa Program - Economic Justice
Rella Leadership and Movement building - Political inlusion and justice
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