The Rella House of Hope - for trasnsitional and temporary housing

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Rella Women's Foundation

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The Rella House of Hope. Rella WF believes and understands that we all have a right to home as a human right. Alongside our home program we have well thought effective and efficient projects that are carried out, they are meant to guide and support the strategic transitioning of Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Queer women to get attain a permanent, safe, and affordable housing in Uganda.

The causes of the repetitive homelessness among LBQ women in Uganda is endless and so are the stories and experiences of the ladies that have undergone and faced homelessness, for this reason, Rella Women’s Foundation through the Rella House of Hope provides safe spaces and environments inform of transformational temporary home for challenged LBQ women living in Uganda.

The Rella House of Hope’s main intent is to guide and encourage LBQ women to obtain and keep permanent housing, breaking the repetitive cycle of homelessness.

The projects in the Rella House of Hope Program Include; Empower Project, Rella Protection Project, Rella Recovery and Wellness Project, Rella House of Hope Research and advocacy Project

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